At 11/22/11 05:37 PM, Balani wrote:
May i enter the Metal Hell?
I like all types of Metal, but my favorite is Black Metal, like Rotting Christ, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Vader and Mirrorthrone.
\m/ >_< \m/
Like Bill (batman) said, you need to list a few more bands, but it's pretty obvious that you are going to make the cut :P
So you like Symphonic Black Metal, that's cool. Want to share some SBM with me?
If you haven't checked them out already, I highly recommand the band Abigail Williams. Their album In The Shadow Of A Thousand Suns is definitely one of the best SBM albums I've ever heard. I even wrote a review for it on Metal Archives :)
Abigail Wiliams - The World Beyond
If you like Cradle Of Filth, you will love Illnath (that is i l l n a t h. Just saying because with the capital letter at the beginning it can be confusing). I never really liked CoF, at least not their whole discography. But whenever I listen to Illnath, it makes me think of CoF, but better.
Illnath - Frozen Constellations
(the sound quality is fuckin' bad... but that's just on YouTube).
Last recommandation... Anthelion. You might like them. I think they are ok. They have great and not so great tracks. They have a good musicianship for sure :)
Anthelion - Snake Corpse
I lied, here's one last band I recommand. Not my favorite... but they have a few goddamn great tracks. The name is Chthonic. Enjoy :)
Chthonic - Blooming Blades