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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-15 15:27:17

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-15 17:57:48

So yeah I've had a new computer for a while and no itunes yet and I forgot all the music I had on my old one so any random metal suggestions would be cool.

Kind of into power metal lately. Basically anything that's not death/black metal.

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-15 19:11:46

So, a new Mastodon song has been leaked or released or whatever. Apparently it was removed on YouTube, but can still be listened to here.

I thought it was okay. I do much prefer Black Tongue over this.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-15 19:40:36

At 8/15/11 07:11 PM, K2LU wrote:
I thought it was okay. I do much prefer Black Tongue over this.

I agree. This one sounds a bit generic but there is some nice instrumental work as always.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-15 20:14:19

At 8/15/11 07:39 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: I'm switching more over to rock music. Am I kicked out?

Oh, and I like Killswitch Engage and Slipknot.

I bet you like to shave your legs too. Don't you, leg shaver? With your smooth supple calves and socially awkward hygienic practices.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-15 21:06:59

At 8/15/11 07:14 AM, TheDaemonicPoet wrote: Read about LaVeyan Satanism.

I know a lot about this, thank you. And it pretty goes along with what I was saying, they are not worshipping Satan, even if this philosophy's name includes the term Satanism.

At 8/15/11 01:45 PM, SomaGuye wrote:
At 8/15/11 01:18 PM, AniMetal wrote:
At 8/15/11 01:12 PM, SomaGuye wrote: If we're talking about thrash ima throw a cool thrash/death band out there, Revocation. I think they're really good, I especially like the guitar work.
I don't see how in the hell you could call them "thrash" in any way.
I think we had a similar argument about this before, I'm not going into it again.

They are pretty much both, according to Metal Archives, Last.fm tags and my own judgement.

At 8/15/11 01:52 PM, AniMetal wrote: I know they're not metal, but does anyone here like Primus? I've been listening to them a bit on youtube and they're fucking awesome. haha

They are more metal than any other Funk band in the world. Some of their riff structures are definitely influenced by metal. Same goes for the drumming. But yes, they are fucking great. I happen to own both Sailling The Seas Of Cheese and Antipop. Both albums are completely different, but both are amazingly good.


That's some great news indeed :)

At 8/15/11 07:39 PM, MudkipsPiano wrote: I'm switching more over to rock music. Am I kicked out?

Oh, and I like Killswitch Engage and Slipknot.

If you like Killswitch Engage and Slipknot, I doubt you ever made it in. So technicaly, you are not kicked out.

Primus - Natural Joe

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-15 22:34:51


10 out of 10 a rare gem.

Metal Hell

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 05:56:14

At 8/16/11 01:22 AM, batman64 wrote: Ok kiddies..as promised/threatened..an old Metalheads thoughts on Random BM as listed by Duff man

Alcest - Tristesse Hivernale
Alcest, kinda like it .cool

The bad sound quality also goes with the fact that it was a demo, and that there was probably not much high quality equipment used to record this. I do suggest you listen to the album Souvenirs d'un autre monde, by the same band. It's a great Shoegaze/Post-Black Metal record. And I can say that I really like the lyrics on this album. You might like it two. Even back when Neige was writting black metal, I think he already knew what he was doing. He's a great musician.

Anthelion - Grave Ocean
So final word..I kinda liked this because it is what it is. So that is 2 for 2

I didn't list them because I liked them that much, though. As I said, I just listed a few random black metal titles. I think Anthelion are pretty good at what they do, but they are not the kind of band I could fall in love with.

