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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-25 06:43:49

At 11/24/11 10:25 PM, batman64 wrote:
At 11/24/11 08:04 PM, K2LU wrote: So, I booked tickets for Black Sabbath in May. Now, I know Ozzy is going to sound fucking awful, but it's Sabbath! And I'm excited!
Way cool, should be quite an interesting show.
I just have a lil question..may I ask what tickets went for there?
I remember last time when Heaven and Hell played here..was 75 dollars American per ticket.
When I saw the Black Sabbath reunion tour about 15 years? ago tickets were 50 dollars American per ticket. I have a funny feeling this time around tickets may be around 100 dollars American up here..fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wanna go big time..but 100 for a concert, I dunno.

Regular tickets are 650 NOK (which is about 110 USD), and these so called Golden Circle tickets go for 1000 NOK (170 USD). I do suspect that tickets here is more expensive than elsewhere though. Like most things.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-25 06:53:11

Thanks again Batman64. It feels right to be one of your brothers.
Also every one of them bands where god damn epic and creative.
Moloch - Das Ist In Vergessenheit Geraten is one fucked up song though ill give you that. Again thanks

I am lovin' me some Retro Haze .

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-25 08:20:58

This review I would like to bring up since it's for a kickass record. This one is for Budgie's Never Turn Your Back on a Friend. I've wanted to review this for a while now so I'm happy I finally wrote it up.

One random link check out from Metal Blade's Facebook page lead me to a new band named Pilgrim. So far it sounds pretty good and as it's a 2012 release, this is one album I'd like to review in the new year.

At 11/24/11 08:04 PM, K2LU wrote: So, I booked tickets for Black Sabbath in May. Now, I know Ozzy is going to sound fucking awful, but it's Sabbath! And I'm excited!

True, at least we have the other three guys. I still want to see how the new album will turn out.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-25 19:11:44

Bieber? If that happens, I hope people throw stuff at the stage.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-25 23:15:10

At 11/25/11 05:50 PM, batman64 wrote:
Will say this from experience and being around longer than most of you all in here.
I have seen Black Sabbath 3 times and Ozzy solo a couple times..Now I saw the original Heaven & Hell tour back in the 80's with Dio..they played mainly newer songs and only a few older ones..saw Ozzy with Randy, Blizzard of Ozz tour...some newer tunes mixed with some older..the same old tunes Dio did as well...jump ahead a couple years, Saw Ozzy again, Bark at the Moon tour, Ozzy just cut his hair and got the tattoos..

Damn thats awesome. Last night me and my bass player smoked doobies and I spun out on Black Sabbath songs like Lord of This World, Solitude, and Into the Void, the trio of songs that finishes Master of Reality. I kept saying, "I can't do better than this. You can't do better than that. There's no way. You can't beat it." And in my mind you really can't. Those songs are untouchable. I've been reading Ozzy's autobiography and theres lots of funny stories in it about these times, I can't believe you got to see Ozzy with Randy on the Blizzard of Ozz tour. And I think Lemmy might be involved in this because they're old friends.

A live cover of Melvin's Night Goat is on my Facebook page, also add me if I love you.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-26 05:58:56

At 11/25/11 05:50 PM, batman64 wrote: Blah..rambling, looking ahead while remembering the past..but if I am right..I gotta feeling Motorhead may be on the bill somewhere..it fits..or god help us all..Bieber and sabbath collab..don't laugh yet..Remember...Sharon runs the show..hence the commercial a while back..you remember, the one that came out a lil while before the first reunion rumor..before Bieber's recent shit in the news..fuck..why do I see a Bieber/Ozzy duet?

That Superbowl commercial is one thing, putting him on stage with Black Sabbath is a line that not even Sharon should cross. Surely she has SOME standards.

Haha, trying to give Sharon credit.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-26 08:32:31

Saw Kvelertak and Toxic Holocaust last night. Crowd went mental for both bands. Also on the line up was Wolves Like Us and The Secret but I missed them because it started stupidly early and I live moderately far away. It was awesome though, both bands I saw put on a great show.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-26 08:37:09

At 11/26/11 08:32 AM, JaY11 wrote: Saw Kvelertak and Toxic Holocaust last night. Crowd went mental for both bands. Also on the line up was Wolves Like Us and The Secret but I missed them because it started stupidly early and I live moderately far away. It was awesome though, both bands I saw put on a great show.

