You guys should listen to the Demilich demos, if you haven't already.
You guys should listen to the Demilich demos, if you haven't already.
At 1/13/11 08:29 PM, Dalnaki wrote: You guys should listen to the Demilich demos, if you haven't already.
Are they different songs?
I'm not really one who watches or knows about upcoming albums, so do any of you know some of the metal albums planned on a release this year? Wintersun perhaps?
*cough cough*
Can anyone else see this? Like does this link work?
If it does, enjoy the lulz of haters hatin' on me :D
Hmm. That link probably won't work.
Nevermind :)
ITT: Being a shitty boyfriend and being hated on is totally metal. METALLLLL
See, it doesn't hurt me, because:
0. It is completely stupid to ask someone to stop talking to one of their friends. That's just wrong.
1. Some bitches are just insane. This is one of them.
2. Who has a bitch about something their ex did when they were together? It's the past! Get over it!
3. Don't have a job? Well actually I just got accepted for an awesome job. Don't have a plan? I totally have a plan. Barely got through school? YOU DROPPED OUT. Has no license? Neither do you.
Who is that hypocritical? Insane people.
4. This is too funny :)
Life is sweet :)
At 1/14/11 12:14 AM, PenisClown wrote:At 1/13/11 08:29 PM, Dalnaki wrote: You guys should listen to the Demilich demos, if you haven't already.Are they different songs?
Yeah. Just check out their official website.
At 1/14/11 04:10 AM, PenisClown wrote: Can anyone else see this? Like does this link work?
If it does, enjoy the lulz of haters hatin' on me :D
That's awesome. Mind if I add you on Facebook?
I suggest you post that stuff you just wrote right after that wall of bullshit she wrote then. She's trying to get people on her side by telling lies...
At 1/14/11 02:22 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I'm not really one who watches or knows about upcoming albums, so do any of you know some of the metal albums planned on a release this year? Wintersun perhaps?
*cough cough*
If you're being serious... Lulz. If you're not... Lulz.
IF you like tech death, Obscura's Omnivium is supposed to be out in March, I'm pro ordering it as soon as I get my lazy ass down to the record store.
At 1/14/11 05:57 PM, hypersomniax wrote:
IF you like tech death, Obscura's Omnivium is supposed to be out in March, I'm pro ordering it as soon as I get my lazy ass down to the record store.
Because pro ordering is like pre ordering but better.
It's been a long time since I posted here. So, I'll list my top ten bands in no particular order:
1. Iced Earth
2. Type O Negative
3. Amon Amarth
4. Blind Guardian
5. Edge of Sanity
6. Death
8. Dark Tranquillity
9. In Flames(pre-Reroute)
10. At The Gates
Also, I have an interesting question. What makes metal well... metal and what are bands like Slipknot missing in order to be metal? I know bands like Slipknot are missing certain elements in order to be metal, but what are these specific elements?
At 1/14/11 04:30 AM, PenisClown wrote:
ITT: Being a shitty boyfriend and being hated on is totally metal. METALLLLL
Texting a girl under the name 'Trent'? That's fucking genius.
At 1/14/11 11:59 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: BUT PONOS SHE LOVED YOU
Yes, she LOVED him.
At 1/14/11 09:17 PM, Floofs wrote:At 1/14/11 11:59 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: BUT PONOS SHE LOVED YOUYes, she LOVED him.
Woman can be bat shit crazy at times.
At 1/14/11 10:06 PM, smeagol1 wrote:At 1/14/11 09:17 PM, Floofs wrote:Woman can be bat shit crazy at times.At 1/14/11 11:59 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: BUT PONOS SHE LOVED YOUYes, she LOVED him.
Just when you think the right one, they treat you like you're a ghost, then freak the fuck out when three years after you dated her you found another girlfriend and claim you two never broke up in the first place. Then she goes to your house while you're at work and steals your iPod, doesn't tell you until three months later, says she's on her way to give it back, then lies and says she just wanted to talk to you.
