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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-03 07:56:01

At 4/2/11 10:26 PM, Xarnor wrote: Just listening to some Testament. I really love their rhythm guitar sound on their album The Gathering; it's so deep and heavy. Down For Life is a good song for checking out the guitar sound.

So guys, what band/album do you especially like the guitar sound on?

Also, I've been wanting to check out some more thrash metal. I've heard a lot about Slayer, and I checked them out once on iTunes and was unimpressed. I'm planning on giving them another shot; what albums should I check out?

Testamen't The Gathering is insane.

I'm a thrash maniac so here's alot of stuff you should listen too:

The devastating Dark Angel. Time Does Not Heal and Darkness Descends are fucking insane.
EvilDead - Annihilation of Civilization, the Underworld is awesome too.
Forbidden - Twisted into Form & Forbidden Evil, I also heard good reviews on their new album.
Anthrax - Fistful Of Metal(my favourite by them), Among the Living, Spreading the Disease
Overkill - All their shit is fantastic the later, more groovy albums are also good. Taking Over is my favourite. Their new album is da bomb.
Sodom - Agent Orange(not my favourite, but it's their most known)
Destruction - Cracked Brain is their best in my opinion, but Eternal Devastation is also incredible.
Sepultura's Beneath The Remains. Their best.
Merciless - The Awakening, insane Black Thrash. NASTY.


Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-03 12:13:35

I like both clean and dirty guitar sound production, I just don't like it when I almost can't perceive the guitar chords and the drums sound like they just shot a machine gun and recorded it with a bad microphone. That's the reason why I hate a lot of black metal bands. The worse the sound production of your music, more trve and kvlt you are (AND GRIM!).

Favourite guitar tones on albums:

Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Alcest- Écailles de Lune
Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns
Annihilator - Alice in Hell
Baroness - Blue Record
Bison B.C. - Quiet Earth
Black Sun Aeon - Darkness Walks Beside Me
Bongripper - Satan Worshipping Doom
Bongzilla - Gateway
Children of Bodom - Something Wild
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Cult of Lune - Eternal Kingdom
Enochian Crescent - Nef.Vi.Lim
Eyehategod - Confederacy of Ruined Lives
High on Fire - Snakes for the Divine
Insomnium - Above the Weeping World
Insomnium - Across the Dark
Anything by Mastodon
Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Metallica - Ride the Lightning
Meshuggah - Chaosphere
Moonspell - Wolfheart
Moonspell - Under Satanae
My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark Rive
Opeth - Watershed
Space Bong - The Death of Utopia
The Sword - Age of Winters

Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-03 15:33:02

Ya, I'd agree with most of that Crowbar also has some cool guitar tones.

I love how Confederacy of ruined lives was cleaner sounding than the others but it still sounded filthy as hell.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-03 16:33:24

I always thought Paul Gilbert had a nice tone. His older distortions had a lot of high gain edge but yet it had clarity and creamy mids when he went into his solos. He switched from Laney Amps to a Marshall Vintage which gave him a brighter, fuller, and more 70s retro sounding tone. Either way. he knows how to use it. His riffs always come alive with his distortion and effects.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-03 18:52:19

At 4/3/11 05:00 AM, Xarnor wrote: I don't know. It's almost starting to seem to me that you guys are just hating on the new sound. Clean production results in each individual instrument being heard more distinctly, enriching the overall musical experience. But maybe for you guys, it's just not the same as what you've already taken a liking to, so you don't like it. Not saying it's true, only that it's possible.

I'm not a lot older than you. And like a lot of the guys in the Metal Hell, I got into Metal by listenning to Slipknot, Children Of Bodom, Kalmah, Edguy, Bullet For My Valentine and other popular bands like these. I didn't grew up with the older bands I have listed (while a lot of these bands are not old).

I agree that over-production is bad. I might just have a different idea of what over-production is.

Tell me which bands are over-produced in your opinion.

My problem with this, is that a lot of the older bands I've heard sound the same! Obviously I haven't even come close to listening to a fraction of all the bands that put out albums before I was born, but I doubt you guys have listened to every single new band that has come out with albums post 2000. It just seems to me like you accuse all modern bands of sounding the same, when a lot of older bands have the same problem. I actually think that the mid to late 90's was the best time for music as far as production goes. A lot of my favorite albums were released during that time.

