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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 19:52:59

Best album cover I've seen from this year? I'm not a big fan of this album but the artwork is damn good. I only hope we do see great album artworks in 2013 because some I've seen so far for Helloween, Manilla Road and Voivod are pitiful.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 20:00:13

At 11/28/12 07:52 PM, Bahamut wrote: Best album cover I've seen from this year? I'm not a big fan of this album but the artwork is damn good. I only hope we do see great album artworks in 2013 because some I've seen so far for Helloween, Manilla Road and Voivod are pitiful.

Just looked at the three covers you mentionned. Voivod and Helloween covers are indeed pityful. And for some reason that Manilla Road cover reminds me of Ganondorf in Ocarina Of Time on his "evil horse with red eyes". It's not an horrible cover though. Not one of the best either, though.

Another sublime cover from 2012 is the one of 'Allelujah! Don't Bend Ascend. Not metal, but great cover.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 20:14:42

What about Abigail Williams's most recent album Becoming ?
I could also recommand Balrog (France), Chaos Moon (USA), Chasse-Galerie (Quebec), Monarque (Quebec), Forteresse (Quebec), Infernal Strongholh (USA) and Seeds In Barren Fields (Sweden).

Mostly awesome bands, and some are rather underground. Balrog (raw black metal) and Infernal Stronghold (crust punk/black metal) are fucking agressive, raw and brutal. The three bands from Quebec are all different but all worth it. We have a good emerging bm scene in Quebec. Seeds In Barren Fields is very unique also. You'll find dm, bm, crust, prog, and more in their music

All of them bands are just sick, brutal and exactly what I was looking for. Seeds In Barren Fields I am especially liking, just love there style.

I am lovin' me some Retro Haze .

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 20:21:36

At 11/28/12 08:00 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 11/28/12 07:52 PM, Bahamut wrote: Best album cover I've seen from this year? I'm not a big fan of this album but the artwork is damn good. I only hope we do see great album artworks in 2013 because some I've seen so far for Helloween, Manilla Road and Voivod are pitiful.
Just looked at the three covers you mentionned. Voivod and Helloween covers are indeed pityful. And for some reason that Manilla Road cover reminds me of Ganondorf in Ocarina Of Time on his "evil horse with red eyes". It's not an horrible cover though. Not one of the best either, though.

I may have been a little harsh with the Manilla Road album cover but it feels really unpolished and lacking. It doesn't even look like the final version of the artwork. It's definitely the least offensive out of the three. I still can't get over how Voivod made an album cover that shits itself with gradients. Maybe it's just me but it looks like they saved the artwork in JPEG format with 80% quality setting.

Another sublime cover from 2012 is the one of 'Allelujah! Don't Bend Ascend. Not metal, but great cover.

I quite like the artwork for Into the Lair of the Sun God by Dawnbringer. OK, so I keep bumming the album itself but for an artwork that relies on just the shades of yellow, it actually looks really good and reflects the concept album.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 20:40:28

At 11/28/12 08:14 PM, twistex wrote:
What about Abigail Williams's most recent album Becoming ?
I could also recommand Balrog (France), Chaos Moon (USA), Chasse-Galerie (Quebec), Monarque (Quebec), Forteresse (Quebec), Infernal Strongholh (USA) and Seeds In Barren Fields (Sweden).
All of them bands are just sick, brutal and exactly what I was looking for. Seeds In Barren Fields I am especially liking, just love there style.

I am always very happy to help people find music they will enjoy, and the bonus is that I do some promotion for my favorite bands :) Last year I went alone :'( to a black metal gig in Montreal named La Messe des Morts (which I can translate to Mass of the deads). I saw Forteresse, Chasse-Galerie and Infernal Stronghold that night. These three bands really stood out. Infernal Stronghold's setlist was fuckin' ace and the pit was fucking brutal (and for some reason a drunk girl kept trying to walk into the pit... ended up on the ground once... brought down an amp with her the second time she went down... not the greatest display of elegance :P)

Seeds In Barren Fields is a band that I've discovered a few months back. Very good find! The track Tomorrow Black Birds Fly gives me the chills!