At 1/14/11 06:17 PM, ExplosiveOrange wrote: It's been a long time since I posted here. So, I'll list my top ten bands in no particular order:
1. Iced Earth
2. Type O Negative
3. Amon Amarth
4. Blind Guardian
5. Edge of Sanity
6. Death
8. Dark Tranquillity
9. In Flames(pre-Reroute)
10. At The Gates
Reading through your list... Everything on it is metal, so welcome in :)
Also, I have an interesting question. What makes metal well... metal and what are bands like Slipknot missing in order to be metal? I know bands like Slipknot are missing certain elements in order to be metal, but what are these specific elements?
We go through this sooooo often... It's not even funny anymore.
Anyway, I know there are way better explanations to why Slipknot are not Metal. But basically, all you need to know is that they play a genre of music most commonly known as Nu-Metal. This musical genre is basically not a metal subgenre. The genre classification "Nu-Metal" is wrong, since the bands falling under this genre classification have little or not any metal influences.
Nu-Metal is far more influenced by Hardcore and Hard Rock than it is influenced by Metal. Sometimes, Nu-Metal bands have proper metal influences, but even then, these influences are not as important as the Hardcore or Hard Rock influences.
I won't go through all the bands who get classified as metal even if they are not... But I suggest you read this. It's a description of a specific musical genre named Neue Deutsche Härte. Rammstein are one of these bands who fall under this genre classification, even though a lot of people make the mistake of classifying them as a Metal band.
here are my top 10 in no real order
1 amon amarth
2 job for a cowboy
3 cradle of filth
4 dark tranquility
5 suicide silence
6 we came as romans
7 dimmu borgir
8 goija
9 ebony tears
10 powerman 5000
I am lovin' me some Retro Haze .
At 1/15/11 07:08 AM, twistex wrote: here are my top 10 in no real order
1 amon amarth
2 job for a cowboy
3 cradle of filth
4 dark tranquility
5 suicide silence
6 we came as romans
7 dimmu borgir
8 goija
9 ebony tears
10 powerman 5000
Never heard about them.
At 1/14/11 02:22 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I'm not really one who watches or knows about upcoming albums, so do any of you know some of the metal albums planned on a release this year? Wintersun perhaps?
*cough cough*
Insomnium are going to release a new album by autumn.
Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.
At 1/15/11 07:08 AM, twistex wrote: here are my top 10 in no real order
1 amon amarth
2 job for a cowboy
which album...
3 cradle of filth
4 dark tranquility
5 suicide silence
deathcore... not metal.
6 we came as romans
post-hardcore... even less metal.
7 dimmu borgir
8 goija
9 ebony tears
10 powerman 5000
not metal
So, your list is alright, you got 7 bands out of 10. I still suggest that you stick around and listen to some of our recommandations, so you know what we talk about the most in the Metal Hell.
At 1/16/11 01:12 AM, GhoulRa wrote: Would you classify this as metalcore?
Eh. Melodeath tends to sound like metalcore a lot, and this... This has all the elements of a metalcore song. Pseudo-heavy riff followed by melodic leads. Harsh shouting followed by boy band vocals. Forgettable drumming. Yeah. Call it metalcore.
I had an insane weekend.
After laughing about getting hated on Facebook wise, I went out skateboarding. Then, me and four friends dropped acid.
This was my first ever acid trip. I ended up not sleeping, rehearsing with my band the next day then doing another tab, going to a party and not sleeping again, staying up for three days tripping balls.
I had some intense music experiences, and some intense experiences disregarding music, and I'd like to tell you about them.
First, music. Music sounds completely different on acid. It's unreal, noises sound intense and incredible. First band I listened to on acid was Frank Zappa, about two albums of Frank Zappa after eating the tab.
Then the acid started to peak, and I switched to Om.
Listening to Om on acid was incredible, in a swirling house of patterns. I listened to Flight of the Eagle, then the Pilgrimage album and then the first album.
After listening to Om we headed to a spot on top of a hill overlooking the city. On the way we were stopped at a train crossing. I got out of the car and went up real close as we all saw the train coming. Suddenly, GAJRERZZZZZZZZRELFKJSZZZZZZ, all these electronic sounds shot at us, sounding so gnarly on acid. The train started to cross, and the two headlights were large circular rainbows.