I never accused all modern metal bands of sounding the same. No, the bands of today are not all guilty of over-producing their music, but it's a real tendency in modern music. But the older bands do not share all the same production, that is just not true. You could easily compare the album Bergtatt and Nattens Madrigal by the band Ulver, and even if it's the same band for both releases, the production is completely different.

Talking about the 90's, both Ponos and I have listed bands and albums from this decade. Including Focus by Cynic and None So Vile by Cryptopsy.

I respect how much thought you guys put into this. I tend to just listen to what sounds good and enjoy it because it sounds good, but it seems like you have some deeper reasons for enjoying music.

I'm absolutely not trying to put you down. You are a very intelligent guy, at least when it comes to listenning to music (can't really say I know you a lot :P). You are showing interest in music, and looking at it from a lot of different angles. The production is one of them. And remember I never said that today's production is bad. Remember that I have listed The Black One, by Sunn O))) in my albums with favorite guitar tone, along with Bongripper's latest album and some Electric Wizard. All these albums were released in the 2000.

I do still disagree on some point though. Personally, I enjoy the production of Dimmu's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia a lot, which from what I've heard, not a single metalhead likes. I just find PEM exciting to listen to. I simply can't comprehend how anyone could say that Bergtatt has one of the best quality productions in metal though. There must be reasons for it that are unknown or unexplained.

I love the ambience to Bergtatt. Never have I heard any other guitar tone and production with such uniqueness and personnality. When talking about Bergtatt I am usually refering to Troldskog Faren Vild, which is one of my all time favorite tracks. Right when the drums kick in, I feel a chill through my spine. And the guitars... I don't know how to explain it. It's a feeling... Garm as really found the best production to fit his riffs and music. I couldn't imagine this album with another production. It just wouldn't feel the same... it wouldn't take me to the same place...

When judging a song's production quality, I analyze each instrument. In Bergtatt, the drums are a bit too inaudible for my liking, but I'm a drummer so that might be the reason. The kick is barely audible a lot of the time, the snare sounds weak, but the cymbals sound good. The electric guitar is primarily mid-frequencies, which does leave good room for the bass, but at certain points in some of the songs, when there are multiple instruments being played, the guitar turns almost into white noise. The acoustic guitar and vocals on this album sounds fantastic though.

That is what black metal sounds like, even nowadays. The drum never was recorded very loud, but they are still very enjoyable to me. Maybe they lack the heavyness and power you enjoy from your drums.

Maybe you guys just have some insanely nice speakers or headphones. What you use to listen to music can definitely affect your music experience. My headphones are pretty nice though, they're Sennheiser HD 202.

It's not cause we can hear it better, but sometimes, having one of the instruments recorded lower in the mix doesn't make it less enjoyable. I suggest you listen to both of these Origin albums. Echoes Of Decimation first, than Antithesis. Pay attention to the vocals and how they are mixed with the other instruments. I like the vocals on Antithesis better, because they blend in with the other instruments.

Anyways, I think I have at least a better appreciation for what I called bland and outdated. I just enjoy being able to talk about metal with intelligent people. Everyone I know IRL refers to all metal as white noise.

Well... I guess these people are kind of dumb...

At 4/3/11 05:11 AM, Xarnor wrote: Speaking of guitar tones, I now have to ask what you guys think of the (sadly computer produced, need to figure a way to record to my laptop) guitar tone that I recently came up with (not a full song obviously, just basically a guitar test). Once I'm able to add a bass guitar I'll cut down on the low freqs on the guitar, but for now tell me what you think. Although I guess if you like Bergtatt's sound better than The Gathering's, I already know..

I like it, seriously :) And the drums are quite nice!

At 4/3/11 12:13 PM, TheDaemonicPoet wrote: Agalloch - Pale Folklore

I forgot to add this one to my list... It's fucking great :)

Alcest- Écailles de Lune

I like the production on Souvenirs d'un autre monde, better.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 00:59:19

There were a bunch of stupid little girls standing on the side of the road holding "Honk if you hate Bieber" signs. I hit the puddle next to them.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 01:02:49

At 4/3/11 04:06 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 4/2/11 10:26 PM, Xarnor wrote: So guys, what band/album do you especially like the guitar sound on?
These are mine (Band - Album)

Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
Bongripper - Satan Worshipping Doom
Blotted Science - The Machinations Of Dementia
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Dream Theater - Images And Words
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Gris - Il était une forêt
If These Trees Could Talk - If These Trees Could Talk (Post Rock band)
Kalmah - Swampsong
Morbid Saint - Spectrum Of Death
Origin - Antithesis
Primus - Antipop (Funk)
Spastic Ink - Ink Complete
Sunn O))) - The Black One
Ulver - Bergtatt
Wolves In The Throne Room - Black Cascade


Ponos is right.

