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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 01:13:52

At 4/23/12 07:55 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
The only album by Kovenant I heard was Nexus Polaris, back when they were the Covenant. Nexus Polaris was awesome.

The Kovenant since the name change is industrial metal, really cool stuff to dance to.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 02:30:16

At 4/23/12 12:00 PM, Charon wrote: OMG that guy that no one remembers is back... again

I remember you :)

I must say I do feel like I am missing some gut wrenching Death Metal, nothing too melodic mind you. Any recommendations?

And what about, melodic enough ?

Mirrorthrone - De l'Ão/oochec Et De Son Essentialité [Point 1. Marginalité Démystifiée]

Mirrorthrone is one of these great Death Metal bands that do not fall under the "Melodeath" category for they really are just a Death Metal band with symphonic and melodic elements. Some people call them Atmospheric Death Metal for their lenghty tracks and sometimes immersive and spacey (not the best term, but I'll use it as I can't seem to find a better one right now) feel. This is a fantastic band you wouldn't want to miss out !

At 4/23/12 11:14 PM, Tremulos wrote: I agree with Duff, Kalmah is very easily recognizable, although I haven't listened to their newest album too many times yet. Their melodies are extremely catchy, so it wouldn't be surprising to hear them from other bands, but Kalmah puts them together and makes them work so well with each other, with just the right amount of keyboards. Not many bands can pull that off so well, in my opinion.

Kalmah managed to reinvite themselves with every album they released back in the 90's. They Will Return is very much oriented toward the keyboard and guitar leads and alternance between these two, while Swampsong is more about guitar leads and rhythms matching perfectly together. Swamplord is a mix of both, but oriented more toward a darker ambience that kind of reminds me of black metal or sbm. These guys are incredible :)

Mirrothrone - De l'Ão/oochec Et De Son Essentialité [Point 1. Marginalité Démystifiée]

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 02:31:40

At 4/24/12 02:30 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Mirrorthrone - De l'Ãfo/oochec Et De Son EssentialitÃf© [Point 1. MarginalitÃf© DÃf©mystifiÃf©e]

Wow !!! Fuck Newgrounds new design !!!

De l'Echec Et De Son Essentialite [Point 1. Marginalite Demystifiee]

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 07:55:52

Whoa, another mirage.

At 4/23/12 05:01 PM, Shmokko wrote: 10 bands i've been listening to lately:

That's some damn good stuff right there.

At 4/23/12 05:17 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: You like finnish metal, don't you? You should listen to Korpiklaani.

For Korpiklaani, I can only get into the one or two song from each album. Can't really enjoy their albums as a whole. I feel they would be better if they slowed down with their quantity of releases.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 16:33:53

At 4/23/12 06:05 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: We Butter The Bread With Butter - Der Tag An Dem Die Welt Unterging LIVE @ WFF 10

Lol, the audience just stands there. Hardly anybody moving to the music. But then again, this isn't something you should move to anyway.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 17:42:17

been a member of this group for years
one of the oldest members
an original "Horseman"
who the fukk are all of you?!!!
and why should i care?

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 18:20:59

At 4/24/12 05:42 PM, BillPatton wrote: been a member of this group for years
one of the oldest members
an original "Horseman"
who the fukk are all of you?!!!
and why should i care?

I care. Are you drunk, Batman?

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 18:59:02

At 4/24/12 06:20 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
At 4/24/12 05:42 PM, BillPatton wrote: been a member of this group for years
one of the oldest members
an original "Horseman"
who the fukk are all of you?!!!
and why should i care?
I care. Are you drunk, Batman?

you've known me for years dude.
and you should know by now I very rarely drink.
and been ages since i was even close to being drunk.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-24 20:40:45

At 4/24/12 06:59 PM, BillPatton wrote:
At 4/24/12 06:20 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
At 4/24/12 05:42 PM, BillPatton wrote: been a member of this group for years
one of the oldest members
an original "Horseman"
who the fukk are all of you?!!!
and why should i care?
I care. Are you drunk, Batman?
you've known me for years dude.
and you should know by now I very rarely drink.
and been ages since i was even close to being drunk.

I was in the penn for 2 years. Forgive me if I forget details. I do remember that you were that cool motherfucker who had a concert resume that was longer than my penis, and that's fucking huge.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-25 02:58:23


Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-25 13:07:06

Baroness' Yellow & Green will be a double album. I should be weary of them making a double album but I'm sure it'll fit just fine here. It'll be released on the 17th July so I have something to give a damn about for my 22nd birthday.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-26 14:03:37

aww yeeeaaah

Metal Hell

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-26 14:49:19

Anyone here dig Artension? IMHO they are one of the most underrated power metal bands.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-26 18:31:47

I don't think I've listened to Artension. Steve Digiorgio is awesome, and I like a lot of the stuff on Vitalij Kuprij's solo albums (I have everything from High Definition to Glacial Inferno) but I'm not much into power metal anymore. I know Mike Terrana is supposed to be a really great drummer, but I don't know if I've heard any songs with him playing.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-26 23:29:44

At 4/26/12 06:31 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I don't think I've listened to Artension. Steve Digiorgio is awesome, and I like a lot of the stuff on Vitalij Kuprij's solo albums (I have everything from High Definition to Glacial Inferno) but I'm not much into power metal anymore. I know Mike Terrana is supposed to be a really great drummer, but I don't know if I've heard any songs with him playing.

