At 9/17/10 10:51 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Oh gods noez!!!!!! D: No Asia NO!!!
u mad cause they stylin'
Black metal I feel is only a white thing, It came from Norway. I don't mind one or two non white members in a black metal band but a pure asian black metal band just breaks the traditional grim cold viking essence that is black metal. (I know there are black metal bands from other white nations that aren't from scandanavia but who gives fuck.) I just don't like how they make it look like some fucking anime.
*Cough* not racist *cough*
At 9/18/10 12:37 AM, smeagol1 wrote:
*Cough* not racist *cough*
How the fuck is that not racist? Are you a moron?
At 9/18/10 01:19 AM, Oliver wrote:At 9/18/10 12:37 AM, smeagol1 wrote:How the fuck is that not racist? Are you a moron?*Cough* not racist *cough*
you mad dawg? <3
At 9/18/10 12:37 AM, smeagol1 wrote: Black metal I feel is only a white thing, It came from Norway. I don't mind one or two non white members in a black metal band but a pure asian black metal band just breaks the traditional grim cold viking essence that is black metal. (I know there are black metal bands from other white nations that aren't from scandanavia but who gives fuck.) I just don't like how they make it look like some fucking anime.
Whatever... We can say the same for absolutely all fucking musical genres... But that would be totally stupid... How many bands wouldn't exist if only the country from which the genre emerged would be allowed to play the said musical genre... or only the people of the same skin color...
Anyway... how could Norway ever be compared to the US? Still... Wolves In The Throne Room, Agalloch and other awesome american bands just couldn't exist...
These two cultures are worlds apart... The skin color doesn't have much to do with this... So sometimes asian countries cultures are far more similar to some white countries cultures than other white countries cultures :O
Sorry for that last sentence structure... :P
Goodnight mothafuckas !!!
At 9/18/10 01:32 AM, smeagol1 wrote:At 9/18/10 01:19 AM, Oliver wrote:you mad dawg? <3At 9/18/10 12:37 AM, smeagol1 wrote:How the fuck is that not racist? Are you a moron?*Cough* not racist *cough*
Ummm. Smeagol? Have you heard of a band called Sigh? Japanese black metal band that KICKS ASS!!! There were signed to a record label by Euronymus himself. Check them out, you might be surprised.
Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!
Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!
Black metal didn't come from Norway. Sure a lot of bands now have a sound evolved from them but that doesn't mean that they came up with the genre. Most bands from Norway fuck the genre up because they think they have some genetic disposition to being good at black metal just because they're from Norway. Same as the fact that there were a lot of shit Bay Area thrash bands and Swedish death metal bands. I live in Western Canada. Does that mean that if I started a black metal band that it'd be as good as Blasphemy or Conqueror? Hell No. It seems like the little shits in Norway like to take it over the top, though. I swear if I hear one more shitty bedroom black metal album I'm going to stab a bitch.
On race, I think that in certain instances there are race limitations, but those are really just inherit in the genre since it's inception. There are times when I see a white guy trying to be a hardcore gangster rapper and I just laugh. There are times when I see NSBM from fucking Mexico or the Middle East or Asia and it's just as laughable.
I'm not a big fan of black metal but even I know it didn't start in Norway. I acknowledge the proto-black metal stuff which may have not been pure black metal but it was the true beginning of the genre.
Also, why care about ethnic backgrounds of musicians in black metal? Whether the music is good or not, they're having fun playing in a band with that particular sound of music and that's all that matters to the band and the fans.
At 9/18/10 12:37 AM, smeagol1 wrote:*Cough* not racist *cough*
Sigh, dude. Surely you've heard of them.
Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.
At 9/18/10 12:08 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:At 9/18/10 12:37 AM, smeagol1 wrote:Sigh, dude. Surely you've heard of them.*Cough* not racist *cough*
no but i will look them up if they are so good.
white flour!!!! see wat I did there? ;3
Someone mentionned Christopher Lee's metal project entitled Charlemagne, earlier this week. I really thought this was the first time he ever produced any metal music, but I've met a guy today who told me that Christopher Lee also did sing for Rhapsody (of Fire) before that.
I was surprised to discover that this is the thruth! Wow! How come I never heard of that before?
