At 10/10/23 02:28 AM, Goatchrist wrote:Yo people, this is crazy quiet.
I had been thinking about you guys here so I thought I'd ask Newgrounds to send me a new password (forgot everything, durrrr) - so how are you guys?
I also forgot my password a few times.
I'm being encouraged (or pressured, even) to continue persuing drums. Heavy music, not as much these days, but I can't control my tempo when I hit a drum set. I have to go fast. Focusing on better groove would be good. I'm just around pro drummers a lot and don't feel comfortable playing in front of them. But I'm more into relaxing music ATM like electronic or instrumental hip hop/trip hop. Dreamy stuff. If I do have that itch, still scratched by mostly sludge stuff like Obscure Sphynx and Intronaut. My best friend just showed me Modern Day Babylon. It's an instrumental djenty sounding band, but they get a bit post-rocky, kinda Isis style. They rock, and Coma is fuckin' sick!
For those who haven't heard it, this is the new Cannibal Corpse record and they are still as reliably kickass as ever:
This is badass. Never really checked out CC, but have been a fan of Alex Webster since hearing Blotted Science.
You and @Murray, Nev, D3NTATUS, Elghoulio, Idiosyncratic, ShitOnAStick, Bill, AllmightyBruce, TakeNoPrisoners, Charon, and a bunch of other folks here formed my taste in music from age 16 and on. Good to hear from you guys. I haven't forgotten.