Headlights and streetlights look intense on acid, they look ALMOST like the enclosed picture, large glowing circles with neon swirling rainbow colours. We arrived on top of a hill called "Mount Misery". From here you could see the whole city, the view was awesome, and then two of my mates tripping balls started skating down this massive hill Mount Misery, and we all discovered skateboarding on acid was incredible, everything feels really smooth.
We came home and I put on Electric Wizards "... Come my Fanatics", then listened to the whole of "Dopethrone". Electric Wizard sounded really cool on acid, though it was starting to wear off.
Started smoking weed, and the trip continued slightly throughout the day. The band played, and my vocal performance was way more intense than usual (Singing Night Goat was brutal).
At the rehearsal a lot of friends were hanging around, and they all wanted to try acid too, so we formed a plan to all buy more and trip that night. At first I didn't think it was a great idea cos I hadn't slept. My good mate Riley then told me "Don't go to sleep tonight man, drop another tab and go out" and at first I was like "I don't know" but I took his advice.
And what good advice it was.
My second acip trip was 50 times cooler than my first one.
I went out to a party a fair way out of town. So many of my friends, people I used to go to school with and hang out with for over two years, were there. There was a big shed, with a strobe, and I was tripping quite intensely. I then started drinking, doing a far bit of strobe light dancing, and crazy things just started happening.
I brought my skateboard to the party, and a lot of my skateboarding friends were there. One was drunk as fuck, and he was a gnarly dude. We were all dancing in the shed, then suddenly everyone started laughing and pointing outside the shed going "AAAW SHIT!" and this skateboarding friend of mine was just pumping his girlfriend, fucking her leaning over the bonnet of a car, in front of everyone. Seeing that on acid was insane.
So a lot of hard techno was playing, and on acid, I really enjoyed it, although some songs were shit a lot of the hard intense techno sounded good.
A car was parked at the front of the party and a lot of dudes were smoking crack, and me and my bass player Levi sat in the back with this chick. The music blasting in the car started turning from techno to trip-hop and some intense shit. There was a trip-hop dub steppy remix of a Bring Me The Horizon song from their new album (The one with the shitty film clip and that chorus "THIS IS AN ANTHEM, SO FUCKING SIIIING". Shitty song) and all the words were in reverse and the song made no sense it was insanely trippy but not really that cool.
A lot of our good friends left and the remaining dudes were weirdo druggies (An Afghanistani dude stole my button up flannel and when I ask for it back he refused saying I gave it to him. Fuckin' arsehole) and one druggie dude was talking about how "You can never trust anyone man, no one" and me and Levi were like "Fuck off we trust each other shits about love yo" so I got up and walked outside.
I decided since I was on an acid trip I'd go for a trip. Ghoul told me like two years ago on acid you should go for a hike, and I had brought my skateboard to the party. I hopped on my board, and shit got intense.
The roads all felt smoother, and I could push hard and constantly without feeling any fatigue, pain or tiredness. I skateboarded as fast as I could down huge hills for over 10 kilometres back to my house, tripping balls. I heard a goat, went passed a power station (Electric noises are insane) and the sound of my skateboard going ZZZZZHHHHHHZZZZZZHHHH was trippy as. At the same time, all streetlights and car headlights are looking like the enclosed picture.
I got home (At about 4:30am) and two of my friends were still at my house tripping balls. They told me about how trippy my house is on acid, and they're right. Before I left my house, I could see faces in things, the natural wood patterns in my doors were swirling out of control, this picture of a bunch of Zebras were all rainbow coloured and moving. My house was trippy as.
At the same time we were talking Rage (Music program) was still playing. Bee Gees on acid = intense. Also there was a live concert of the Australian 80's pop band 'Hunters & Collectors'. Watching that on acid was out of this world, I've always hated 80's pop but the performance was intense, with shredding bass, trumpets, gnarly drumming and intense singing, the singer was dripping sweat. I think they were all on cocaine or something.
I'd gone two days without sleep now and this was my third day up. So I crashed pretty hard, skating 10km was nothing for my body on acid but now my legs felt fucked. I went to sleep, woke up at 3:30pm.
Levi came around seeing if I was ok because I skateboarded back home without tellin' him. We smoked some pot and my acid trip started coming back on a bit. I then listened to Fantomas' "The Director's Cut", which is one of my favourite albums at the moment. On acid and weed it sounds incredible.
