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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 10:12:18

honestly, yes, metallica hasnt put out a decent album in 15 years. However, Megadeth's "The System Has Failed" is an absolute masterpeice, proving that dave mustain can still write good material. Alice Cooper released "Dirty Diamonds" last year, and I think its better than 90% of the shit being put out today.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 10:14:06

Actually I ought to promote this guy's other two projects...
http://www.myspace.com/frozenglare is his BM project (he is WS) (the songs are amazing and th newest CD kicks ass)
http://www.myspace.com/tombof is his Doom project (WS again) (dont listen to the pieces of Tomb of... he has on myspace, its not the real music, its just intros, you will get a wrong idea)
Both are relatively known... With releases and shit.. *is so excited*
I cant believe I got an offer from that guy... But I owe it to the Rotting Christ guys. They promoted me to him XD
Thanx Goatchrist...

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 10:18:40

At 1/29/06 10:14 AM, Lykaki wrote: I cant believe I got an offer from that guy... But I owe it to the Rotting Christ guys. They promoted me to him XD
Thanx Goatchrist...

Promote me to the Rotting Christ guys! :P Damn..working with them would be a dream come true :)

You're welcome.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 10:19:46

Sorry fot the double-post but gotta correct myself. Not all the songs in http://www.myspace.com/tombof are intros. Listen to the last one, thats more like 'the music' he makes. ^^ Or the before the last one.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 10:39:41

At 1/29/06 08:43 AM, Lykaki wrote: Thnks!!!!! *tears of greatfulness*
See Kronik...? Now its more or less proved that I am a she! *writes SHE on her shirt*

*looks at your profile* Sorry! it's just that I don't usually see Females liking darker Metal. I guess that's no exscuse to assume. Well, yeah, we all make mistakes.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 10:59:46

What have i missed? I got a weekend from Hell(in bad way...)and i really dont have a good mood. But whaeva,nobody care...
Umm...yeah,to teh REALLY business! For those who are waiting my pic (all one: me) to my profile,please wait. I installed PhotoShop on friday,so maybe i have time to make my pic enogh small. In those,who want to know how i look: im that long-haired, ugly son-of-a-bitch where your children see nightmares. :D

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 11:01:42

Its ok I didnt get THAT insulted... XD
And Goat, well I'll do my best, but its not too easy... I mean, there are so many people that want to work with them, they cant possibly give everyone a try! But I will try. ^^
Its pity you cant sleep with them, it helps... *rotflol and more rotflol*

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 11:08:43

Where, I live, seeing a female into darker Metal is a about as rare as a 13 year old liking REAL underground Metal bands.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 11:47:37

At 1/29/06 10:59 AM, ChainsawCharlie wrote: . In those,who want to know how i look: im that long-haired, ugly son-of-a-bitch where your children see nightmares. :D


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Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:00:57

My dear fellow metalfans,

I just went to my friends place after a great show in which I was guest guitarist, and in his little appartment he played a cd. On this cd the band 'Dead Silent Slumber' (project by Naglfar's vocalist) could be heard. I was stunned for hours... 0.o
so... good... *orgasms*

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:02:36

At 1/29/06 11:01 AM, Lykaki wrote: And Goat, well I'll do my best, but its not too easy... I mean, there are so many people that want to work with them, they cant possibly give everyone a try! But I will try. ^^

Hehe, yeah ;)

Its pity you cant sleep with them, it helps... *rotflol and more rotflol*

I'm not going to dig deeper into this ;)

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:02:52

I have one question: What is the WORST metal band you have heard? I'd Have to say any Hair Metal bands, and Nu-Metal bands (if it is Metal), I've heard, and Cradle of FIlth. Reason why I said Cradle of FIlth: Aaside from the vocalist's annyoing screeching voice that irritates me VERY much, It's also the fact that they're sellouts who whored themselves out to MTV, and also the fact that they try to be like Iron Maiden. Some of thier songs sound a bit well, samey, and also the fact they're songs sound iritating.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:08:19

At 1/29/06 12:02 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: What is the WORST metal band you have heard?