Arcturus - The Chaos Path
That was my son Gary and my first reaction to hearing this..then I really listened to what was being played and sung and damn if it does not fit and actually works..Ok, so they were BM and are now more avant-garde now..have yet to hear the BM side but this..this.I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The way the song just changes structure each time the words Tragic legend, eerie stratum are sung..genius. Heard a lil more and watched some live vids..This is Theatre with a damn fine soundtrack. Costumes, dancing girls..A mad poet on Vocals with a weird vocal style and over the top presence. I gotta say, I see a LOT of Arthur Brown, Robert Calvert..and a lil Cooper in this..and the girls make me think of Stacia who danced with Hawkwind....DUDE..I LOVE THIS, THANK YOU BRO.
Final word...THIS IS EXCELLENT. 3 for 3

Arcturus is fantastic. But what surprises me the most, is that you actually took the time to listen to all the tracks I listed, and more than once. I'm surprised. Not that I thought you were not open-minded or whatever. But I'm surprised at how seriously you did this. I'm happy that I could make you discover bands that you like :)

Austere - To Fade Away With the Dusk
LOL WUT?..think I missed something here..try this again..wtf?...try this again..LOL ok I think I get it.
Print out some emo lyrics..play some supposedly BM music, good music btw..and instead of singing the lyrics dude just screams and whines like giggler from Wrong Turn(Horror film from a few years back) thus showing how much in pain he really is..2 man group.names are Sorrow and Desolate...Dude, I'm sorry but to me this is PURE emo...Depressive BM it is called

I have to disagree here. Not on everything though. But I don't think that this as anything to do with emo music. Does depressive and emotive music makes it emo?

Balrog - The Left Hand Of God (I think there is some Satanical references here)
Final word..What I expected from the name and album cover, always liked Tolkien, kinda like this. 5 for 5 since i kinda liked it but I can take or leave it

They are one of my favorite Black Metal bands. The first four or five tracks on the record have some of the most awesome, raw, agressive and mind-blowing BM riffs I have ever heard :)

Conqueror - Hammer Of Antichrist (Another Biblical reference here)
Final word..Kinda what I expected and not really my thing..is ok but nothing I will listen to a lot but will try again when I am in a bad mood. 6 for 7..not bad so far

Not really my thing either. Remember I only listed random tracks :P

Dark Forest - Eternal Forest
Final word...Good music, good style, good lyrics, good band.Good. 7 for 8

Happy to see that you like this. I myself, really like this band, but for some reason, after I found out about this band, I just moved along after a few listen and never really came back to it. I think it didn't really make that much of an impression on me.

Enslaved - Queen Of Night
ok..right off I hear a flute recalling in my head Tony with Tull..and Black Widow..then bang, it kicks in..Norwegian Black/Viking metal...cool lyrics..vocals mix between harsh and clean to good effect..the music is good..yeah i like this..THANKS AGAIN BRO, ANOTHER ONE I DIG..and what is this listed under the vid? Enslaved with Ghost, Alcest and more to be announced..Oct.3rd,..right down the road from me..6:00 show...all ages..I just might have to check this out, Monday, school time..Yeah this could work..see what happens.

I suggest you go. I won't miss a show with both Enslaved and Alest. I damn angry I didn't know about Agalloch and Alcest back when they played together, because I would have loved to see them live, and together !!!

Final word..Good music and lyrics, ANOTHER ONE I DIG. 8 for 9 so far..2 b continued

Awesome :)

Fen - Colossal Voids
this is different..mellow, clean vocals..nice music..ok there's the rough vocals and the harder edged music...The Watcher on vocals..makes me think of Hawkwind and Fields of The Nephilim..which is cool..I LIKE THIS, THANKS AGAIN BRO...yeah, good music, decent lyrics and vocals that work...dark emo...i mean that in a good way...COOL BAND
Final word..Not what I expected..a pleasant lil surprise. I dig this..find it relaxing. 9 for 10 i believe

Fen is one of the numerous band who spawned in the trail left by Agalloch. They are one of these bands who try to mix Post-Rock with Atmospheric Black Metal, and I think they are doing it pretty well so far. Your knowledge of music shows right now when you mention Fields Of The Nephilim. I say this because I remember hearing the members of Agalloch saying they took influence from this band back when they recorded The Mantle. I guess FOTN influenced Agalloch, who tend influenced Fen.

