At 12/26/12 04:59 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
I've meant to listen to Circus Maximus for ages. First time I heard about them was in something like 2005 or 2006. I was digging around to find some more projects involving Marty Friedman, and I somehow ended up looking these guys up.
Isolate (album) from Circus Maximus is pretty awesome, reminds me of Images and words haha, probably why I like it. Didn't they used to be a DT and Symphony X tribute band? You can definitely hear the influence. Everything is well balanced on Images, melodic as, and not too wanky, never get bored listening to it
At 12/26/12 11:24 AM, Viper50 wrote:
I was considering buying a drum kit and starting a one man Stoner or Doom Metal band ._.
Mean! Sounds buzzy. I used to play in a doom band here in New Zealand called Burning Solitude, but only for 2 months. It was like mix of My Dying Bride, Candlemass, and Crowbar, melodic and sludgy as hell. They were the best songwriters ever, but it was way too slow, and 2 weeks after I left the rhythm guitarist slept with the then vocalists pregnant girlfriend, they've been on "hiatus" ever since