Heehee :)

Bergtatt as one of the best production I have ever heard. The guitar sounds great on this record. And overall, this is probably the Ulver album with the best production

Out of Bergtatt and Nattens and the demo, yeah. Nattens probably would of been cool with Bergtatt's production, but it is as it is and it's statement is cool. But every other album following Nattens had beautiful production.

And only Agalloch as found a way to somewhat bring us back to this kind of sound with From Which Of This Oak and Pale Folklore. And before Ponos or anybody gets mad at me

I agree, dumbshit :P

Believe it or not, Bergtatt is probably the album with the BEST recording quality for all metal albums. That is at least... In my humble opinion.

I wouldn't slap a BEST EVER label on it, but the atmosphere it creates is fucking amazing.

At 4/3/11 07:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: To me, it's nothing to do with sound production but for Emperor's In the Nightside Eclipse, it's rather unimpressive to me except for the first track. I kept hearing good things about the song I Am the Black Wizards but what's so good about this song?

Haha the intro :P I had trouble listening to Emperor's first album after I finished memorizing the whole thing, there are definite faults in it but those songs, I just dig dig dig.

But seriously, I Am The Black Wizards intro.

At 4/3/11 05:00 AM, Xarnor wrote: A LOT

I think you just might like shiny production a bit more than us. Makes sense if you're a drummer. Well produced drums make me jizz.

Personally, I enjoy the production of Dimmu's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia a lot, which from what I've heard, not a single metalhead likes.

I listened to this when I was 13-14 and it introduced me to black metal. I asked black metallers around this forum for good shit and just grew out of Dimmu. Saw them play their new tracks live last month, wasn't interested and walked off.

Incredibly interesting side note: The chick singer in Solefald's latest album did Dimmu's latest album too (Little slut :P), before Solefalds I think. When I saw them live they were playing her parts out the speakers. Laame.

When judging a song's production quality, I analyze each instrument.

I kick back and enjoy :P

Anyways, I think I have at least a better appreciation for what I called bland and outdated. I just enjoy being able to talk about metal with intelligent people. Everyone I know IRL refers to all metal as white noise.

Believe me, I've heard white noise. It's called Brenoritvrezorkre. I just don't call production jobs bland and outdated, if you've enjoyed the production of an 80's metal album and how it gets better every time you listen instead of worse, you won't call shit bland.

At 4/4/11 12:03 AM, Xarnor wrote: You are a very intelligent guy


I'm amazed by Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia's atmosphere. It has a dark, evil beauty full of beauty and wonder that grows darker and the most epic misanthropic tendencies.

Symphonic metal can sound like gothic loser crip crap to me sometimes.

Fucking long post. Love yous.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 02:03:51

At 4/4/11 12:03 AM, Xarnor wrote: That's true, you never did accuse them of that. I suppose that the older bands all had very different production techniques, but most of the older bands that I've heard sound extremely similar, regardless of how different their methods may have been.

Tell me which bands you are talking. Maybe we could figure this one out all together. Providing links or whatever to specific songs you might be thinking about would also be pretty cool :)

I suppose we simply have different interests when it comes to atmosphere. I'm amazed by Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia's atmosphere every time I listen to it. It has a dark, evil beauty that I never get tired of. I wouldn't call the guitar tone unique (certainly pleasant imo though), but the way that they utilize the guitars, drums, and symphonic elements together is incredible. They really mix all the instruments in perfect, precise ways that compliment each other so well. I love listening to the album from the beginning all the way through. The instrumental at the beginning, Fear and Wonder, is perfectly named in my opinion, as it starts off full of beauty and wonder and progressively grows darker, until the end when it blasts into the next track. Puritania, probably the most hated track on the album, has an epic misanthropic atmosphere that I really get into (I admit that I have some misanthropic tendencies).

Seing how awesome the people around you seem to be, I might understand why you would be somewhat of a loner :P But anyway. I have nothing against Dimmu Borgir really. Though their sound sounds a little too radio-friendly for my ears. If you are going to make music about darkness, hate and Satan, it might be a good idea to mess with distortion a little more, make it sound more like if it really came from the dephts of Hell. But I see where Dimmu are trying to go with their music... They use all these symphonic and orchestral elements in their music, to use it like it never was used before... Whatever!