At 11/28/12 08:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: I may have been a little harsh with the Manilla Road album cover but it feels really unpolished and lacking. It doesn't even look like the final version of the artwork. It's definitely the least offensive out of the three. I still can't get over how Voivod made an album cover that shits itself with gradients. Maybe it's just me but it looks like they saved the artwork in JPEG format with 80% quality setting.

Hahaha! Yeah, it really looks bad. And Helloween... damn. I don't even know what to say. The concept sucks, but the way they delivered the final product is just worst. I can think ot at least 10 ways they could have exploited this cheesy theme.

I quite like the artwork for Into the Lair of the Sun God by Dawnbringer. OK, so I keep bumming the album itself but for an artwork that relies on just the shades of yellow, it actually looks really good and reflects the concept album.

It's gorgeous.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 21:08:27

I'm loving on the song Anywhere Out Of This World by Reverend Bizarre now.

More so than I did before.

And have been playing it on repeat and singing along to it for the past few hours.

used to be able to do that with Doom Over The World but I can't hit those higher notes anymore....comfortably at least....

Also good album cover (to me at least) for an album that came out this year :3
It's a really good album ._.

at least to me it is.....

Band - Stoned Jesus
Album - Seven Thunders Roar

Metal Hell

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 22:10:22

At 11/28/12 06:03 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: I like how you guys all told me it was cool to go off-topic sometimes but as soon as I complained about Radiohead you all just stopped talking about it :P You guys knew I was kidding right ? Keep discussing the band, I'm totally fine with it !

Also, how about we start a little "best album covers of 2012" thread ? If you like the idea post the album cover, name of the band and name of the album !

Here is one :
Band - Leeches Of Lore
Album - Frenzy, Ecstasy

Fuckin' great cover for a great album. I recommand this to pretty much anyone who likes old school heavy metal, stoner rock/metal and of course spaghetti western movies !

I really like Vintersorg's Orkan, Sigh's In Somniphobia, and Dethkolk's Dethablum III covers. But the one I am most fond of at the moment is Hellwell's Beyond the Boundries of Sin. It just has an excellent old school metal cover feel, very grandiose and bombastic, just like the music inside.

Metal Hell

Godzilla Film Fan Club

Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!

Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-28 23:42:26

At 11/28/12 08:32 AM, twistex wrote: I was wondering if anybody had any band recommendations for someone listening to stuff like Marduk, Carach Angren, Klabuatamann and the like?

Lux Occulta's album, the Mother and the Enemy is great. If you like Klabautamann, I think you'll like that. The rest of their albums are mediocre at best, but that one album is fantastic.

Negura Bunget's albums, Om, 'n Crugu Bradului, and Inarborat Kosmos are all good. They have other good stuff, but those three are their best, IMO.

Privelegivm by Secrets of the Moon is also good. There's also Resplendent Grotesque by Code, the self titled album by Thorns, Under Ein Blodraud Maane by Manes, Ultima Thulee and Memoria Vetusta parts 1 and 2 by Blut Aus Nord, Death's Design and Nightwork by Diabolical Masquerade, and Muukalainen Puhuu by Oranssi Pazuzu.

And I strongly recommend everything Ihsahn has done.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-29 00:31:51

At 11/28/12 07:14 PM, twistex wrote: Yes I do know just about all of them bands, and love them, especially 1349. They are just mad.

Great stuff man. I could use some recommendations too, a lot of the ones I listen to are fairly mainstream (although I have a difficult time finding underground bands and purchasing their music).

At 11/28/12 07:14 PM, twistex wrote: On the note of vocal damage. It kinda depends on if you do it proper or not. If you mess it up it can cause (if I recall) irreparable damage to your vocal cords. But if you do it right, then you should be fine.

