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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 10:55:16

^_^ cool... Jarrydn might go too... Lets gather up all us Ng metallers one night and get drunk and have fun... *not in any pRom way lol*

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 11:10:47

getting drunk = having fun
of course I'll drink you all way under the table, since I'm Dutch and all. Funny story: The continent where beer consuming is largest among the youth is Europe, of the countries it's the Netherlands, of the Dutch provinces it's Brabant and in Brabant there lies a little town called 'Someren' where 20.000 people live and drink the most beer of everyone in the world. I love my town XD

but yeah good idea, would be swell... but it's still so far away shamefully enough :(

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 15:39:29

Goddamn....here in the United fucking States the drinking age is 21. >=[ I wish I could get dr0nk and not have to worry about the police.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 15:42:20

In luxembourg its fuckin sixteen!!! For cigarettes, bars, pedophilia, driving... All sixteen. HAHAAHAHAHAAH *huge smile*

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 16:34:05

Netherlands: legal weed at age 18

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 17:32:48

Hell, here we have underage drinkers galore (including me) and the bartenders seem to not care. Then again, El Sobrante is fucking whitetrashville in the San Francisco bay area. So yeah. For me, I associate dr0knness with bar fights and broken beer bottles.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 19:24:36

Holy shit, its been too long since I've posted

Thanks alot for the Behemoth info BTW, all of you. I appreciate it.

LoL Here in Jersey, drinking is an afternoon's pastime. I don't know one person who hasn't ever drank. Hell, in my psychology class they did an example survey, and in ONE CLASS............ 95% had either tried alcohol or continuously drinks, and plans on drinking in the future, the oldest kids being 18. And that number is not an exaggeration.

Me, I've never been drunk before in my life, but i've tried alcohol. In the US, its legal if your parents give it to you in certain situations (seriously). You just can't buy until you're twenty one.

LoL I need a passport I guest. I really REALLY want to go to Europe, I like it way more than the US.

Oh yeah, no new legitimate metal news from me, but I haven't had time to look any up. Been busy as hell with school. (stupid school)

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-16 21:05:29

Alright, I got the lyrics down for my upcoming full length. They're pretty chool, a bit more cryptic than my last one.

Also, since I lost all those song files, I've re-recorded the intro (Terror in Mindfall) and am now recording The Covenant of Blood and Steel. It's really great blackened ambient metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 03:01:45

At 11/16/05 07:24 PM, X_Imperium_X wrote: LoL Here in Jersey, drinking is an afternoon's pastime. I don't know one person who hasn't ever drank. Hell, in my psychology class they did an example survey, and in ONE CLASS............ 95% had either tried alcohol or continuously drinks, and plans on drinking in the future, the oldest kids being 18. And that number is not an exaggeration.

lol, not impressive
kids here start to drink alcohol at the avarage age of 11, and they start going out and getting drunk by the age of 12!
Fuck I love it here!

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 15:01:11

I better shut up about the things I did when I was drunk and 12... It will ruin my reputation :P.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 15:53:21

At 11/17/05 03:01 PM, Lykaki wrote: I better shut up about the things I did when I was drunk and 12... It will ruin my reputation :P.

lol, I was a little emo shit, that's what I was...
Then I started making good friends with the good people that made me metal, I'm still grateful

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 15:56:48

I was into Korn and Slipknot when I was 12. =p

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 16:04:54

I didn't even listen to music then
I started with Rammstein by the age of something like 14, with 15 I switched to Nile & Arch Enemy... And now I'm soooo hawtcawr tr00 it's sick =P

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 18:15:11

Hell, I didn't start drinkin until I was 16. On the other hand, I started tokin up at age 11... I'm really a stoner. :)

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 18:24:36

At 11/17/05 06:15 PM, Impious_Devious wrote: Hell, I didn't start drinkin until I was 16. On the other hand, I started tokin up at age 11... I'm really a stoner. :)

Means I like you <3

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 19:20:00

At 11/17/05 06:15 PM, Impious_Devious wrote: Hell, I didn't start drinkin until I was 16. On the other hand, I started tokin up at age 11... I'm really a stoner. :)

i started drinking at seven and i smoked weed at thirteen. i dont make a habit of either of them altough i do get drunk once and a while.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 19:32:47