Yeah, now that you mention it, I guess most of the black metal that I've heard that is actually referred to as black metal by serious metal fans has that sound. I guess I'm not much of a black metal guy. I love powerful drums, and I get goose bumps when I hear large drums such as Taikos drums. I'm a drummer to the core haha.

I can easily understand why you would not really feel appealled by this, especially if you are, like I said, a drummer who really likes powerful and heavy drums. There is not much emphasis on the power the drums can bring to the music, in most black metal bands. The drums are still interresting and are used in a totally different way. I suggest you give another chance to black metal. It took me quite a while to actually enjoy that kind of music. Might I suggest Balrog ?? I think their drums are fucking rad !!!

Yep. They don't really look past their pop music.

It's funny how limited and stupid people always think they are those who are right...
Like they can actually understand the aesthetic in metal music or the deepness of metal music... What a fuckin' shame!

At 4/4/11 01:02 AM, PenisClown wrote: Out of Bergtatt and Nattens and the demo, yeah. Nattens probably would of been cool with Bergtatt's production, but it is as it is and it's statement is cool. But every other album following Nattens had beautiful production.

I said that quite a few times in the past :P I still have posters of both albums in my room, though :)

I agree, dumbshit :P

Oh great !!

I wouldn't slap a BEST EVER label on it, but the atmosphere it creates is fucking amazing.

Haha! Right! It's one of my favorites, then.

Balrog - Lolth

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 06:53:24

At 4/4/11 02:03 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: It's funny how limited and stupid people always think they are those who are right...
Like they can actually understand the aesthetic in metal music or the deepness of metal music... What a fuckin' shame!

What kind of crazy talk is this? There's nothing to get. If they haven't heard of it, then it's not worth hearing and probably sucks.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 07:06:54

This week's song pick is Rhapsody!

At 4/4/11 01:02 AM, PenisClown wrote: But seriously, I Am The Black Wizards intro.

I gave it another chance and I suppose it's an alright song. I'm sure back then it was amazing but it hasn't aged well. At least I still have Into the Infinity of Thoughts which is a damn good song.

Personally, I enjoy the production of Dimmu's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia a lot, which from what I've heard, not a single metalhead likes.

Can't the same be said about the band in general? Although I only have Enthrone Darkness Triumphant which I thought was so-so, I honestly don't get the hate besides the selling out part which other metal acts did already.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 08:29:04

Hey there guys, I need some Sludge metal bands to listen to, can I get some recommendations? :3
I really like Bongzilla and Dukatalon. Mountain of Judgement are also pretty awesome. Thanks!

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 19:40:08

Oliver thinks Between The Buried and Me is metal.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! calls me a terrible poster and I have no clue what music is. YEAH OK!

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 19:42:14

At 4/4/11 07:40 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Oliver thinks Between The Buried and Me is metal.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! calls me a terrible poster and I have no clue what music is. YEAH OK!

You're so cute.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 19:43:58

At 4/4/11 07:42 PM, Oliver wrote:
At 4/4/11 07:40 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Oliver thinks Between The Buried and Me is metal.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! calls me a terrible poster and I have no clue what music is. YEAH OK!
You're so cute.

Make me a sammich. :3

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 19:52:01

I am now more metal than you all combined.

Metal Hell

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 20:48:54

I hadn't listened to any power metal in a long time, so I put on some Stratovarius, Angra, and Helloween. I got tired of Stratovarius pretty quickly (Black Diamond is still cool), but now I remember how much I enjoy Helloween and Angra, depending on the song. I still dig 'em. I just hate how almost every power metal song has the same beat.

dodo tsch dododo tsch dododo tsch dododo tsch

Oh shit, he's gonna switch it up now! you ready for this? here we go!

tsch dododo tsch dododo tsch dododo tsch

Also, have any of you noticed that the beginnings of most of Angra's songs are a lot better than the rest of the song? They're still good, but the high point is almost always the guitar at the beginning.

At 3/31/11 11:32 PM, PenisClown wrote: I turned 18 today.

And had two lines of Charlie Sheen's breakfast for breakfast.

You really shouldn't fuck with cocaine. It can ruin your life. I've had people close to me destroy themselves and hurt others because of it.