I feel like I'm learning how to use my diaphragm more and more rather than my throat. When I first gave it a try it hurt a lot because I was using mostly my throat, but now I just get a slight burning sensation afterwards. Not really sure if I'm doing it all that right but I guess I'll see how things go.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-29 01:19:20

Okay so I decided to take a break on the whole black metal for a while. Finally got around to listening to The Swords latest album Apocryphon. Got to say I am very impressed. Not usually the biggest fan on stoner metal, but this I enjoyed quite alot.
Whoever hasn't checked it out by now should seriously listen to it, it's certainly worth it.

I am lovin' me some Retro Haze .

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-29 01:28:03

At 11/29/12 01:19 AM, twistex wrote: Okay so I decided to take a break on the whole black metal for a while. Finally got around to listening to The Swords latest album Apocryphon. Got to say I am very impressed. Not usually the biggest fan on stoner metal, but this I enjoyed quite alot.

You just asked for bm recommandations! Make up your mind >:(

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-29 01:40:39

You just asked for bm recommandations! Make up your mind >:(

I am just taking a short interval. I will be back onto bm very shortly.

I am lovin' me some Retro Haze .

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-29 09:32:09

At 11/29/12 01:19 AM, twistex wrote: Okay so I decided to take a break on the whole black metal for a while. Finally got around to listening to The Swords latest album Apocryphon. Got to say I am very impressed. Not usually the biggest fan on stoner metal, but this I enjoyed quite alot.
Whoever hasn't checked it out by now should seriously listen to it, it's certainly worth it.

Woo! I got that the day after it came out and I really liked it.
Then again I love The Sword and pretty much everything they've released so.....yeah.......
I bought the deluxe edition which comes with 4 live tracks and a cover of Cheap Sunglasses by ZZ Top.
My favorite song off of it would be either Execrator, Eyes Of The Stormwitch, or Apocryphon.
For anyone who wants to you can listen to it all here.

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-29 11:36:50

At 11/28/12 08:40 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 11/28/12 08:21 PM, Bahamut wrote: I may have been a little harsh with the Manilla Road album cover but it feels really unpolished and lacking. It doesn't even look like the final version of the artwork. It's definitely the least offensive out of the three. I still can't get over how Voivod made an album cover that shits itself with gradients. Maybe it's just me but it looks like they saved the artwork in JPEG format with 80% quality setting.
Hahaha! Yeah, it really looks bad. And Helloween... damn. I don't even know what to say. The concept sucks, but the way they delivered the final product is just worst. I can think ot at least 10 ways they could have exploited this cheesy theme.

There is so much wrong with that Helloween album cover. The CGI looks like it was taken from a PS1 game (not that I hate the PS1 because it's my favourite console of all time but COME ON NOW!), the pumpkin on the right looks like a rejected art design for Jack Skellington, the gas mask to the left of it looks like something one worker at Valve puked out when doing character designs for Team Fortress 2's Pyro and that grenade, I'm sure I've been better CGI of grenades from the original Worms game.

I ask Helloween this, why did they choose someone who could only design primitive early-90s CGI? The imagery as a whole would have been cool if it was illustration but oh no, they have to go and take this lame ass CGI route.

At 11/28/12 10:10 PM, Zodir wrote: I really like Vintersorg's Orkan, Sigh's In Somniphobia, and Dethkolk's Dethablum III covers. But the one I am most fond of at the moment is Hellwell's Beyond the Boundries of Sin. It just has an excellent old school metal cover feel, very grandiose and bombastic, just like the music inside.