Forteresse - De Sang Et De Volonté (transaltion: Of Blood and Will)
Oh Canada..what do you got now?..Separatism...National Pride and history...I dunno, makes me think SkinHead for some reason when I hear separatism..maybe just me..Lyrics in french so again BabelFish comes in play..words about patriots.."OUR RACE"...might be wrong but sounds a lil political to me. Kinda like the music..vocals are ok for being what they are..like the echo effect used. I think I would like this more without the lyrics. Not Canadian or french so can't really relate to the Pride part. And the more I listen..I get a lil flash of Skinny Puppy in the Vocals..kinda cool
Final word..Decent Music..ok vocals..lyrics I can take or leave. Not too bad. 11 for 12

Their lyrics is about Quebec, our pride and separatism. Won't go too deep in our history, but you need to know that there once was a very strong independantist (is that a word in english?) movement in Quebec. I can really related to the words in the music, as I feel that Canada really isn't my country. Whatever, I don't want to go any further in this. If you are interrested, pick up an history book, and not those shitty Canadian history book, they always try to hide the part where they try to ruin our culture and assimilate us.

I love their music :)

Gontyna Kry - We Are Coming...
Final word..Not really liking this..not bad per se..just not that good to me. 12 for 14

Don't like them either...

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 05:57:22

At 8/16/11 04:32 AM, batman64 wrote:
Gorgoroth - White Seed
ok..the legendary Gorgoroth..Tolkien again...corpsepaint, spikes and members with a rap sheet..what I consider the real deal..evil music played by evil men..Black Metal.
ok..no lyrics listed and sorry but I can NOT decipher anything from the growls and shrieks but words here and there that sound to me anyway words about chaos and hate but without a lyric sheet I can't get it all..White Seed...Cum? or more words about White Pride?..sorry but I don't know...but seeing that Gaahl is supposedly Homosexual with a rap sheet I can see both. Gotta say this, not digging this.

I heard a lot of metalheads complainning about this one record by Gorgoroth. Most bm fans don't seem to like it, nor does most Gorgoroth fans. I suggest you listen to other records by them to make a good opinion.

I don't know about your interpretation of the title "White Seed", but I doubt that this would be about white pride...

Music don't do nothing for me..don't dig the image..and sorry, dudes sound like a bunch of really fucked up guys..Rape, church burning..whatever..sound like assholes to me and can't really see the admiration given them..Probably gonna have to say that this was the Worst you mentioned bro.
Final word..Don't like it..just my opinion. 12 for 15

Rape? That never happenned. And none of them burned churches. And em... I can't say that I disagree with the reasons why they hate Christianity and what it did to their country.

Gris - Cicatrice (translation: Scar)
Final word..I dub this Gray Metal..cause that is what I hear when I hear this. And I dig this. 13 for 15

Not Canadian... Quebecois ;) And one of the best Black Metal bands to ever exist. It's so unique, beautiful and disgusting at the same time. It's so hard to explain. I love this review that some guy from Metal Archives wrote for the record I picked this track from.

Ihsahn - Alchemist
ok..seen this band was mentioned a while back so at least 2 of you recommend this
hmmmmm see no mention of BM again..unless u want to use the vocals and possibly the lyrics..Progressive definitely...damn good music..i dig the vocal style and lyrics..oh yeah...I DIG THIS BRO's..not what I would call BM so perhaps another mistake..either or again I dig this..THANKS FOR THE RECOMMENDATION..I LIKE THIS.

More like Avant-Garde Metal. But the Black Metal influences are undeniables :O

Final word..Not what I would call BM. Damn good music and lyrics and a cool vocal style that works...I dig this quite a bit. 14 for 16


End of it is I now see and hear that BM has a lot more to offer than I thought and encompasses a wide variety of styles and themes.And surprised to say..even though some I did not get into as much as others..for the most part through what I heard..I can now say that I am a fan of BM and it's not all satan shit. And some of it I REALLY DIG.