At 3/31/11 11:46 PM, PenisClown wrote: First album I listened to whilst being 18: Solefald - Neonism.

Fucking superb album, love it. It's like the most amazing painting I've ever seen. Except musically.

I used to think Neonism was my favorite Solefald album, but then I realized that it's impossible for me to decide.

Traveler fucking RULES.

aww yeeeeah

At 4/1/11 12:31 PM, Bahamut wrote: You look pretty badass with that silver gauntlet. :)

I looked back at his post looking for a link to a picture of him wearing a gauntlet.

At 4/2/11 12:23 PM, Vectom wrote: Hey there guys, name your top 10 metal bands. ;D
It tends to change every now and then...

I can't decide, but you're welcome to join if you wish. You've already posted your ten favorites, so all you gotta do is post.

At 4/3/11 02:40 AM, PenisClown wrote: Lesbian - Power Hor (Sensey is correct, this is legendary)

That album gets me so excited whenever I hear it. I'm all WAAAAAAAGGHGHGH.

At 4/3/11 07:56 AM, Vectom wrote: EvilDead - Annihilation of Civilization, the Underworld is awesome too.
Anthrax - Fistful Of Metal(my favourite by them), Among the Living, Spreading the Disease
Overkill - All their shit
Sodom - Agent Orange(not my favourite, but it's their most known)

hell yeah. I'll try to remember to check out the stuff you mentioned that I haven't heard.

At 4/4/11 08:29 AM, Vectom wrote: Hey there guys, I need some Sludge metal bands to listen to, can I get some recommendations? :3
I really like Bongzilla and Dukatalon. Mountain of Judgement are also pretty awesome. Thanks!

Baroness, Keelhaul, Mammatus, Bongripper, Yob, Acid Bath, Battle of Mice, Kongh, Pelican, Isis, Rwake

I love sludge and stoner doom.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-04 21:02:46

I forgot to mention this. I'm pretty sure I recall that you were looking for more symphonic black metal, Duff, and I remembered a pretty good band from Luxemborg that I used to listen to pretty often when I was going through a black metal binge when I was like 17 or 18. le Grand Guignol, formerly known as Vindsval. They have one release as Vindsval called Imperium Grotesque and one release as le Grand Guinol called the Great Maddening. It's good stuff.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-05 00:04:15

At 4/4/11 06:53 AM, Dalnaki wrote:
At 4/4/11 02:03 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: It's funny how limited and stupid people always think they are those who are right...
Like they can actually understand the aesthetic in metal music or the deepness of metal music... What a fuckin' shame!
What kind of crazy talk is this? There's nothing to get. If they haven't heard of it, then it's not worth hearing and probably sucks.

Popularity = Talent

Everybody knows that... silly metalheads...

At 4/4/11 04:31 PM, Xarnor wrote: If Shagrath and whatever other members of the band that are permanent are actually Satanists like they claim to be, it makes sense that they would try as hard as they can to get their music out there, hoping to sway people away from religion, which they actually somewhat did in my case. Music is powerful tool, and I would say that they are using it as such. So really, they might not be making music for the sake of music, which is a probably good reason for metal fans to dislike them.

Well, they are not the only band who does that. Making music to spread some words is not uncommon on the metal scene. I guess people don't like them because they try to keep some ties with the Black metal scene, while they try as hard as they can to get on pop music charts and on mainstream radios. A lot of people see them as posers and fake. And if there are metal fans who really hate sellouts... Black Metal fans do a pretty good job :P

At 4/4/11 07:40 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Oliver thinks Between The Buried and Me is metal.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! calls me a terrible poster and I have no clue what music is. YEAH OK!

I don't think it's that silly. BTBAM are somewhere between metal and core. Some of their riffs are metal riffs, and they share some similarities in their progression with bands like Cynic or Gorod. I remember having a talk with a guy on Newgrounds. He was asking for recommandations and I suggested Cynic. He really thought they were somewhat similar to BTBAM. Maybe he was talking about Traced In Air though. Cause that's not something that could be said when talking about Focus.

At 4/4/11 09:02 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I forgot to mention this. I'm pretty sure I recall that you were looking for more symphonic black metal, Duff, and I remembered a pretty good band from Luxemborg that I used to listen to pretty often when I was going through a black metal binge when I was like 17 or 18. le Grand Guignol, formerly known as Vindsval. They have one release as Vindsval called Imperium Grotesque and one release as le Grand Guinol called the Great Maddening. It's good stuff.

