At 5/30/13 04:20 PM, infamoss wrote:
At 5/30/13 03:03 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Blotted Science, Cynic, Symphony X and Agalloch.
Meshuggah and AAL destroy these bands anyway, so it doesn't really matter, saying that they suck is more ignorant than I could ever be.
I actually knew that was going to be the next part of your cheap and predictacle argument. You throw a bold statement at me, accusing me of listening to 4/4 cookie cutter metal, whatever the fuck that means to you, and when I destroyed you while also exposing your hipocrisy and lack of solid argument, you come back saying "These bands are better anyway".
I've read plenty of this thread, it's a bunch of hipster trash pretending to be metal heads.
Metal Hell has no credibility in Metal.
You come out to us with bands who hardly make it into metal, packing up shitty groove riffs stolen from the worst mallcore bands of the 2000's and pretending to be technical by just jam-packing their tracks with wankery over some of the most unintteresting chugging riffs. AAL isn't as bad as Mechugchug, but please! What is it with fake metalheads and AAL?!? Seriously! This fucking band depends on technical metal and post-rock bands like Blotted Science and Mogway so freakin much to just even exist, and it's not like they are transcending their influences, they are just spitting out stuff that others did before them.
Saying AAL beats Blotted Science, shows that even if you try to act tough and flash your so-progressive bands who, in your head at least, destroys 4/4 metal (cause doom metal is a shitty genre as a whole, anyway)... you can't demonstrate anykind of musical knowledge or understanding. Blotted Science's song-writing process is absolutely amazing! It's complex, inspired and shows not only technical skills, but an interest and a passion for creative art.
Accusing people of not knowing what metal shows how much of a poser you are. We clearly demonstrate knowledge and interest for doom, power, thrash, drone, heavy, death, black, sludge, stoner and basicaly all subgenres of metal genres all the time. We like bands with only a few years of existance and old-school bands aswell. It's especially funny when you say Mechugchug and AAL are better. Because you further prove your lack of knowledge of the metal scene. What's next? Born Of Osiris? Veil Of Maya? Suicide Silence?