Fine. Is Progressive Death/Black metal your thing? I can suggest Sulphur, if you haven't heard of them. I just found out about them.

Also, for those who like Dark Moor, there's Dreammaker, which is a slightly more progressive and slower version of Dark Moor, featuring Dark Moor's singer from Shadowlands - Between Darkness and Light. I personally like Elisa Martin's voice, and in Dreammaker she sounds really fukken vicious, way more fierce than many male singers.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-27 09:15:38

At 4/26/12 02:03 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: aww yeeeaaah

And it's done by John Baizley once again. I really love the art style Baroness albums have. While I'd like to see other artists out there getting a chance, there's some things that shouldn't really change and Baroness' album art style is one of them.

At 4/26/12 02:49 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: Anyone here dig Artension? IMHO they are one of the most underrated power metal bands.

Never even heard of them before. Wouldn't mind giving them a shot if they are definitely good. For power metal, I tend to be unlucky with my discoveries, especially for European bands.

At 4/26/12 11:29 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: Also, for those who like Dark Moor

How I've never even listened to them all this time, I honestly don't know why I've not given then a chance.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-27 11:54:48

Yeah, Baizley rules. I was drunk when I was at the Black Tusk/Thou/Monstr0 show and when I was talking to the lead guitarist of Black Tusk I was like "So are you friends with John Baizley? Yeah? He's so awesome blah blah blah."

At 4/26/12 11:29 PM, ElGhoulio wrote: Fine. Is Progressive Death/Black metal your thing? I can suggest Sulphur, if you haven't heard of them. I just found out about them.

Yeah, that's something I like. I'll check it out.

Also, for those who like Dark Moor

I love that cover of Winter by Vivaldi.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-27 23:58:05

Ordered the album Precambrian by the band The Ocean. If you guys don't know them, it's time to check them out. They mix elements from Sludge Metal, Progressive Metal and strangly well-written Post-Hardcore. I recommand anything from the albums Precambrian and/or Anthropocentric.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 01:47:01

At 4/27/12 11:58 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Ordered the album Precambrian by the band The Ocean. If you guys don't know them, it's time to check them out. They mix elements from Sludge Metal, Progressive Metal and strangly well-written Post-Hardcore. I recommand anything from the albums Precambrian and/or Anthropocentric.

I recommend quite the opposite. Don't check out this band, they're horrible.

You guys know how Trivium just fuses Metallica worship with metalcore? Well, The Ocean is similar to that, but only instead of it being Metallica worship it's instead Mastodon worship.

All their songs are horribly generic, and they're obviously just trying to ride out metalcore success's while having the sludge edge to fall back onto the hipsters/stoners when core dies completely.

Plus, the members themselves are horrible assholes and terrible elitists. They openly talk shit about other bands, are known to insult members of their crowd if they aren't getting "into them" and posting rude and douchebaggish facebook statuses and comments.

Fuck that band.

In other news, Kylesa is an example of a good sludge band and they played in New Hampshire tonight with GWAR and some local core bands opening. Wish I went. Ah well.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 02:00:32

At 4/28/12 01:47 AM, AniMetal wrote: stuff

The fuck you talking about? The Ocean only have a few metalcore(ish) songs, and most of them are on a single album (Aeolian). Yeah use some inhale vocals, but so what? They aren't limited to said genre. And where did you get Mastadon? Having clean vocal harmonies and being (sorta) sludge doesn't mean worship. You could easily say Baroness is a Mastodon clone if that's the case. I can't speak for their personalities, since I'm ignorant on that level.

Also, why do people think metalcore is a commercial friendly genre? Unless you are like A7X or Suicide Silence, you will not make much money on your music. Chances are you will earn even less than a metal band.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 02:16:24

At 4/28/12 02:00 AM, Tobi wrote:
At 4/28/12 01:47 AM, AniMetal wrote: stuff
The fuck you talking about? The Ocean only have a few metalcore(ish) songs, and most of them are on a single album (Aeolian). Yeah use some inhale vocals, but so what? They aren't limited to said genre. And where did you get Mastadon? Having clean vocal harmonies and being (sorta) sludge doesn't mean worship. You could easily say Baroness is a Mastodon clone if that's the case. I can't speak for their personalities, since I'm ignorant on that level.