Yeah, I had Hellwell's album cover in mind. It really looks gigantic but the fact that this is the same artist who's done the artwork for Mysterium makes me wonder what the hell happened with his artistic effort.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-30 15:46:03

So, I just discovered this Dutch band called Silicon Head, and I think you guys might like them. The mix Groove, Doom, and Death all in to one, and somehow, it all comes together nicely. It gets pretty atmospheric at times, and is one of the best examples of how something can be both brutal and melodic. You guys should check them out sometime.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-30 19:48:35

So I'll be going to barge to hell this Monday which is like 70,000 tons of metal. The line up I feel could have been better but I still think it will be worth seeing.. ahem... Behemoth, Enslaved, Exodus, Grave, Havok, Holy Moses, Hypocrisy, Krisiun, Lock up, Mayhem, Monstrosity, Morgoth, Municipal Waste, Nachtmystium, Napalm Death, Novembers Doom, Paradise Lost, Possessed, Rotting Christ, Sodom, and Vital Remains.
Line up
I'm sure some other bands listed I would probably like but just haven't listened to them yet.

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-30 20:17:59

album covers from this year....hmm...A lot of stuff I think was from 2012 end up being from 2011. Anyway, these are some album covers from this year that I thought looked cool...

Sigh - in Somniphobia (one of the best albums of the year)
Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage (only heard some, which I loved, will be sure to get the whole thing)
High on Fire - de Vermis Mysteriis (haven't heard yet, but will)
Ufomammut - Oro: Opus Primum (awesome, atmospheric album)
Ufomammut - Oro: Opus Alter (still haven't heard, but definitely will)
Baroness - Yellow and Green (still haven't heard, but definitely will)
Melvins - Freak Puke (still haven't heard, but really want to)
Vintersorg - Orkan (still haven't heard, but will sometime, Jordplus was meh)
Borknagar - Urd (still haven't heard this or the album before it, been meaning to)
Ephel Duath - on Death and Cosmos (haven't heard, but probably will)
Alcest - les Voyages de L'Ame (still haven't heard)
Desecravity - Implicit Obedience (decent short Japanese death metal album)
Mekong Delta - Intersections (haven't heard)
Kreator - Phantom Antichrist (haven't heard it, or really anything since Coma of Souls)
Psycroptic - Inherited Repression (only heard bits)
Goatwhore - Blood for the Master (haven't heard)
Gorod - a Perfect Absolution (good stuff)
Wo Fat - the Black Code (still haven't heard, but they're good, cover reminds me of Heavy Metal)
Nidingr - Greatest of Decievers (haven't heard)
Secrets of the Moon - Seven Bells (haven't heard yet, but will)
Sodom - 30 Years Sodomized (just a compilation, but the artwork is cool)
Overkill - the Electric Age (haven't heard)
Obscura - Illegimitation (another compilation, but it looks neat)
Monolithe - Interlude Second and Monolithe III (haven't heard either)
Kylesa - From the Vaults, Vol. 1 (yet another compilation with good artwork)
Eternal Deformity - the Beauty of Chaos (haven't heard, but I've heard stuff from other albums and thought it was decent)
Heidevolk - Batavi (haven't heard)
Blut Aus Nord - 777 - Cosmosophy (haven't heard but the other two 777 albums were alright, and I liked the sound of the preview)

And check out the cover of the new album by Behold! the Monolith. Their first album was fucking sick, so I'm definitely gonna try to get this.

Viper, you should check out this band. I think you'll like them.

Metal Hell

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-30 20:35:24

£5 for Ghost and Gojira (with The Defiled... whoever they are) in London? This has got to be too good to be true.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-11-30 23:31:39

At 11/30/12 08:17 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage (only heard some, which I loved, will be sure to get the whole thing)
High on Fire - de Vermis Mysteriis (haven't heard yet, but will)
Ufomammut - Oro: Opus Primum (awesome, atmospheric album)
Ufomammut - Oro: Opus Alter (still haven't heard, but definitely will)
Baroness - Yellow and Green (still haven't heard, but definitely will)
Alcest - les Voyages de L'Ame (still haven't heard)
Goatwhore - Blood for the Master (haven't heard)

I listened to these and liked all of them.