With Bruce around, I'm surprised you never got to listen to at least a few of these bands before :O But hey, it's never too late to start enjoying something :) I'm happy I could help you get into some of my favorite bands :)

Yeah..this old man likes BM...who would of figured.


Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 10:30:39

Rhapsody have split up... into two different bands. Luca Turilli is doing things on his own with the Rhapsody name (may as well be his solo project if that's the case) while the rest will continue with naming themselves Rhapsody of Fire. The fact that Luca Turilli is going to have a band called Rhapsody (without of Fire) is going to be confusing as shit.

At 8/15/11 10:36 AM, Tobi wrote: Kinda depends on this one. It seems most metalheads discover Manilla Road long after they develop from their traditional roots. By the time they listen to them, they usually are also listening to the more extreme genres. Some of them will have a firm stance in their favorite genre.

Yeah, that's what I've noticed. Despite discovering other traditional metal bands long before, I didn't find out about Manilla Road until I looked them up after hearing Slough Feg's cover of Street Jammer.

Manilla Road, having a pretty and varied discography, could appease to most metalheads, regardless of stance.

This is how I feel about the band. They've had (or rather still have) their traditional metal sound, they've made some thrashy songs, made a fair amount of doom metal songs since the reformation and they've even made progressive/space rock music. This is why I've found them to be a band to talk about all the time. There's so much from them yet they've had so little acclaim.

Gates of Fire, The Deluge, and Spiral Castle would probably be good entry points for thrash lovers, being the some of the fastest Manilla albums.

Actually, Gates of Fire could be more for traditional/doom metal fans. Spiral Castle is more suited for those who are into epic doom. However, I can agree with The Deluge being an appeal for anyone with a slight interest in thrash metal. Although, if they want the thrashiest Manilla Road albums, they should go with Mystification, Out of the Abyss and The Courts of Chaos.

I don't think any one album is better or worse for reeling in new fans. It depends on the person's tastes. Just be sure to tell them that no one album defines the band.

Crystal Logic, The Deluge and Atlantis Rising are my personal picks for them. Crystal Logic is often one that many go for but it is the most accessible album so it's understandable.

At 8/15/11 11:44 AM, AniMetal wrote:
At 8/15/11 04:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: This week for Metal Monday: Savatage!
Oh. My. God.

There are SO many bands that start with S, I seriously fucking love you for picking savatage. :D

I hope the song choice was right for you. As for S letter bands, this isn't Metal ABC from Haggard so I don't go pick bands by their first letter. :) Savatage had to be mentioned since The Hourglass is damn awesome and I still have seven more albums to get. If you want to know which Savatage albums I have, they are Sirens (with The Dungeons Are Calling), Hall of the Mountain King, Gutter Ballet and The Wake of Magellan.

At 8/15/11 12:06 PM, Haggard wrote: But yes, overall Ride the Lightening is a better album. That's why it's my most favorite Metallica album and my most favorite metal album of all time.

This might be our greatest agreement ever!


It's official! And that's not the only crazy metal news from this week.

At 8/15/11 07:11 PM, K2LU wrote: So, a new Mastodon song has been leaked or released or whatever. Apparently it was removed on YouTube, but can still be listened to here.

I thought it was okay. I do much prefer Black Tongue over this.

Yeah, Black Tongue is a whole lot better. I'm hoping there aren't too many songs that are like Curl of the Burl.

At 8/15/11 10:34 PM, smeagol1 wrote: BEST...ALBUM...OF...2011!!!!!

10 out of 10 a rare gem.

From all the albums I've listened but not picked up from this year, this one is indeed a gem. I need to listen to it again.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 11:03:52

What are some good melodic death metal bands/albums?

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 11:17:11

At 8/16/11 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Rhapsody have split up... into two different bands.

Not sure if want.