I'm basing off the three times i've had to seen them. Their music, at least live, is very metalcore but with slightly sludgie riffing and some Mastodon esque melodies.

Also, why do people think metalcore is a commercial friendly genre?

Selling out shows to 2K people seems commercial enough to me.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 04:44:09

At 4/28/12 01:47 AM, AniMetal wrote: I recommend quite the opposite. Don't check out this band, they're horrible.

Fuck you, that's all.

You guys know how Trivium just fuses Metallica worship with metalcore? Well, The Ocean is similar to that, but only instead of it being Metallica worship it's instead Mastodon worship.

They are a Sludge/Progressive Metal band so I expect them to share some similarities with big guns of the genre. Especially considering how innovative Mastodon are. They are still very different and you can't compare them to Trivium, that's just a huge insult.

All their songs are horribly generic, and they're obviously just trying to ride out metalcore success's while having the sludge edge to fall back onto the hipsters/stoners when core dies completely.

There is very little core in their music. And it there is any core, it's more like Post-Hardcore then Metalcore. But obviously you don't tell the difference as Metalheads tend to sweep out all that is "core" with the back of their hand and fail to aknoledge the differences between the genres. Still, they have very little core in their music and the accusation you throw at them... Saying that they only ride the wave to get a popularity boost is just jumping to conclusions. You are judging them on mere intent. You can't just say they are trying to get a broader audience by using metalcore elements just because you hate metalcore and consider it as a monolithic genre of music that doesn't have any other purpose then selling copies. Plus, their music isn't simple enough and formulaic enough to make them a poppish metalcore band. In other words... you can't expect this band to reach fans of As I Lay Dying, Blessthefall, August Burns Red, Asking Alexandria and the likes. These guys put way much work into their song-writting and whatever they use from the core genre isn't used ad nauseam like the breakdowns and chugging riffs in metalcore, deathcore and post-hardcore.

Plus, the members themselves are horrible assholes and terrible elitists. They openly talk shit about other bands, are known to insult members of their crowd if they aren't getting "into them" and posting rude and douchebaggish facebook statuses and comments.

*cough*Dave Mustaine*cough*

And why do you care/Why should I take your words for it ?

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 05:30:37

At 4/28/12 02:00 AM, Tobi wrote:
At 4/28/12 01:47 AM, AniMetal wrote: stuff

Also, why do people think metalcore is a commercial friendly genre? Unless you are like A7X or Suicide Silence, you will not make much money on your music. Chances are you will earn even less than a metal band.

If a metalcore band isn't going to make any money, it's not because metalcore isn't incessantly commercial, accessible, or mainstream. It's probably because there are OVER 9000 clones of DevilDriver, A7X, Beyond the Horizon, Job for a Cowboy, Hatebreed, etc... and the field is inundated with an oversupply. Basic economics states that given a constant price, lower supply=lower demanded per supplier. And that's totally not true that you will earn less in a metalcore band than a real, honest-to-satan metal band. Or, at least, I don't know offhand where you live, but where I live in the San Francisco Bay Area you are more likely to succeed if you are in a tech/crossover/hybrid/are these even genres?/whatever metalcore band than if you are, say, a black metal band, a power metal band, a doom metal band, a progressive metal band, or really any sort of metal that isn't watered down commercial pandering.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 06:11:57

...I've not listened to The Ocean so I can't make a real judgment right now.

At 4/28/12 04:44 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: *cough*Dave Mustaine*cough*

As much as I dig Megadeth's music, Dave really is complete and utterly nuts. He really was skating on thin ice when he was talking about how gay marriage shouldn't be legalised and thinking Ron Paul should run the White House.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 08:23:38

Dave's insanity really is hilarious, like how he thinks that playing The Conjuring or Black Friday live is going to summon satan or something, and how he thinks that the government is trying to suppress Christianity by removing bibilical teachings from Science books.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 08:56:26

At 4/28/12 08:23 AM, DeIirium wrote: Dave's insanity really is hilarious, like how he thinks that playing The Conjuring or Black Friday live is going to summon satan or something, and how he thinks that the government is trying to suppress Christianity by removing bibilical teachings from Science books.

Songwriters and performers tend to be on the nuts side. It helps with the whole visionary thing. Think Wacko Jacko, Attila Csihar, Per Yngve Ohlin (Dead), Jon Oliva, etc..

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 14:14:15

At 4/28/12 05:30 AM, ElGhoulio wrote: If a metalcore band isn't going to make any money, it's not because metalcore isn't incessantly commercial, accessible, or mainstream. It's probably because there are OVER 9000 clones of DevilDriver, A7X, Beyond the Horizon, Job for a Cowboy, Hatebreed, etc... and the field is inundated with an oversupply. Basic economics states that given a constant price, lower supply=lower demanded per supplier. And that's totally not true that you will earn less in a metalcore band than a real, honest-to-satan metal band. Or, at least, I don't know offhand where you live, but where I live in the San Francisco Bay Area you are more likely to succeed if you are in a tech/crossover/hybrid/are these even genres?/whatever metalcore band than if you are, say, a black metal band, a power metal band, a doom metal band, a progressive metal band, or really any sort of metal that isn't watered down commercial pandering.