Hmm, Metallica on St. Anger. I know it's not Metal but the band once was.

Then there's Trivium, listen to one song by them and you heard them all. They all suck.

Hmm...that's all for now.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:13:34

Gorguts and Cradle of Filth

Worst show ever seen live: Suffocation @ Wacken last year. Goddam that was shit

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:17:13

At 1/29/06 12:13 PM, duffeknol wrote: Worst?
Gorguts and Cradle of Filth

Well, Gorguts isn't as bad as Cradle of FIlth. Anyway, I found this cool

Metal head test on a website. I thought it might be interesting.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:17:49

At 1/29/06 12:13 PM, duffeknol wrote: Worst show ever seen live: Suffocation @ Wacken last year. Goddam that was shit

Seriously? I do like some of Suffocation's studio material but I've never seen them live.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:20:16

At 1/29/06 12:17 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Metal head test on a website. I thought it might be interesting.

I know that one already and quite frankly, it's fucking retarded :)

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:24:11

At 1/29/06 12:20 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:17 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Metal head test on a website. I thought it might be interesting.
I know that one already and quite frankly, it's fucking retarded :)

It's the only good one I can find. Then again it's the only one I found.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:32:09

At 1/29/06 12:24 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:20 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:17 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Metal head test on a website. I thought it might be interesting.
I know that one already and quite frankly, it's fucking retarded :)
It's the only good one I can find. Then again it's the only one I found.

here you go:
the best one around :D

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:34:55

Not much going on back here... I had a few days off singing and then tried Broken by Sonata Arctica... I tell you, I was exhausted after the second time I sung it... I really need to train more! And warm up a bit better:P! The most annoying thing about that song is that it's mixed so that the singer's voice overlaps itself several times during the song, just enough to make it irritating to sing live, but not enough to make it possible to skip any lines. I'm going to need a background vocalist... :/ ...Any volunteers willing to move next to my apartment?! It's in Lapland! ^^

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:36:20

At 1/29/06 12:34 PM, Tuovila wrote: Not much going on back here... I had a few days off singing and then tried Broken by Sonata Arctica... I tell you, I was exhausted after the second time I sung it... I really need to train more! And warm up a bit better:P! The most annoying thing about that song is that it's mixed so that the singer's voice overlaps itself several times during the song, just enough to make it irritating to sing live, but not enough to make it possible to skip any lines. I'm going to need a background vocalist... :/ ...Any volunteers willing to move next to my apartment?! It's in Lapland! ^^

That sounds pretty damn exhausting :D Not a fan of Sonata Arctica, but I know that you need decent skills for pulling that off.

btw, did you download my EP? I posted the link on the last page I think.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:46:27

At 1/29/06 12:17 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:13 PM, duffeknol wrote: Worst show ever seen live: Suffocation @ Wacken last year. Goddam that was shit
Seriously? I do like some of Suffocation's studio material but I've never seen them live.

All they did was play. Period. Not even a headbang, not even a word to the crowd, not even a spot of originality. I honestly hate Suffocation's music too, but normally a good show makes up for that.
I walked away after 3 songs, it was fucking retarded

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:50:16

At 1/29/06 12:36 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:34 PM, Tuovila wrote:

That sounds pretty damn exhausting :D Not a fan of Sonata Arctica, but I know that you need decent skills for pulling that off.

Well, it was my lack of training for days so my voice was gone... and the confusing mixing of the lyrics was enough to fuck my breathing totally. I do admit it was the third time I sung the whole song so I might be too hard on myself. ^^'

btw, did you download my EP? I posted the link on the last page I think.

I did and I'm happy to say I liked it! I think the guitar riffs were good and I like whispering more than staight out shouting. Great work!

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:51:37

At 1/29/06 12:32 PM, duffeknol wrote: here you go:
the best one around :D

Bettet than the one I found!

