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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 16:21:04

At 1/15/06 03:26 PM, Tuovila wrote:
eh... HIM?!

eh, im pretty damn sure H.I.M. isn't metal, and if they are...they suck. they are all into fairies and butterflies. weird.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 16:32:06

At 1/15/06 04:21 PM, MechaMetal wrote:
At 1/15/06 03:26 PM, Tuovila wrote:
eh... HIM?!
eh, im pretty damn sure H.I.M. isn't metal, and if they are...they suck. they are all into fairies and butterflies. weird.

Well, H.I.M. IMO is something called "Love Metal", which I really am not sure exists... I told everyone I'm quite new to the genre so there are many things I might be misled about. With all these different types of metal and rock around... Still, what do you think? What defines "metal"?

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 16:40:14

At 1/15/06 04:14 PM, Tuovila wrote: Him and other stuff

Him is on the verge, but I don't consider them to be metal. Here's a type: check out
The Metal Archives . If they aren't in there, they aren't metal.

The line is hard to define...I can't tell you, you just know.

IMO you seem eager to learn, and that's what matters. I would let you in. However, I kinda need approval from either Goatchrist or another, more senior, member of the club

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 16:54:33

Tuovila, dude I like your attitude! Opeth, Iron Maiden, and Metallica are metal. And as Imperium said, use the metal archives, it's the biggest metal reference site on the web. I'd say you're in, but that would be up to Mr. Goatchrist. =]

As for reccomendations, check out POWER METAL. Bands like Dragonforce, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Jag Panzer, all have clean vocals and are very melodic.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 17:11:49

At 1/15/06 04:54 PM, CowsCanBark wrote: Tuovila, dude I like your attitude! Opeth, Iron Maiden, and Metallica are metal. And as Imperium said, use the metal archives, it's the biggest metal reference site on the web. I'd say you're in, but that would be up to Mr. Goatchrist. =]

Thank you! Well, All I can do now is wait for his call.
BTW, I ran a search on Metal Archives for "Disturbed" and it gave me another, 80's band. And it said "not to be confused with the mallcore band." Boy, I've seen some pics of mallcores and I can tell you: I suddenly seem to have INCREDIBLY broad taste for music (0.o)...more than I'd like to admid... But nevertheless, I won't let public opinion stop me from enjoying the music I like!^^

As for reccomendations, check out POWER METAL. Bands like Dragonforce, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Jag Panzer, all have clean vocals and are very melodic.

Thanks for the tips!

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 17:53:09

Tuovila, you do know some metal already and you DEFINITELY seem to be interested in more. You're in, for sure. Welcome to the club :)

You like melodic stuff with mostly clean vocals...hmm, I'll recommend you some albums:

Soilwork -A Predator's Portrait, Natural Born Chaos
In Flames - Clayman, Come Clarity
Dark Tranquillity - Projector
Iced Earth - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Nightfall, Ancient Dreams(Warning! Depressive stuff ;) )
Beseech - ...From a bleeding heart, Souls Highway

try these, you should like most of it :)

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 18:19:19

Good attitude Tuovila
You'd probably like the Crown (formarly known as Crown of Thorns), for their very cool and melodic sounds.
If you want to try out something freaky yet very melodic too check Lykathea Aflame

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 20:29:41

a few more power suggestions to you Tuovila- Skyfire, Helloween, Nevermore

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 20:41:07

And (of course) Hypocrisy!
their albums Hypocrisy and Into the Abyss would be pure gold for you, I'll bet

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 21:08:01

At 1/15/06 02:27 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
Pretty damn good. Could use some more viking stuff in my collection :)

Well, here's a twist: The whole viking mythology I use is actually more like ANGLICAN mythology (I have more anglican roots than nordic) and thus the lyrics deal with Wodan, rather than Odin, and Frigg, rather than Frijo. Also, the drums are surprisingly fast. On Leaves of Yggdrasil, it's a bit slower, but has its fast moments. The atmosphere is so pagan, I can't even begin to describe it. And yes, I did get the rest of the band's permission to give the stuff to you guys, even if it won't be available for a week or two.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-15 21:10:07

oh, and new albums!! I got Louder Than Hell, by ManOwaR, which is their only album where I LOVE every single song, and Attera Totus Sanctus, which is almost exactly like Diabolis Interium, except faster, harder, eviler, and Caligula's vokills sound more like Jens Kidman (meshuggah)'s vocals.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 02:29:51

We've just restored the Burzum forum. It needs experienced users who can contribute interesting conversation to drown out the inevitable idiots. Frostwood is finding us some moderators, so if you're interested send him a line.


Rumors of a new Burzum album float around. Apparently, it's a metal album and will be made either from prison or immediately following release.

* Should another album be made?

* Should it be metal, keyboard or traditional Norsk instruments?