You guys really need to stop taking the same old "angry metalhead" approach to metalcore. If the genre really is filled with a lot of commercial bands, and that the music in itself can be pushed toward a more commercial sound... you have to at least show some kind of honesty and admit that all genres who accomplish somewhat of a commercial success will produce their fair share of mediocre down-watered commercial stuff. You love your black metal, but what about Dimmu Borgir, Cradle Of Filth and all the Gothic bm shit ? Yeah! Yeah! You can tell me these are not even Black Metal anymore, but that's my whole point. There is a line between good metalcore and bad metalcore. And right now we aren't even talking about a straight forward metalcore band, but rather of a slude/prog metal band with post-hardcore elements.

And Ghoul, I'm sorry but Power Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal and Prog Metal all have their stupid cliché bands and generic shitty bands. Power Metal as it's fair share of lame epic jumpy power chord power metal band. Black Metal as a lot of shitty under-under-under-under-produced badly performed grim black metal.

In all honesty, I have to admit that Metalcore tends to be far more commercial in the way the music is structured, it's undying ties to modern popular music and general themes in their music. All I'm trying to say, is that if you are going to put down a true metal band down for even attempting to include any core elements in their music, you really are missing the point.

At 4/28/12 06:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: As much as I dig Megadeth's music, Dave really is complete and utterly nuts. He really was skating on thin ice when he was talking about how gay marriage shouldn't be legalised and thinking Ron Paul should run the White House.

Funny... coming from a man who condemns inequalities and injustice in his music. Like a completely open and unguided economy left to the hands of billionaires won't create any kind of injustices and inequalities...

At 4/28/12 08:56 AM, ElGhoulio wrote: Songwriters and performers tend to be on the nuts side. It helps with the whole visionary thing. Think Wacko Jacko, Attila Csihar, Per Yngve Ohlin (Dead), Jon Oliva, etc..

If you want to single-out the good artists with troubled-minds to proove this, I can do the exact opposited and name great artists who still have their head :P

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 14:45:46

Bahamut, you mean Dave Mustaine supported RICK SANTORUM - not Ron Paul. Ron Paul woul've been the smart choice, and is opposite of everything Dave stands for. haha

As for the Ocean, i'm basing purely off the one youtube song I heard of them and the three times I saw them live. And I wasn't directly comparing them to Trivium, just how Trivium is Metallica worship meets metalcore whereas The Ocean is Mastodon worship meets metalcore.

As for them being assholes, at least Dave Mustaine is insane. The guys in The Ocean just openly shit on other bands all the time, like when they opened for OTEP they posted about ten statuses about how fucking gay and pretentious OTEP are. I mean, even if you HATE a band, if you're fucking OPENING for them you don't insult them. That's just sick.

In other news, any of you watch Game of Thrones? Pretty much the best show on TV now and based off the incredible A Song Of Ice & Fire books. Definitely worth checking out.

The author, George R.R. Martin, was exposed to SHITLOADS of books as a child from 7-12. Including fantasy, suspense, drama, plays, horror, romance, mystery and even stories containing content of explicit pornographic nature.

Because of all this, his writing perfectly integrates ALL of this seemingly into one masterpiece of a plot. Total recommendation. All of you NEED to watch the first season of the show, and if you fall in love, read the books!

In other news, there's going to be a Epica and Insomnium tour(with three other shit bands i'd rather neglect mentioning) which is sexy.

And in other other news, this is tits.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 15:22:44

At 4/28/12 02:45 PM, AniMetal wrote: Bahamut, you mean Dave Mustaine supported RICK SANTORUM - not Ron Paul. Ron Paul woul've been the smart choice, and is opposite of everything Dave stands for. haha

Thanks for the correction. I did mean Santorum and not Ron Paul. Just shows how much I try to avoid US politics.

Response to Metal Hell 2012-04-28 15:29:20

At 4/28/12 02:14 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 4/28/12 05:30 AM, ElGhoulio wrote: Istuff

Did I ever say metalcore was shitty? Did I ever say I was angry? Jeez, puttin' words in my mouth. I'm not angry, nor do I have a problem with metalcore (I actually know personally a metalcore band) and I never said real metal wasn't cliche' either. I'm not a stereotypical "angry metalhead" because I listen to a shit ton of non-metal (think Combichrist, KMFDM, Oomph!, Coil, Tool, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Kansas, Journey, Buckethead, etc...)

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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