I also saw Kvelertak and Toxic Holocaust earlier this month. Kvelertak is amazing live.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-27 11:27:40

Kverletak, I'll be seeing them next year hopefully. The day after I see Skrillex hopefully.

Poo doo woo ba doo boo boo wa doo doo.

So guys. Why didn't anyone tell me about Rings of Saturn, hmmm?? No one bothered to mention they existed? I think I might have liked to know that shit you fucks.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-27 17:59:35

At 11/25/11 07:11 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: Bieber? If that happens, I hope people throw stuff at the stage.

I hope people bring flamethrowers.

If you know my weapon, you know it's RAPING TIME!

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 00:55:24

Stop being dead right now please? Who else has heard Rings of Saturn.

Or Samsara Blues Experiment's new album?

Or the wicked new stoner band The Heavy Eyes?

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 02:04:24

I went to a great gig last friday night. My first Black Metal gig ever (not counting Abigail Williams here).

It was terrific. Opener band was pretty cool. The band is named Putamen Insula. They had a pretty good flow and nice variety in their tracks and riffs. But I must say I was kind of scared when I first got into the venue... Black Metal fans are kind of unsymphatetic and they all wear these military boots and dress in all black. Not that I'm not used to the metal community... but bm community is... different...

And it really didn't help me when I saw the vocalist/guitarist of the first band hit himself repeatedly in the face with a beer bottle until he started to bleed. It really got me wondering if Black Metal really was a freak scene and that all the time I had spent in my life trying to convince me that BM wasn't just about burning, raping and killing people or church burning and racism... would have been a big lie I would have made up for myself.

Then the second band came in... Blackscorn it was named. Pathetic wannabe Mayhem band... with all the corpsepaint, dead animal's skulls on stage and Mayhem worshipping corpsepaint and clothes. Then they started playing. After one second or two I stuffed my ear plugs up my ears. Their sound was fucking terrible. The guitars over-powered everything else and made my ears bleed. There really wasn't anything good to listen to anyway. Just plain boring tremolo picking at the same exact pace through their whole set.

Then... THEN came the great band Chasse-Galerie. This band was absolutely fantastic on stage. Their music is exactly what you expect from a good and innovative black metal band. They mixed their music with some folk elements and showed how well they handled their instruments. I suggest you people listen to them, they are fantastic!

Next in line was... omfg... Infernal Stronghold. Holy mother of God! Their set was fucking BRUTAL, FAST-PACED, MIND-BLOWING and EAR-SHATTERING (but in a good way this time). Crust-Punk/Black Metal at his fucking best. I was right in front of the stage for their whole set. People started a pit as soon as they started to play. I kept getting people bumping into me, but man! I didn't give a fuck! I was right in front of the guitarist/vocalist for the whole set and I headbanged all the way through... except when I jumped on stage and jumped back in the pit. There were also a few girls in the pit... Damn! I don't know what was wrong with these girls because this pit was brutal as fuck. One of them fell hard on the floor and had a guy falling on her. When she got back up she just moved a little aside from the pit, she looked hurt and one guy tried to help her out. But she didn't move away enough from the pit and got hit another time. She fell down and made an attempt to stay up by holding on the stage monitor and dragged it down with her... Another girl pulled up the monitor to place it back up. Damn, I'm pretty sure the girl who fell down was also drunk as fuck. Probably was fucking tough to get up next morning.

During the night, I heard rumors that Forteresse cancelled their set. I was uber-pissed because they are the band who got me to go to that gig at first. Rumors said that they were forced to cancel because some people pressured the organizers to kick them out of the event... supposedly because the vocalist was a Nazi. Forteresse is a nationalist band, but that doesn't make them nazis. Anyway. At some part of the show, between two sets, they started playing a track by Forteresse in the speakers and the crowd started chanting their name. After a while... some of the guys from Forteresse got on stage and decided to play anyway :) From what I understand, not all musicians from the band were on stage. I know the vocalist wasn't there, so it's Chasse-Galerie's vocalist who did the vox. I know it wasn't ALL Forteresse on stage, but their set was still fucking fantastic. Especially when they closed their set with Une Nuit Pour La Patrie.