At 11/17/05 07:20 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote:
At 11/17/05 06:15 PM, Impious_Devious wrote: Hell, I didn't start drinkin until I was 16. On the other hand, I started tokin up at age 11... I'm really a stoner. :)
i started drinking at seven and i smoked weed at thirteen. i dont make a habit of either of them altough i do get drunk once and a while.

that's the spirit

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 19:48:10

At 11/17/05 06:24 PM, duffeknol wrote:
At 11/17/05 06:15 PM, Impious_Devious wrote: Hell, I didn't start drinkin until I was 16. On the other hand, I started tokin up at age 11... I'm really a stoner. :)
Means I like you <3

Yeah, but note that this is the METAL HELL, not the DRUGS AND BOOZE thread.

That's also the reason my music is geared towards stoners.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 20:13:49

At 11/17/05 07:48 PM, Impious_Devious wrote: Yeah, but note that this is the METAL HELL, not the DRUGS AND BOOZE thread.

That's also the reason my music is geared towards stoners.

I'm sorry, I just associate the 2 a lot

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 20:18:53

damn.. I must be the disgrace of the Hell =( I don't do anything.. I've tried plenty of stuff (believe me, PLENTY), and haven't really liked anything... except sex...

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 21:01:09

At 11/17/05 08:18 PM, setsuna956 wrote: damn.. I must be the disgrace of the Hell =( I don't do anything.. I've tried plenty of stuff (believe me, PLENTY), and haven't really liked anything... except sex...

that ain't bad, ha, on the mtvhell forum all the admins are even anti-drugs n alcohol =P

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 21:14:36

At 11/17/05 08:18 PM, setsuna956 wrote: damn.. I must be the disgrace of the Hell =( I don't do anything.. I've tried plenty of stuff (believe me, PLENTY), and haven't really liked anything... except sex...

Don't worry sir, I don't smoke either, although I drink occasionally. I don't usually get that drunk though, cause when you're 6'3" and 220 lbs it takes a lot of booze to get you hammered.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 22:34:02

At 11/17/05 09:14 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: when you're 6'3" and 220 lbs it takes a lot of booze to get you hammered.

Try 6'4 and 300lbs. I need a 40 of rum or more just to get good and plastered. Thankfully, my favorite is only $25 per bottle, otherwise I'd be fucking money wise.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-17 23:12:05

At 11/17/05 08:13 PM, duffeknol wrote:
At 11/17/05 07:48 PM, Impious_Devious wrote: Yeah, but note that this is the METAL HELL, not the DRUGS AND BOOZE thread.

That's also the reason my music is geared towards stoners.
I'm sorry, I just associate the 2 a lot

Eh, don't worry about it.

But seriously, I'm 6'1" and I weigh 145 pounds, yet it takes about a fifth or so of pure rum or JD to get me drunk. If you want to see me hammered, that will take a couple fifths of JD.

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-18 00:54:29

heh, I've never been drunk


Yeah, I've never wanted to be. Its not like I haven't tried alcohol or anything, it just doesnt amuse me (yet). But I am a big ass dude, 6'0" and about 250 lbs (and crazy in the pit, lol....Be afraid of the large ones) but I dont know, I've never wanted to get hammered, so I cant tell you how long it takes to get me f'ed up.

For the record, I am not straight edge, and don't plan on being it in the future. ; )

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-18 01:14:50

I dont like J. Doesnt work for me. I get high only on Black metal, fighting, quality beer and good old secks. And at the age of twelve I was a *gasp* goth, and I would get drunk and make out with *gasp* goth girls. LOL
Shameful past...

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-18 01:30:52

At 11/18/05 01:14 AM, Lykaki wrote: I dont like J. Doesnt work for me. I get high only on Black metal, fighting, quality beer and good old secks. And at the age of twelve I was a *gasp* goth, and I would get drunk and make out with *gasp* goth girls. LOL
Shameful past...