Right now I'm high with my acid trip still slightly going on since I dropped a tab 11 hours ago. I'm listening to Fatboy Slim. I've got his first two albums, You've Come A Long Way Baby and his debut Better Living Through Chemistry. I'm enjoying these albums immensely, they fit the acid really well too. Electronic noises on acid are intense.
It was a crazy weekend acid, marijuana and alcohol bender. Witnessing floating glow stick glasses in a strobe light shed, a dude fucking a chick hard right in front of me and a crowd, going down massive hills on my skateboard, listening to heaps of music.
I have to say stoner music suits acid really well, as does good layered big beat music like Fatboy Slim and a bit of hard techno isn't too bad in a strobe environment.
Now to try and stay off the trips for a good few months haha.
.... Still a little out of it, meant to post this picture as to what headlights and streetlights almost look like.
Fuck this picture moves for me right now and it's been 11 and a half hours :S
Question to any Cathedral fans out there. I ALMOST picked up The Ethereal Mirror from HMV today but wasn't sure if this was the right album to start with. Any recommendations for Cathedral's albums will be appreciated.
In other news, I picked up Hammers of Misfortune's Fields/Church of Broken Glass today so that makes all four (or five if you count the most recent one as two) albums of theirs obtained. So far I'm not quite used to not hearing Mike Scalzi here but I'm sure I can adapt to it just like how I got into The August Engine.
At 1/13/11 09:11 PM, Floofs wrote: You have to hear Sabaton! It´s a great band!
It's one band I should give a real chance. I tried one song from their latest album but didn't enjoy it.
At 1/14/11 02:22 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I'm not really one who watches or knows about upcoming albums, so do any of you know some of the metal albums planned on a release this year? Wintersun perhaps?
*cough cough*
My interests for 2011 releases include:
Dream Theater
Symphony X
X Japan
And hopefully more.
At 1/14/11 06:17 PM, ExplosiveOrange wrote: It's been a long time since I posted here. So, I'll list my top ten bands in no particular order:
I like, I like.
Also, I have an interesting question. What makes metal well... metal and what are bands like Slipknot missing in order to be metal? I know bands like Slipknot are missing certain elements in order to be metal, but what are these specific elements?
Although HeavenDuff already explained it, I'm glad you're bringing up the concern about whether bands like Slipknot or not. We like to see new recruitments who are aware that they don't meet standards for heavy metal.
At 1/16/11 07:26 AM, PenisClown wrote:
You know, your acid trips would be fun reads on your news posts. Just a suggestion to show others your great adventures.
We came home and I put on Electric Wizards "... Come my Fanatics", then listened to the whole of "Dopethrone". Electric Wizard sounded really cool on acid, though it was starting to wear off.
I've actually listened to Dopethrone when drunk and it's actually better than usual. Of course, it's more suitable for being high but I don't do drugs.
At 1/16/11 12:00 PM, Bahamut wrote: Question to any Cathedral fans out there. I ALMOST picked up The Ethereal Mirror from HMV today but wasn't sure if this was the right album to start with. Any recommendations for Cathedral's albums will be appreciated.
I thought about listening to Cathedral because every time I looked up ebony tears I saw Cathedral- Ebony tears. What are they?
At 1/16/11 12:00 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 1/13/11 09:11 PM, Floofs wrote: You have to hear Sabaton! It´s a great band!It's one band I should give a real chance. I tried one song from their latest album but didn't enjoy it.
I personally really enjoy them, probably one of my favorite power metal bands. Their new album isn't as good as some of their earlier stuff, I suggest checking out The Art of War and Attero Dominatus.
At 1/14/11 02:22 AM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I'm not really one who watches or knows about upcoming albums, so do any of you know some of the metal albums planned on a release this year? Wintersun perhaps?My interests for 2011 releases include:
*cough cough*
Dream Theater
Symphony X
X Japan
And hopefully more.
Symphony X and Megadeth are definately on my want list, but Artillery, Testament, Sigh, Jag Panzer, Ex Deo, Agent Steel, Panzerchrist, Dragonlord, Gojira, and Devin Townsend are all releasing (supposedly) an album this year (Devin's releasing two!).
Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!
Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!