* Should he continue to avoid directly stating political opinion, so his albums keep that "power art" feel?

* Who's going to publish it?

Some of us here talked it over and here was the consensus: no to more politics in the music; keep it in interviews. Yes to another album, no to metal. We have no idea how he'll get it published.


All musicians have ideas. These ideas, when they deal with other people, are political. Even the most "individualistic" person wants to control others. Musicians, like any artists, when they make music will often incorporate some of these ideas. Some are purely in sound form, and others are given words, and here's where they can get into trouble.

It's not race itself that's the taboo of our time. It's the idea that we are determined by biological factors more than social ones. Society wants to believe it can give us money, educate us, indoctrinate us and force us through public health care and it will have produced the best citizens it can. The ugly (for some) truth is that much as we breed animals or plants, we have to breed humans. Race is part of this, as is eugenics, as is worship of genius. This taboo line defies our modern philosophy of "materialistic individualism."

Varg, unlike most metal musicians, was willing to cross that line -- and others follow (bravery is rewarded, sometimes).

All the good things in life are not for sale. Fine art can be sold, but you're buying the CD, not the ability to create or understand or share the music. Culture cannot be created with televisions, nor can it be made profitable. It's either culture, or consumerism. It's either good leadership, or democracy. It's either racial separation, or genocide. Burzum stepped out and showed us that, if we want to see the world of higher ideals and fantasy shown us in his music, we have to oppose modern society at a philosophical level.


Many good topics arose on the last incarnation, although admittedly it died a slow and painful death. The popularity of Burzum within Black Metal invites all sorts of people. Especially the wild, liberal trolls complaining about the ideals of Varg... such is life.

Are these forums going to be publicised soon?

If you want to help:

* Post the URL to the forum everywhere as a new message, for example in blog or forum or news service, Subject: New Burzum Forum launched; content: any part of the above message.

* Put the URL in your signature file on any forums or userlink services (MySpace, LinkedIn, Ringo) where you're a member.

* Anytime you rip a Burzum mp3, include site URL and forum URL in a README.TXT file.


Burzum Forum

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 05:15:50

Burzum are overrated... Ok, they are good, but I am gonna bother waste my time on them... Whatever.

Btw welcome Tuovila guy. You are Finnish huh? You dont listen to such great music, but you are Finnish, so you get obviously qualified... :P
Good Finnish music I could suggest to a newbie to the genre is Ajattara, Catamenia, Mustan Kuun Lapset, Diablo, Enochian Crescent and Count De Nocte.
And btw if I pay you can you teach me Finnish..? ^^
(no I am not obsessed with Finnish things, I am just having a passionate affair with a Finnish blackmetaller and I am taking it too seriously :P)

Crap its been so long since I posted last time... I've been so busy >_<
Anyway, I have been listening to
Der Sturmer

And because I've been long absent, how are you people doing (ghoul? gchrist? duff?)

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 08:56:04

At 1/16/06 05:15 AM, Lykaki wrote:
Btw welcome Tuovila guy. You are Finnish huh? You dont listen to such great music, but you are Finnish, so you get obviously qualified... :P

Thanks! Wow... that's the first time I've received THAT reaction! :D
My musical taste is pretty vast, and continues to expand all the time as I get used to new kinds of music. The downside is, there's ALWAYS some kind I like but at least one of my friends hates. :-/

Good Finnish music I could suggest to a newbie to the genre is Ajattara, Catamenia, Mustan Kuun Lapset, Diablo, Enochian Crescent and Count De Nocte.
And btw if I pay you can you teach me Finnish..? ^^

Sure! But I tell you Finnish is a hard language to start from a scratch. Though an Australian friend of mine only took one year to learn it pretty well, at least to understand. Tell me what you want to know! Also, you could visit the Finland/Suomi Club here on Newgrounds...

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 09:05:41

Sorry for the double post but I just noticed that you already HAD been there.^^' And I'm also sorry for the inappropriate "compliments" someone there suggested... There are always those willing to mess with foreigners. But this is a bit off- topic...

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 09:32:50

Tuovila - glad you're in. Fins are pretty cool, and good bands do come from there. Sorry I missed the whole power metal genre, you'd probably like that (it more or less had to do with the fact that I don't listen to power metal very much).

Like Ghoul posted before, you all should probably check BMR when you have a chance, I thought a couple episodes were really good. I even got introduced to a (split-up) pretty good melodic black metal band. Black stuff seems to be growing on me every time I listen to it...

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 09:53:50

I think i asked this question before without recieving and answer... What do you guys think about Gwar and It Dies Today?

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 10:23:30

I dont know what the guys think, but the chick thinks NOOOOOOPE :P
Dont like them. Never will. Gwar are just... ridiculous...

Btw Finnish person, you dont have an msn? O.o is that... possible..?