I don't remember asking for SBM recommandations in the near past... but I will check it out if you think it's good :)

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-05 07:36:51

Former Manowar drummer Scott Columbus passed away last night.

At 4/4/11 04:31 PM, Xarnor wrote: That's definitely true, I'd say that they are the most disliked band that I know of. It's probably a mix of dislike because they sold out to become popular, and dislike because of the fact that they really did become quite popular.

When it comes to concerns about selling out, I'm hating Ozzy the most. He's come to the point where I don't even want a Black Sabbath reunion with Ozzy and that's the last possibility for Black Sabbath to continue.

At 4/4/11 08:48 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I hadn't listened to any power metal in a long time, so I put on some Stratovarius, Angra, and Helloween. I got tired of Stratovarius pretty quickly (Black Diamond is still cool), but now I remember how much I enjoy Helloween and Angra, depending on the song. I still dig 'em. I just hate how almost every power metal song has the same beat.

As much as I love power metal, this is an issue I have with the genre overall. It makes it hard to find any good underground bands. I'm relying more and more on USPM for better underground music than the European side of it. Besides the biggest European power metal names, there really isn't much else, unless I'm overlooking a band that's really good and should be noted.

At 3/31/11 11:46 PM, PenisClown wrote: Traveler fucking RULES.
aww yeeeeah

I thought we all knew that.

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-05 08:20:36

At 4/4/11 08:48 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 4/4/11 08:29 AM, Vectom wrote: Hey there guys, I need some Sludge metal bands to listen to, can I get some recommendations? :3
I really like Bongzilla and Dukatalon. Mountain of Judgement are also pretty awesome. Thanks!
Baroness, Keelhaul, Mammatus, Bongripper, Yob, Acid Bath, Battle of Mice, Kongh, Pelican, Isis, Rwake

I love sludge and stoner doom.

Thank you! I'll check em out later today.

It's raining, it's cold, it's dark...
It's time for some Ulver! Currently listening to Ulver's Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Captiler. :3

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-05 09:29:46

At 4/4/11 08:48 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: You really shouldn't fuck with cocaine. It can ruin your life. I've had people close to me destroy themselves and hurt others because of it.

I was just partying hard. Advice accepted, high five :)

I used to think Neonism was my favorite Solefald album, but then I realized that it's impossible for me to decide.

So many good bits. Such as:


And who can forget:


And of course:


Actually the lyrics on Neonism are so good it's near impossible. The scream in Fluorescent (The Total Orchestra) for the line "Only to throw up, SHADOWS MINUTES LATEEEEEEEEER!!!!!" Jesus H Christ that's a fucking gnarly scream.

"A sotto voice sang for the soprano singer
Whose tyrannical arais won't cease to linger
Bob's out there none of us play cool
Classmates in a haunted school
Agent Dale Cooper won't take you any higher
C'mon li'l boy 'n play with the fire
Surrounded by the presence of the absent teacher
Both knowing silence as the music of the future"

How fucking insanely good is that.

"Proprietors of Red and Priests against Prozac
Propose one hour of messainic Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus a.k.a. Muzak
Got himself a VISA and went wild in the popmart
The 23rd player thrashing the rest of his team
Flashed his ability to discard the mainstream
Largo to presto he grieves the accelerando's finite
Headphones on tight more beats per minute"

I'm loving the inclusion of music terms.

Baroness, Keelhaul, Mammatus, Bongripper, Yob, Acid Bath, Battle of Mice, Kongh, Pelican, Isis, Rwake

Second. YOB should be termed "Heavier than a pregnant black hole covered in concrete."

At 4/5/11 07:36 AM, Bahamut wrote: When it comes to concerns about selling out, I'm hating Ozzy the most.

He should have died before he became really really, reaaaaaaaaaaally shit.

At 3/31/11 11:46 PM, PenisClown wrote: Traveler fucking RULES.
aww yeeeeah
I thought we all knew that.

Oh right. I should never speak of a good album again :P

At 4/5/11 08:20 AM, Vectom wrote: It's time for some Ulver! Currently listening to Ulver's Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Captiler. :3


Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-05 14:49:09

At 4/5/11 09:29 AM, PenisClown wrote: So many good bits. Such as:

White man came across the sea
to change my underdeveloped diaper
white man came across to me
to wipe my ass with tabloid paper

I wonder how papaya banana cake coconut juice would taste.