Melvins - Freak Puke (still haven't heard, but really want to)
Wo Fat - the Black Code (still haven't heard, but they're good, cover reminds me of Heavy Metal)
Kylesa - From the Vaults, Vol. 1 (yet another compilation with good artwork)

I need to listen to these too. Dunno why I put off the Melvins album...granted I am aware the Kylesa album is a comp. album but I still wanna listen to it because it looks interesting.

And check out the cover of the new album by Behold! the Monolith. Their first album was fucking sick, so I'm definitely gonna try to get this.

Viper, you should check out this band. I think you'll like them.

Will do

unless you're not talking to me and the user Viper popped up on here out of nowhere but I didn't see him....
or someone whose real name is Viper is on here....which would be weird ._.

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 06:57:05

At 11/30/12 08:17 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: album covers from this year....hmm...A lot of stuff I think was from 2012 end up being from 2011. Anyway, these are some album covers from this year that I thought looked cool...

Sigh - in Somniphobia (one of the best albums of the year)

I've not heard many Sigh albums but I can easily agree with this. It stands out well.

Baroness - Yellow and Green (still haven't heard, but definitely will)

Seriously? I'd have expected you to have listened to them, unless you're not as big of a Baroness fan as I thought you were.

Overkill - the Electric Age (haven't heard)

Good but not great. It doesn't even match with Ironbound.

Heidevolk - Batavi (haven't heard)

This one was a disappointment. After their first three albums and having their own charm to it, they've turned to mediocrity with this. It feels faceless.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 13:09:19

Hey guys, so I did a vocal cover of Dying Fetus' One Shot, One Kill last night. It's my first ever, tell me what you think.


Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 14:05:14

At 11/30/12 08:17 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: album covers from this year....hmm...A lot of stuff I think was from 2012 end up being from 2011. Anyway, these are some album covers from this year that I thought looked cool...

Sigh - in Somniphobia (one of the best albums of the year)

I completly agree. It is currently tied for my favorite album so far.

High on Fire - de Vermis Mysteriis (haven't heard yet, but will)

Excellent stuff. Not quite as good as Snakes (which I really enjoyed), I would say it is their 3rd or 4th best album

Vintersorg - Orkan (still haven't heard, but will sometime, Jordplus was meh)

And this is the album that is tied with Sigh for AOTY. As of this moment.

Borknagar - Urd (still haven't heard this or the album before it, been meaning to)

Decent, wasn't blown away or anything.

Kreator - Phantom Antichrist (haven't heard it, or really anything since Coma of Souls)

I actually really like this album. I would say it is their best since Coma. Lot's of fun riffs and excellent solos

Gorod - a Perfect Absolution (good stuff)

I agree. Great album.

Overkill - the Electric Age (haven't heard)

I was really disappointed by this. Ironbound is amazing, but this is all kinds of meh.

I actually enjoy Time a fair bit. Isn't is fucking amazing? No, but it is really solid and enjoyable. Dethklok continues to push out solid, enjoyable Melodeath. Some albums you haven't mentioned that I have enjoyed from this year are Testament's Dark Roots of the Earth, Bel'akor's Of Breath and Bone, and the debut of the band Sophicide. If you like Gorod, you'll love this. Check 'em out.

Godzilla Film Fan Club

Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!

Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 19:46:19

At 12/1/12 07:09 PM, Provoke wrote: I was talking to a metal friend, I mention megadeth, he cries laughing. Is megadeth severely hated in the metal community, because that is not the first time that has happened to me.

No, your friend is just fucking retarded.

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 21:26:10

At 12/1/12 07:09 PM, Provoke wrote: I was talking to a metal friend, I mention megadeth, he cries laughing. Is megadeth severely hated in the metal community, because that is not the first time that has happened to me.

Megadeth is as mainstream as it gets, and the problem with mainstream music is that even though it is good, you know that there is likely a lot of other bands out there that are even better and don't get nearly the same amount of attention (e.g. Cannibal Corpse, Slayer, etc.)