Also, new Alestorm album. It's pretty good, some folksy stuff, some kinda boring stuff, but overall it's worth your money.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 11:59:36

Everyone here should check out the new Revocation album, it's absolutely PHENOMENAL.

At 8/16/11 11:03 AM, K2LU wrote: What are some good melodic death metal bands/albums?

I hate most melodic death metal, so I think i'm a great person to do this.

90's In Flames, Soilwork, The Absence, Into Eternity, 00's Hypocrisy, Edge Of Sanity, Heartwork and Swansong by Carcass, Epicurean, 90's Amorphis, Insomnium, Swallow The Sun, Kalmah.

Every melodic death metal band with talent, right there.

At 8/16/11 11:17 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Also, new Alestorm album.

Lol Alestorm

It's pretty good, some folksy stuff, some kinda boring stuff,

Lol Failstorm

but overall it's worth your money.

Lol Alestorm fans.

At 8/16/11 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Rhapsody have split up... into two different bands. Luca Turilli is doing things on his own with the Rhapsody name (may as well be his solo project if that's the case) while the rest will continue with naming themselves Rhapsody of Fire. The fact that Luca Turilli is going to have a band called Rhapsody (without of Fire) is going to be confusing as shit.

I hate my life.

I hope the song choice was right for you. As for S letter bands, this isn't Metal ABC from Haggard so I don't go pick bands by their first letter. :) Savatage had to be mentioned since The Hourglass is damn awesome and I still have seven more albums to get. If you want to know which Savatage albums I have, they are Sirens (with The Dungeons Are Calling), Hall of the Mountain King, Gutter Ballet and The Wake of Magellan.

OH, I thought it was the ABC thing. My bad, I confused the two. XD

But yeah, I love Savatage dude. I have their first five albums, myself.

At 8/15/11 09:06 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: They are more metal than any other Funk band in the world. Some of their riff structures are definitely influenced by metal. Same goes for the drumming. But yes, they are fucking great. I happen to own both Sailling The Seas Of Cheese and Antipop. Both albums are completely different, but both are amazingly good.


Fuck, I never viewed them as that before. Not even once. I always just considered them to be grunge but with a lot of outside influences such as metal and jazz. hahahaha

Also, the metal influence WOULD make sense.

Before forming primus, Les Claypool did two things:
1.) Was in the band Blind Illusion and recorded their only album with them, The Sane Asylum. (one of the best thrash metal albums ever fyi)
2.) Auditioned for metallica.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 12:02:40

At 8/16/11 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Rhapsody have split up... into two different bands. Luca Turilli is doing things on his own with the Rhapsody name (may as well be his solo project if that's the case) while the rest will continue with naming themselves Rhapsody of Fire. The fact that Luca Turilli is going to have a band called Rhapsody (without of Fire) is going to be confusing as shit.

Wait, I thought they had to rename the band after someone complained about the use of the name Rhapsody? And now Luca Turilli wants to use the name "Rhapsody" again? Why doesn't he just use his own name if it's going to be a solo project anyway?

At 8/15/11 12:06 PM, Haggard wrote: But yes, overall Ride the Lightening is a better album. That's why it's my most favorite Metallica album and my most favorite metal album of all time.
This might be our greatest agreement ever!

Hell yeah!
Let's celebrate it with this amazing cover of Orion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0CsLefLi sE

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 12:22:07

At 8/16/11 11:59 AM, AniMetal wrote:
90's In Flames, Soilwork, The Absence, Into Eternity, 00's Hypocrisy, Edge Of Sanity, Heartwork and Swansong by Carcass, Epicurean, 90's Amorphis, Insomnium, Swallow The Sun, Kalmah.

In Mourning and Intestine Baalism are two melodic death metal bands I'd consider essential that aren't listed here.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 12:55:44

At 8/16/11 12:22 PM, JaY11 wrote:
At 8/16/11 11:59 AM, AniMetal wrote:
90's In Flames, Soilwork, The Absence, Into Eternity, 00's Hypocrisy, Edge Of Sanity, Heartwork and Swansong by Carcass, Epicurean, 90's Amorphis, Insomnium, Swallow The Sun, Kalmah.
In Mourning and Intestine Baalism are two melodic death metal bands I'd consider essential that aren't listed here.