At 4/5/11 08:20 AM, Vectom wrote: It's time for some Ulver! Currently listening to Ulver's Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Captiler. :3

I love Ulver. What do you think of their later, non-metal stuff like Perdition City and Blood Inside?

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 00:58:37

not metal but still interesting.

Apr 5 1994

Kurt Cobain blows his fucking head off.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 01:18:07

At 4/6/11 12:58 AM, smeagol1 wrote: not metal but still interesting.

Apr 5 1994

Kurt Cobain blows his fucking head off.

He did the music world a favor.

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 01:38:30

At 4/6/11 01:18 AM, Anti-pie wrote: He did the music world a favor.

I like how you guys are making fun of someone's death :)

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 04:48:18

At 4/5/11 02:49 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 4/5/11 09:29 AM, PenisClown wrote: So many good bits. Such as:
White man came across the sea
to change my underdeveloped diaper
white man came across to me
to wipe my ass with tabloid paper

I wonder how papaya banana cake coconut juice would taste.


At 4/5/11 08:20 AM, Vectom wrote: It's time for some Ulver! Currently listening to Ulver's Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Captiler. :3
I love Ulver. What do you think of their later, non-metal stuff like Perdition City and Blood Inside?

I love Perdition City and Metamorphosis, I'm not fully into Blood Inside still. Yes, I'm aware you're talking to Vectom :3

At 4/6/11 01:18 AM, Anti-pie wrote: He did the music world a favor.

I liked his stuff, his attitude to music and playing inspired me. And King Buzzo taught him, he was like a little Buzzo underling that got to touch the world with a bit Buzzo's genius. Ever notice how Nirvana's 'Milk It' and Melvins 'It's Shoved' have a main riff that's the same rhythm with a couple of different notes? I think Kurt was so inspired by Buzzo he full on stole that riff when he heard Melvins playing it. Perhaps when he was producing Houdini or something.

Anyway, Buzzo and Kurt I like. I just like Buzzo moooooore :3

I'm so baked :D

Listening to:

Borknagar - Borknagar (Debut album)

It's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooood. Very good.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 04:59:26

I'm going to a metal festival in a few months, and when I read ICED EARTH will be playing there, I was like: "FUCK YEAH! HOW AWESOME IS THIS!!!?!????!!!!"

Then I read: This is Matt Barlows last tour, since he wants to leave the band for good.
Then I was like: "FUCK NO! THIS CAN'T BE TRUEEE!!!!!!!"

Now I'm happy and sad at the same time. :) :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 06:41:16

At 4/5/11 09:29 AM, PenisClown wrote:
At 4/5/11 07:36 AM, Bahamut wrote: When it comes to concerns about selling out, I'm hating Ozzy the most.
He should have died before he became really really, reaaaaaaaaaaally shit.

Of course. If it was early 80s he went, we'd all be respecting him for what he did and wish he never died so soon...

I thought we all knew that.
Oh right. I should never speak of a good album again :P

You talk about albums you like here? :P

At 4/6/11 04:59 AM, Haggard wrote: Then I read: This is Matt Barlows last tour, since he wants to leave the band for good.
Then I was like: "FUCK NO! THIS CAN'T BE TRUEEE!!!!!!!"

And all he did in the studio since his return was singing for Something Wicked Part 2 WHICH SUCKED!

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 07:46:55

At 4/6/11 06:41 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/6/11 04:59 AM, Haggard wrote: Then I read: This is Matt Barlows last tour, since he wants to leave the band for good.
Then I was like: "FUCK NO! THIS CAN'T BE TRUEEE!!!!!!!"
And all he did in the studio since his return was singing for Something Wicked Part 2 WHICH SUCKED!

Which I haven't heard yet, so I don't care (too much). :P

Anyway, last and to this date only time I saw them I had to leave the show early, but this time they are scheduled to headline the festival on Saturday, which means I can see the whole show!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Metal Hell 2011-04-06 12:46:22

At 4/6/11 01:18 AM, Anti-pie wrote:
At 4/6/11 12:58 AM, smeagol1 wrote: not metal but still interesting.

Apr 5 1994

Kurt Cobain blows his fucking head off.
He did the music world a favor.

I believe you were happy when Paul Gray died aswell. That's just so immature.

Bleach is a damn great album btw. I used to love Nirvana, there's been a while since I last heard one of their albums.

Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.

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