Otherwise there's nothing really wrong with them, but I have a hard time respecting Dave Mustaine.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 21:58:14

At 12/1/12 07:09 PM, Provoke wrote: I was talking to a metal friend, I mention megadeth, he cries laughing. Is megadeth severely hated in the metal community, because that is not the first time that has happened to me.

I don't hate Megadeth ._.
I just don't listen to them as much as other bands....then again Thrash isn't really my forte when it comes to metal.
Doesn't mean I dont like it though.

At 12/1/12 09:26 PM, mothballs wrote: Otherwise there's nothing really wrong with them, but I have a hard time respecting Dave Mustaine.

Same here. Mainly because of the seemingly endless stream of retarded shit that keeps pouring out of his mouth lately...

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 23:04:09

At 12/1/12 06:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: Seriously? I'd have expected you to have listened to them, unless you're not as big of a Baroness fan as I thought you were.

No, you're right. I consider Baroness to be one of my favorite bands of any genre, but I've been slacking on acquiring new stuff.

Good but not great. It doesn't even match with Ironbound.

I'm not surprised. They seem to have been losing quality over the years. Aren't they pretty much groove now? I can't even remember their later stuff anymore. I can only vaguely remember hearing stuff on Pandora from albums like Bloodletting and some other later stuff, but I can't actually remember the music. Still, they usually have pretty bitchin' cover artwork. I do still remember Feel the Fire and Under the Influence, though, and they were freaking awesome thrash albums. Feel the Fire just might be on my top ten thrash albums. Well, it would at least be on my top twenty.

This one was a disappointment.

I still haven't heard a whole album by them. I remember thinking they were pretty good, but I can't even remember their stuff anymore because it's been so long since I've listened to them. But still, that cover looks pretty neat.

I've got some catching up to do, as you can see by all those "haven't heard" or similar in those parentheses. I listen to metal all the time, but it's usually the same stuff I've heard from my own collection.

At 11/30/12 11:31 PM, Viper50 wrote:
unless you're not talking to me and the user Viper popped up on here out of nowhere but I didn't see him....


yes, you, mang. I think their best song (and best song title) is Battle for Balls Deep (lol). I'd link it, but I can't seem to find a streaming upload.

Check out the sweet artwork. And trust me, this album is fucking sick. If Idio were still around, he'd concur.

I miss that magnificent bastard

Metal Hell

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 23:24:05

At 12/1/12 07:09 PM, Provoke wrote: I was talking to a metal friend, I mention megadeth, he cries laughing.


I would have slapped him and then slapped him back if he slapped me back.

Megadeth is one of the fucking best metal outfits of all time. Even after David Ellefson, Nick Menza, and Merty Friedman (who has done fucking sweet ass solo work that everybody should hear) all have left, they've still let out rockin' shit. If you say that the System Has Failed is a bad album, then you're just a poor cynical sap. Yeah, it doesn't match up to Peace Sells or Rust in Peace, but it is still fucking great. I'd rate that album at an 80 out of 100 at the least. It's so damn underrated and gets so much undeserved hate.

Megadeth > Metallica

And as far as the disdain for the main mayn Mustayne (say it out loud, it works better)... Well, he does seem to have a pretty unappealing personality, but he does at least have a reason to be cocky. I mean, he's one of the best rhythm guitarists of all time. Yeah, he has actually said that of himself, but that disgusting, pigheaded boasting may damper his image, but he isn't wrong when he says how great he is.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-01 23:57:06

At 12/1/12 11:04 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 11/30/12 11:31 PM, Viper50 wrote: unless you're not talking to me and the user Viper popped up on here out of nowhere but I didn't see him....

yes, you, mang. I think their best song (and best song title) is Battle for Balls Deep (lol). I'd link it, but I can't seem to find a streaming upload.

Okay just being sure haha.
I listened to it all on their bandcamp last night and I really liked what I heard.