I totally forgot about In Mourning, I do not know the other band. I will check them out at some point.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 13:43:36

At 8/16/11 11:59 AM, AniMetal wrote:
At 8/16/11 11:17 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Also, new Alestorm album.
Lol Alestorm

It's pretty good, some folksy stuff, some kinda boring stuff,
Lol Failstorm

but overall it's worth your money.
Lol Alestorm fans.

Why you gotta be like dat? :(

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 14:17:24

At 8/16/11 11:59 AM, AniMetal wrote:
At 8/16/11 11:03 AM, K2LU wrote: What are some good melodic death metal bands/albums?
I hate most melodic death metal, so I think i'm a great person to do this.


Every melodic death metal band with talent, right there.

I don't see Wintersun on that list.

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-16 18:39:37

At 8/15/11 01:52 PM, AniMetal wrote: I know they're not metal, but does anyone here like Primus? I've been listening to them a bit on youtube and they're fucking awesome. haha

Primus sucks....


We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 00:31:56

Bought a Dark Funeral shirt off this site, I'm eying a Suffocation shirt for my next.

My friend showed me this site for buying metal T-shirts and I think it's pretty good. Although when it comes to metal I like to ask you guys. So, does anyone know other good sites for purchases metal gear?

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 03:02:11

At 8/17/11 12:31 AM, mothballs wrote: does anyone know other good sites for purchases metal gear?

Hell's Headbangers, NWN, or Satanic Skinheads.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 04:56:10

At 8/16/11 11:03 AM, K2LU wrote: What are some good melodic death metal bands/albums?

Children Of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Darkane - Rusted Angel
In Flames - Clayman
In Flames - Colony
Kalmah - Swampsong
Kalmah - They Will Return
Kalmah - 12 Gauge
Nightrage - Descent Into Chaos
Nightrage - Sweet Vengeance
Nightrage - A New Disease Is Born
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress
Sculptured - The Spear Of The Lily Is Aureoled (This one really isn't a typical Melodeath album though. It's very progressive, and heavily influenced by Post-Rock and Atmospheric Metal)
Sinergy - Suicide By My Side
Wintersun - Wintersun

Some like CoB, Sinergy and Wintersun also share elements with Power Metal. My personnal favorites are the Nightrage and Kalmah albums. These are all Melodic Death Metal gems. The album Clayman by In Flames is also a must.

At 8/16/11 11:59 AM, AniMetal wrote: Before forming primus, Les Claypool did two things:
1.) Was in the band Blind Illusion and recorded their only album with them, The Sane Asylum. (one of the best thrash metal albums ever fyi)
2.) Auditioned for metallica.

He should accept that he really was too good for them :P

Btw guys, look at what just came in the mail :)

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 05:01:32

And now, I'm going to do something very stupid, just for shit and giggles.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 05:41:58

At 8/17/11 05:01 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: And now, I'm going to do something very stupid, just for shit and giggles.


Anyone here like Lost Horizon? I picked up A Flame to the Ground Beneath after watching a funny Youtube video with their music in it, which is kinda weird, and I have to say that I really like it. Very old-school.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 06:04:30

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 06:36:06

At 8/17/11 06:04 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: Rhapsody split? D:

Yeah, Bahamut mentioned it last page. I wonder what their stuff's going to be like without Luca, considering he co-wrote all their songs?

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 06:37:22

At 8/16/11 11:17 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 8/16/11 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Rhapsody have split up... into two different bands.
Not sure if want.

I'll just wait it out and see if they get back together. Hopefully Turilli can still do good on his own. The last thing I'd want to see him be is another Tolkki.