Next band on stage was Glorior Belli. I watched their whole set from the balcony. I was getting tired, my ears were buzzing already and I didn't feel like getting bumped into all the time anymore. Glorior Belli, while they are labelled as a Black Metal act on Metal Archives... are heavily influenced by slower music like Doom Metal. If there is one band I really wasn't expecting anything from... it was them. But they kicked asses! Big time! They are a fascinating band. Great musicianship in that band, really :)

And then... nothing... Inquisition was next, but I really didn't mind. I was fucking tired. The show started more than an hour late, the show already lasted something like 3 hours and I really didn't feel like going through another "pure" black metal act. They are a good band, definitely, but at that moment, I really didn't give two cents of a shit. Went back home, got some sleep, and next day... I was sick... my ears were buzzing... and I could hear frequencies I never heard before :P

That was a great show :) I really suggest you guys give a listen to Forteresse, Chasse-Galerie, Glorior Belli and Infernal Stronghold. ALL were amazing that night, and ALL sound great on record, two.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 13:35:42

This week brings us Solstice from the UK!

Duff, you're not the only one who had some fun with live shows last night. I was seeing Wolfsbane in Liverpool and while the support acts weren't all that good, the main band itself, especially Blaze Bayley, was a very fun show. I even got Blaze to sign a CD I bought from the merchandise so I'm more than satisfied.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 18:13:00

At 11/28/11 02:04 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: But I must say I was kind of scared when I first got into the venue... Black Metal fans are kind of unsymphatetic and they all wear these military boots and dress in all black. Not that I'm not used to the metal community... but bm community is... different...

And it really didn't help me when I saw the vocalist/guitarist of the first band hit himself repeatedly in the face with a beer bottle until he started to bleed. It really got me wondering if Black Metal really was a freak scene and that all the time I had spent in my life trying to convince me that BM wasn't just about burning, raping and killing people or church burning and racism... would have been a big lie I would have made up for myself.

Well, Metalheads are all essentially huge nerds. BM fans included. I know a couple of guys who love Black Metal, and they're the nicest people ever. There are always going to be assholes, in every community.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 18:21:48

Call me a slowbro, but has anyone else noticed that some metal fans are kind of narrow-minded when it comes to appreciating other genres of music?

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 18:23:37

At 11/28/11 06:21 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Call me a slowbro, but has anyone else noticed that some metal fans are kind of narrow-minded when it comes to appreciating other genres of music?

Dunno, what do you have in mind?

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 18:53:56

So, what do you think of the new band Animals as leaders guys?

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 19:01:23

At 11/28/11 06:23 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 11/28/11 06:21 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Call me a slowbro, but has anyone else noticed that some metal fans are kind of narrow-minded when it comes to appreciating other genres of music?
Dunno, what do you have in mind?

It seems like some of them don't listen to much music that isn't metal, and automatically dismiss any non-metal music simply because it isn't metal.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 19:01:34

At 11/28/11 06:53 PM, escobargames wrote: So, what do you think of the new band Animals as leaders guys?

Not a new band. But they are pretty cool :) I own the first album.

Benighted - Insane Cephalic Production

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 19:50:18

Holy shit, Sleep really should have made a studio version of Antarcticus Thawed and Sonic Titan. I just found out about Antarcticus Thawed today and I think it's the best sleep song I've ever heard.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3XYhXaPi tE&feature=related

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 19:51:04

At 11/28/11 06:21 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Call me a slowbro, but has anyone else noticed that some metal fans are kind of narrow-minded when it comes to appreciating other genres of music?

Of course, there are always the select few. Most metal fans I know are also into a lot of other stuff, usually more so than people who aren't metal fans. With the dozens of hybrid genres arising lately, it seems to have influenced metal fans to look into who inspired the hybrid bands. Atheist got me into jazz fusion (and later jazz as a whole), Neurosis got me into crust punk, etc, etc. Metal now takes up only a small part of what of I listen to. I wouldn't say metal heads are close minded at all, metal is really a versatile enough genre to create gateways into other genres.

So, speaking of Neurosis, whats everybody's favorite Neurosis album?

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-28 20:15:58

Did you guys know Vektor released a new album? I've not listened to it yet but i've heard it's really good, especially considering Black Future was a hard album to top.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-29 00:26:44

At 11/28/11 06:21 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Call me a slowbro, but has anyone else noticed that some metal fans are kind of narrow-minded when it comes to appreciating other genres of music?

I'm kinda like this. I'm not saying I don't listen to any other types of music but metal basically dominates what I listen to and there's a lot of music that I really don't see myself really wanting to listening to. Fuck I'll say it and I don't care but I actually like LMFAO.

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-29 00:30:57

At 11/28/11 06:21 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Call me a slowbro, but has anyone else noticed that some metal fans are kind of narrow-minded when it comes to appreciating other genres of music?