And 2nd btw, well, the 2 times I've been to Finland, I got the impression that Finnish people communicte just by saying *PERKELE! VITTU! SAATANA!*
Or maybe it was just my.. bad.. friends:P

And out of subect, have the bands which will play in WoA festval been decided? Anyone here knows/will go?

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 11:12:14

At 1/16/06 10:23 AM, Lykaki wrote:
Btw Finnish person, you dont have an msn? O.o is that... possible..?

No. It's not possible. :) I have MSN and I just added you there, providing the address in your profile was it. I just don't like to pass my MSN account around, have had some bad experiences...

And 2nd btw, well, the 2 times I've been to Finland, I got the impression that Finnish people communicte just by saying *PERKELE! VITTU! SAATANA!*
Or maybe it was just my.. bad.. friends:P

Swearwords are used fairly often by Finns, escpecially youngsters. But they're still not accepted around older people or public places. I myself don't swear other than when singing or out of SERIOUS frustration! ^^' getting a bit off- topic AGAIN here... sorry about that...again... :P

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 11:26:33

can i join? i like GWAR, slayer and metallica. if you've never heard of GWAR they're totally kickass.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 12:25:46

At 1/16/06 10:23 AM, Lykaki wrote: And out of subect, have the bands which will play in WoA festval been decided? Anyone here knows/will go?

I'm going this year, even though the lineup (check the wacken site) is pretty shitty actually, only a few good bands.

how are you, duff

people here are starting to hate me, I'm soooo kvlt :P

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 12:28:29

Is today the National fucking GWAR day or something..?How many people will mention that band today!!!!??!! First of all OF COURSE we have heard of them... What do you think? That you discovered some very underground uknown band..? Personally I dont like them at all. In fact I have very agressive reactions to their name...
But hey I dont decide. The VeteranS of the site decide, and we just shut up and respect the decisions... ^^

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 12:29:36

At 1/16/06 11:26 AM, purpl-draink wrote: can i join? i like GWAR, slayer and metallica. if you've never heard of GWAR they're totally kickass.

im pretty sure most of us have heard of gwar. im pretty sure not all of us think they're kick ass.
not sure if you even read the first page of the thread, but you need to post more than 3 bands to join.
on another note, i have to say your post kinda made me ... hmm, laugh a bit. lol. <- like that.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 12:48:02

I personally don't like Gwar that much... But its worth it to see them live... They are some incredible people...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 12:59:44

At 1/16/06 12:28 PM, Lykaki wrote: But hey I dont decide. The VeteranS of the site decide, and we just shut up and respect the decisions... ^^

heh, just try to not shut up and don't respect their decisions, I got my ass spanked pretty much because I disagreed on some points :P

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 13:49:45

At 1/16/06 12:59 PM, duffeknol wrote: heh, just try to not shut up and don't respect their decisions, I got my ass spanked pretty much because I disagreed on some points :P

Don't start crying ;)

Yeah, to that GWAR guy,(forgot his name) post some more bands you like.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 14:35:59

I like Gwar, they're...interesting. Thier new stuff is kick ass.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 15:24:14

i dont really like gwar. and if u do, u should like slipknot, both bands were masks and talk about stupid shit...they are sometimes funny, like when they ripped a Paris Hilton doll apart and all the guts came out. that was pretty sweet.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 16:39:06

At 1/16/06 11:12 AM, Tuovila wrote:
At 1/16/06 10:23 AM, Lykaki wrote:

Btw Finnish person, you dont have an msn? O.o is that... possible..?
No. It's not possible. :) I have MSN and I just added you there, providing the address in your profile was it. I just don't like to pass my MSN account around, have had some bad experiences...

Add me, good sir.

And 2nd btw, well, the 2 times I've been to Finland, I got the impression that Finnish people communicte just by saying *PERKELE! VITTU! SAATANA!*
Or maybe it was just my.. bad.. friends:P
Swearwords are used fairly often by Finns, escpecially youngsters. But they're still not accepted around older people or public places. I myself don't swear other than when singing or out of SERIOUS frustration! ^^' getting a bit off- topic AGAIN here... sorry about that...again... :P

Eh. I curse like a sailor. Seriously, lots of people get offended by the way I talk in real life.

Oh, and if you didn't hear, Tuovila, I'm handing out free copies of Asgarður's On The Eve of Battle + A Sword In God's Ribs. When we record the other song, Leaves Of Yggdrasil, I'll make it available online if you want it.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-01-16 16:39:26

At 1/16/06 01:49 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
At 1/16/06 12:59 PM, duffeknol wrote: heh, just try to not shut up and don't respect their decisions, I got my ass spanked pretty much because I disagreed on some points :P
Don't start crying ;)

too late man, far too late, you really hurt my feelings :"(
I'm so damn sensitive :P
nah, I deserved it