Also, new Alestorm album. It's pretty good, some folksy stuff, some kinda boring stuff, but overall it's worth your money.

I think it's the weakest out of the three albums. There's a fair amount of forgettable stuff but there's still plenty of good material.

At 8/16/11 11:59 AM, AniMetal wrote:
At 8/16/11 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: Rhapsody have split up... into two different bands. Luca Turilli is doing things on his own with the Rhapsody name (may as well be his solo project if that's the case) while the rest will continue with naming themselves Rhapsody of Fire. The fact that Luca Turilli is going to have a band called Rhapsody (without of Fire) is going to be confusing as shit.
I hate my life.

I hate mine right now simply because I could have seen him at Bloodstock but now they're two different bands and it just won't be the same.

I hope the song choice was right for you. As for S letter bands, this isn't Metal ABC from Haggard so I don't go pick bands by their first letter. :) Savatage had to be mentioned since The Hourglass is damn awesome and I still have seven more albums to get. If you want to know which Savatage albums I have, they are Sirens (with The Dungeons Are Calling), Hall of the Mountain King, Gutter Ballet and The Wake of Magellan.
OH, I thought it was the ABC thing. My bad, I confused the two. XD

Ah well. Maybe you can beg Haggard to cover Savatage on his Metal ABC series. :P

But yeah, I love Savatage dude. I have their first five albums, myself.

Does that count The Dungeons Are Calling? Either way, that includes Fight for the Rock which I've heard many bad things about. Power of the Night doesn't seem to be a fan favourite either but hearing Fountain of Youth makes me want to pick up the album. Let me know what you think of those two.

At 8/16/11 12:02 PM, Haggard wrote: Wait, I thought they had to rename the band after someone complained about the use of the name Rhapsody? And now Luca Turilli wants to use the name "Rhapsody" again? Why doesn't he just use his own name if it's going to be a solo project anyway?

Worst of all, Rhapsody were forced to change their name due to "legal reasons". The guys on the MA forums speculate the name change was to do with Joey DeMaio when they signed to his label. I like Manowar's music but DeMaio is fucked up in the head so this wouldn't surprise me.

At 8/17/11 05:41 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Anyone here like Lost Horizon? I picked up A Flame to the Ground Beneath after watching a funny Youtube video with their music in it, which is kinda weird, and I have to say that I really like it. Very old-school.

Hell yes! I'd say you picked the right album considering it has Highlander (The One). That song manages to take the term epic on a higher scale. The last time a 10+ minute track felt magical to me was with Helloween's Halloween, Keeper of the Seven Keys and The King for a 1000 Years as well as Blind Guardian's And Then There Was Silence. If I have to compare that song with them, you know it has to be good!

Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 06:49:37

At 8/17/11 06:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hell yes! I'd say you picked the right album considering it has Highlander (The One). That song manages to take the term epic on a higher scale. The last time a 10+ minute track felt magical to me was with Helloween's Halloween, Keeper of the Seven Keys and The King for a 1000 Years as well as Blind Guardian's And Then There Was Silence. If I have to compare that song with them, you know it has to be good!

It's a very good song, but I don't know if I'd compare it to Keeper of the Seven Keys. Keeper of the Seven Keys had a very natural flow to it. At times, Highlander kind of feels like several songs cobbled together. Don't get me wrong, though, it's an excellent song from an excellent album.


My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 11:30:51

What does everyone think of Dismember?

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-08-17 16:33:40

At 8/16/11 11:03 AM, K2LU wrote: What are some good melodic death metal bands/albums?

Insomnium - Since the Day it All Came Down
Insomnium - Above the Weeping World
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God
In Flames - Clayman
Kalmah - 12 Gauge

Check those out.

At 8/17/11 03:02 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote:
At 8/17/11 12:31 AM, mothballs wrote: does anyone know other good sites for purchases metal gear?
Hell's Headbangers, NWN, or Satanic Skinheads.

Thanks man, I will check them out :)