Check out the sweet artwork. And trust me, this album is fucking sick. If Idio were still around, he'd concur.
I miss that magnificent bastard

It IS pretty awesome looking.....

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-02 10:00:52

At 12/1/12 11:04 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 12/1/12 06:57 AM, Bahamut wrote: Seriously? I'd have expected you to have listened to them, unless you're not as big of a Baroness fan as I thought you were.
No, you're right. I consider Baroness to be one of my favorite bands of any genre, but I've been slacking on acquiring new stuff.

Eh, I've been slow on picking up new albums myself but it is Christmas so money is needed to be saved. However, I'll try and resume my 2-5 CDs a month or whatever once it's all done but before that, there is a lot of stuff to get for Christmas.

Good but not great. It doesn't even match with Ironbound.
I'm not surprised. They seem to have been losing quality over the years. Aren't they pretty much groove now?

Ironbound was actually a really good record. However, they felt it would work the second time with The Electric Age and it misses the mark as a result.

This one was a disappointment.
I still haven't heard a whole album by them. I remember thinking they were pretty good, but I can't even remember their stuff anymore because it's been so long since I've listened to them. But still, that cover looks pretty neat.

I'll say right now that only track 1 is worth listening. It had me thinking they'd be onto another great record but fuck sake, I was so wrong on that.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-12-02 15:39:05

At 12/1/12 07:09 PM, Provoke wrote: I was talking to a metal friend, I mention megadeth, he cries laughing. Is megadeth severely hated in the metal community, because that is not the first time that has happened to me.

No. It just makes hipster-metalheads with self-esteem issues feel better about themselves. It's a very well-known band and it's highly popular. So dickwads who think that being underground makes a band good like to laugh at these bands. But don't let anybody tell you that Megadeth isn't an awesome band.

At 12/1/12 09:26 PM, mothballs wrote: Megadeth is as mainstream as it gets, and the problem with mainstream music is that even though it is good, you know that there is likely a lot of other bands out there that are even better and don't get nearly the same amount of attention (e.g. Cannibal Corpse, Slayer, etc.)

Wait wait wait wait ! Are you saying that (better bands like) Cannibal Corpse and Slayer aren't getting enough attention because of bands like Megadeth ?! Not only is this false, but these bands are not better than Megadeth.

I find that use of mainstream to be innapropriate. Mainstream and popular are definitely not the same thing. This band isn't popular because they followed a trend or because they are generic enough to play on the radio. They are popular because they have influenced thrash metal and metal in general so much. You can't call such a creative band mainstream. It just doesn't make any sense.

Otherwise there's nothing really wrong with them, but I have a hard time respecting Dave Mustaine.

He's a dick...

At 12/1/12 11:24 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I would have slapped him and then slapped him back if he slapped me back.

This. But with a few more punches in the mix.

Megadeth is one of the fucking best metal outfits of all time. Even after David Ellefson, Nick Menza, and Merty Friedman (who has done fucking sweet ass solo work that everybody should hear) all have left, they've still let out rockin' shit. If you say that the System Has Failed is a bad album, then you're just a poor cynical sap. Yeah, it doesn't match up to Peace Sells or Rust in Peace, but it is still fucking great. I'd rate that album at an 80 out of 100 at the least. It's so damn underrated and gets so much undeserved hate.

Seriously. Just saying Nick Menza, Marty Friedman, David Ellefson and Dave Mustaine in the same sentence should give you a fucking hint. These guys are some of the best musicians of thrash metal. And about the System Has Failed, Sense is fucking right. I still don't understand the hate this album gets. I think it's just the trend of hating 2000's albums by 80's thrash metal bands that hit them... It was a very good album.

Megadeth > Metallica

I don't like to compare them. I know we can't go talking about one without mentionning the other. But both bands have released amazing albums. If we avoid comparing them, we can conclude that both are legendary bands (Fuck LuLu and Risk though)

Les Cowboys Fringants - Heavy Metal