I'm actually a bigger fan of R&B than I am of Metal.

Different strokes for different blokes as it were.

In my case though metal just suits a certain need than R&B doesn't really feel so I enjoy it mostly for that.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-29 00:53:23

At 11/28/11 11:59 PM, batman64 wrote: yeah..Metal history was made tonight.
kinda funny how things work out sometimes.
but hell..it's official now.

It's a mutha fukkin beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I got cheated on, yaaaaay!

I'm sad now..

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-29 07:32:03

At 11/28/11 07:51 PM, Tobi wrote: So, speaking of Neurosis, whats everybody's favorite Neurosis album?

I've considered getting into them. I see they recently had re-issues which I came across in HMV yesterday. Some recommendations around here will tell me what to get, even though I've asked enough albums for Christmas already.

At 11/29/11 12:26 AM, Anti-pie wrote: I'm kinda like this. I'm not saying I don't listen to any other types of music but metal basically dominates what I listen to and there's a lot of music that I really don't see myself really wanting to listening to. Fuck I'll say it and I don't care but I actually like LMFAO.

My problem with other genres is that I have very little time for them. It doesn't help when I now have a metal review site.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-29 08:35:25

At 11/28/11 07:51 PM, Tobi wrote: So, speaking of Neurosis, whats everybody's favorite Neurosis album?

Probably Through Silver In Blood, but they're all fantastic.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-29 18:17:22

At 11/29/11 07:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: Some recommendations around here will tell me what to get, even though I've asked enough albums for Christmas already.

Depends on what you want. The first two albums are pretty much crust punk, but that doesn't all mean you should disregard them. It's not their most unique material, but it's pretty damn good (Check them out online, along with the Aberration EP). Souls at Zero marks their first sludge/post-metal album, when they started really experimenting. The whole thing is pretty odd, I haven't actually listened to the whole album, but of what I've heard, it's pretty good. Still, I'd just disregard that album until you've gotten into Neurosis as a whole. Enemy of the Sun and Through Silver in Blood are undoubtedly the heaviest and most brutal of their discography. I'd avise you not buy them unless your truly ready, because otherwise you probably wouldn't like it. I would say Enemy of the Sun is the better album, because it has more variation, and a really cool ending track (which you should listen to regardless of whether you buy the album or not).

Times of Grace is when Neurosis began to mellow out a bit. I'd suggest this to be your first purchase. It's soft enough to help you get into the later material, but hard enough to get you into their earlier material. It's also the last album in which they used more hardcore punk styled vocals. A Sun That Never Sets brings softer, folksier melodies, in addition to a few post-rock tendencies, and the most refined production of any of their albums. The vocals changed also quite a bit here (but I can't find a way to explain it). Also a good album for newcomers. The Eye of Every Storm is their softest album, with vocals being mostly melodic, even when screamed. It's very good in it's own right, but not exactly for a newcomer. Given to the Rising (their latest album) is one of the two albums that I actually feel has post-rock leanings, which is odd, seeing as Neurosis is widely considered the founders of Post-Metal. All in all, it's a very good album, with the heavier and softer parts juxtaposing perfectly. Probably another good album to start with.

So I suggest you buy either Times of Grace or A Sun That Never Sets, maybe Enemy of the Sun if you're feeling adventurous. But in the end, I suggest you listen to a song of the albums you are interested in before you buy it, seeing how money is precious and all.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-30 02:23:54

At 11/30/11 02:20 AM, batman64 wrote: It's kinda the album LuLu tried to be..mixing old with new..but done right.
Whereas Lou and Lars got together and made noise..calling it art to make money...


Response to Metal Hell 2011-11-30 07:33:26

At 11/29/11 06:17 PM, Tobi wrote: Enemy of the Sun and Through Silver in Blood are undoubtedly the heaviest and most brutal of their discography. I'd avise you not buy them unless your truly ready, because otherwise you probably wouldn't like it.

And yet I seem to be eyeing on Through Silver in Blood. I did listen to one song from it a few months back and felt it had something to it.

Times of Grace is when Neurosis began to mellow out a bit. I'd suggest this to be your first purchase.

Good thing Spotify have at least some Neurosis. Times of Grace is on there so I'll fire that up shortly.

At 11/30/11 02:52 AM, batman64 wrote: Price..20 bucks plus tax...and in the end you have an expensive coaster which can be used to prop up a short table leg balancing out a table..yeah.

It's a good thing they allowed you to try it online before buying it.