At 8/14/13 01:10 AM, Viper50 wrote: I was walking through a store and noticed it out of the corner of my eye and grabbed it. Only cost like $8 too.
Been looking for some new shirts myself. I've been wearing most of the same shirts for years. I have 2 Anti-Nowhere League shirts that I've been wearing regularly for like 5 years or something. They're starting to fade and both have a hole. My Motorhead - The World Is Yours shirt has seen a lot of use too. Most of my other shirts are for various punk bands and they've gotten too small. I have shirts for a few bands: Macc Lads, Slaughter & the Dogs, The Damned, Haggis, Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Restarts, Sham 69. There's even a Hells Angels support t-shirt in there haha.