Hell, when I was twelve, I... dressed exactly the same, was only a half a foot shorter, and I listened to death metal instead of black metal. I would get high, listen to death metal, and then egg local houses. I live in the white trash part of the county. :) Hell, I haven't changed much!!! Again, just make me about half a foot shorter and substitute black metal with death metal, and that's me at 12! Now, I'm just trashier, I have sex more often, and I smoke more weed, and I drink straight HANDLES of liquor. I even have a gallon jug of rum and a couple handles of whiskey in my cabinet. And I have an eighth (Of Granddaddy Purple X2) in my pocket. :)

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-18 01:40:35

Blah... I discovered black metal at the age of 13,5... In a metal festival... The first BM I heard was the band Zyklon. I was like O.o WOW! Also I had started to part with my goth friends because I couldnt stand the OMG I AM SO FRAGILE philosophy. I am not fragile and missunderstood, I KICK ASS! So I started listening to BM ( I was already listening to death and doom) and bought a bullet belt. Then I met two Finnish BMer (Love ya Aki and Kallo!) who ere my best friends for years... They are my mentors in a way. Pity they have moved to Finland now...
About sex, Impious devious, I have just as much as I had back then, with the only difference I try all sorts of lovely blasphemous things and I avoid Lez. I have bad experience with Lez :P

Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-18 04:03:31

At 11/18/05 01:40 AM, Lykaki wrote: Blah... I discovered black metal at the age of 13,5... In a metal festival... The first BM I heard was the band Zyklon. I was like O.o WOW! Also I had started to part with my goth friends because I couldnt stand the OMG I AM SO FRAGILE philosophy. I am not fragile and missunderstood, I KICK ASS! So I started listening to BM ( I was already listening to death and doom) and bought a bullet belt. Then I met two Finnish BMer (Love ya Aki and Kallo!) who ere my best friends for years... They are my mentors in a way. Pity they have moved to Finland now...
About sex, Impious devious, I have just as much as I had back then, with the only difference I try all sorts of lovely blasphemous things and I avoid Lez. I have bad experience with Lez :P

M' real name's The_Ghoul, and only started fucking at the age of 13. Mainly because that was when my penis started to grow. And I've never been a pity person, more of a "FUCK YOU, AND SUCK MY COCK WHILE UR AT IT" kinda person. I never bought any bm merchandise, I just made that shit myself. I have currently a nail strap, a screw glove (really puts gashes in peoples faces- I actually USE it), a screw vest, a gauntlet, and a leather homemade nail belt. Most of my guitars are homemade, and I do all my faic paint. I'm a homemade BLACKMETALLER.

As far as what I do in my free time, I'm not too promiscuous, simply because if you're too promiscuous around where I live, you get diseases. VD ain't nothin to fuck with. The VD god is so much more powerful than the metal gods combined.

As far as the drinking goes, I'm really tolerant of booze. In fact, yesterday, I drank a fifth of Wild Turkey and didn't get dr0kn. I think I inherited booze tolerance from my father (who drinks constantly and has been in the hospital several times for alcohol poisoning, which just made our family that much poorer) and therefore I've gotta drink a lot to get hammered. Or maybe I inherited the tolerance from my mother, who drank during every single pregnancy she ever had (and that's 8 kids, mind you)...

Eh, maybe that's why I have always shyed away from getting hammered. My dad was an alcoholic, and my mother was one too. Actually, they were drunks, not alcoholics. Alcoholics know they're alkies, drunks just crash cars and abuse children.

As far as the pot goes, I'm still a lightweight after all these years of smoking (well, during the times I've been on probation I've had to stop, and during the midterms and finals I'd also have to stop) but still. I smoke pot about 200 times more than I drink. It's weird.

I discovered bm at the age of 14, and I've been a bm tyrant since. I started out with Dissection, and moved on to other things since. I've also joined several bands (six) and made my own one man project (Midian/Kali Yuga) and I've done several BM collaborations. I've amassed more BM CD's than I care to count, and I have been known for being a BM elitist.

That's me in a nutshell, Lykaki. Any questions?

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Response to Metal Hell 2005-11-18 05:11:23

When I was 12 I did you know...NORMAL 12 year old things.

Like building cubby houses in the bush, playing video games, and giggling at porno magazines.