At 1/29/06 12:02 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote:
I have one question: What is the WORST metal band you have heard? I'd Have to say any Hair Metal bands, and Nu-Metal bands (if it is Metal), I've heard, and Cradle of FIlth. Reason why I said Cradle of FIlth: Aaside from the vocalist's annyoing screeching voice that irritates me VERY much, It's also the fact that they're sellouts who whored themselves out to MTV, and also the fact that they try to be like Iron Maiden. Some of thier songs sound a bit well, samey, and also the fact they're songs sound iritating.
Well, about 90% of what darkthrone puts out is complete shit (Transilvanian Hunger, Soulside Journey, A Blaze In The Northern Sky, Hate Them (mostly), Sardonic Wrath, The Cult is Alive, Total Death, Panzerfaust), so Darkthrone would qualify as one of the worst metal bands I've heard.
Another one is Hate Eternal. I d worded a few of their songs, and they sound like... boring, recycled, unoriginal, badly written, fast paced death metal. I fell asleep before the third one played.
Another one is Dimmu Borgir. They've made good stuff, and are capable of making good stuff, but they just don't. I mean, For All Tid and both Stormblaasts were fucking awesome, but everything else just starts smelling like shit after the third listen. It's mostly the filler disease (where they have pointless speed fests and horrible riffs to fill in the space between the melodic parts.)
Another one is In Flames. They were originally bland, no-faced Swedish melodeath. Then they made ONE good album that was original, despite the obvious commercial direction, then they made one of the worst abominations of metal I've ever heard. From the frying pan to the fire.
Another one is Trivium. It's like Hate Eternal, but with even worse songwriting ability and in metalcore flavour.
Another one is Moonblood. Shitty cliche` black metal. Like Hate Eternal, but in black metal flavour.
Final one- VON. It's a joke, I think, but it's still shit. It's basically the epitome of repitition and boredom. Not only do they recycle riffs in their songs (they never switch riffs), but they recycle SHITTY ASS riffs. The shittiest riffs I've ever heard. Purely unlistenable.