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 12:52:06

At 1/29/06 12:50 PM, Tuovila wrote: Well, it was my lack of training for days so my voice was gone... and the confusing mixing of the lyrics was enough to fuck my breathing totally. I do admit it was the third time I sung the whole song so I might be too hard on myself. ^^'

You probably are too hard on yourself ;)

I did and I'm happy to say I liked it! I think the guitar riffs were good and I like whispering more than staight out shouting. Great work!

Thanks dude, glad you enjoyed it :)

duffeknol, well then I know what you mean. No stage performance = sucky show

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 13:36:26

any mallgoth could 100% that metal head quiz duff :P

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Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 13:59:24

At 1/29/06 12:02 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: I have one question: What is the WORST metal band you have heard? I'd Have to say any Hair Metal bands, and Nu-Metal bands (if it is Metal), I've heard, and Cradle of FIlth. Reason why I said Cradle of FIlth: Aaside from the vocalist's annyoing screeching voice that irritates me VERY much, It's also the fact that they're sellouts who whored themselves out to MTV, and also the fact that they try to be like Iron Maiden. Some of thier songs sound a bit well, samey, and also the fact they're songs sound iritating.

Well, about 90% of what darkthrone puts out is complete shit (Transilvanian Hunger, Soulside Journey, A Blaze In The Northern Sky, Hate Them (mostly), Sardonic Wrath, The Cult is Alive, Total Death, Panzerfaust), so Darkthrone would qualify as one of the worst metal bands I've heard.

Another one is Hate Eternal. I d worded a few of their songs, and they sound like... boring, recycled, unoriginal, badly written, fast paced death metal. I fell asleep before the third one played.

Another one is Dimmu Borgir. They've made good stuff, and are capable of making good stuff, but they just don't. I mean, For All Tid and both Stormblaasts were fucking awesome, but everything else just starts smelling like shit after the third listen. It's mostly the filler disease (where they have pointless speed fests and horrible riffs to fill in the space between the melodic parts.)

Another one is In Flames. They were originally bland, no-faced Swedish melodeath. Then they made ONE good album that was original, despite the obvious commercial direction, then they made one of the worst abominations of metal I've ever heard. From the frying pan to the fire.

Another one is Trivium. It's like Hate Eternal, but with even worse songwriting ability and in metalcore flavour.

Another one is Moonblood. Shitty cliche` black metal. Like Hate Eternal, but in black metal flavour.

Final one- VON. It's a joke, I think, but it's still shit. It's basically the epitome of repitition and boredom. Not only do they recycle riffs in their songs (they never switch riffs), but they recycle SHITTY ASS riffs. The shittiest riffs I've ever heard. Purely unlistenable.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 14:05:10

At 1/29/06 12:32 PM, duffeknol wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:24 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:20 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:17 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Metal head test on a website. I thought it might be interesting.
I know that one already and quite frankly, it's fucking retarded :)
It's the only good one I can find. Then again it's the only one I found.
here you go:
the best one around :D

Replace Sweden with Norway and Iron Maiden with ManOwaR or MayheM and you got yourself a good quiz!

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 14:07:37

At 1/29/06 12:02 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: I have one question: What is the WORST metal band you have heard?

Umm...Metallica's St. Anger is terrible,but Metallica is these-days totally shit,I agree with that,but band...? Hmm...maybe is something Nu-Metal,that's totally bull-shit,but i dunno to say one band. Korn is un-good...
And Lykaki, i tried to see some Burzum,but there were not a one CD,so if i want Burzum i must to order some...

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-29 14:24:45

At 1/29/06 02:07 PM, ChainsawCharlie wrote:
At 1/29/06 12:02 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: I have one question: What is the WORST metal band you have heard?
Umm...Metallica's St. Anger is terrible,but Metallica is these-days totally shit,. Korn is un-good...

Yep, but with my list I tried to stay with genuine metal bands

And Lykaki, i tried to see some Burzum,but there were not a one CD,so if i want Burzum i must to order some...

I have all burzum.