Abigail Williams - Like Carrion Birds
At 9/18/10 05:23 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Someone mentionned Christopher Lee's metal project entitled Charlemagne, earlier this week. I really thought this was the first time he ever produced any metal music, but I've met a guy today who told me that Christopher Lee also did sing for Rhapsody (of Fire) before that.
I was surprised to discover that this is the thruth! Wow! How come I never heard of that before?
I don't know how much of Rhapsody you know but he's been collaborating with Rhapsody since Enchanted Lands II which was also the start of The Dark Saga. He's going to make an appearance in the upcoming 35 minute single track EP which I have to pre-order really soon.
At 9/18/10 05:37 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 9/18/10 05:23 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Someone mentionned Christopher Lee's metal project entitled Charlemagne, earlier this week. I really thought this was the first time he ever produced any metal music, but I've met a guy today who told me that Christopher Lee also did sing for Rhapsody (of Fire) before that.I don't know how much of Rhapsody you know but he's been collaborating with Rhapsody since Enchanted Lands II which was also the start of The Dark Saga. He's going to make an appearance in the upcoming 35 minute single track EP which I have to pre-order really soon.
I was surprised to discover that this is the thruth! Wow! How come I never heard of that before?
I don't know shit about Rhapsody, but I really thought I would have heard of it anyway. The guy is a celebrity, and for some reason, metalheads are usually science fiction or fantasy tales fans.
Just like I don't need to like Slayer to know that Lombardo is their drummer, I really thought I would have heard of that before...
At 9/17/10 07:30 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: I'm a bit late to the party, but Death's cover of Painkiller is completely orgasmic.
What's so great about it? It's alright, but it's really not that amazing.
At 9/18/10 05:44 PM, DeIirium wrote:At 9/17/10 07:30 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: I'm a bit late to the party, but Death's cover of Painkiller is completely orgasmic.What's so great about it? It's alright, but it's really not that amazing.
I suppose what gives it an edge over the original and other cover versions is that it just sounds so powerful. The guitar tone, the drums, Chuck's vocals; everything just completely blows you away.
At 9/14/10 11:34 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Dimmu Borgir's gay new video. I facepalmed.
The cut to Galders face at 1:47 makes me lol every time.
At 9/18/10 02:12 PM, TheDaemonicPoet wrote: Anyone have heard yet The Sword's new album?
Yeah, it's pretty good. Check it out.
Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!
Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!
Metallica was insane. Such a great show!
That Was Just Your Life
The End Of The Line
Ride The Lightning
Fade To Black
Broken, Beat & Scarred
The Four Horsemen
Sad But True
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
All Nightmare Long
Master Of Puppets
Fight Fire With Fire
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
- - - - - - - -
Hit The Lights
Seek and Destroy
If I can find them, I'll post the setlist for Fear Factory and The Sword.
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
At 9/18/10 02:32 PM, smeagol1 wrote: no but i will look them up if they are so good.
they are
white flour!!!! see wat I did there? ;3
I see your white flower and raise you a....
Just post me sigh's best video because All im finding is shit so far (as in I can't find anything.
Aye, tis' a good day t' listen t' Runnin' Wild and Alestorm, gar!
At 9/18/10 05:41 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:At 9/18/10 05:37 PM, Bahamut wrote: I don't know how much of Rhapsody you know but he's been collaborating with Rhapsody since Enchanted Lands II which was also the start of The Dark Saga. He's going to make an appearance in the upcoming 35 minute single track EP which I have to pre-order really soon.I don't know shit about Rhapsody, but I really thought I would have heard of it anyway. The guy is a celebrity, and for some reason, metalheads are usually science fiction or fantasy tales fans.
Well now you know. :) Getting Christopher Lee for the narration in the Rhapsody albums is a godsend. The narrators they had before weren't as good so now they're relying on Lee to do all the narration. It makes sense, though since you can't find a better voice out there.
I was just told about a Danish metal band called Volbeat. I don't listen to a great deal of metal, but I think I'm growing rather fond of these guys. Some of their stuff seems to have an almost punk sound to it, which is more what I'm used to.
I was just curious to find out how well known these guys are known and what your opinions of them are.
At 9/19/10 01:08 AM, smeagol1 wrote: Just post me sigh's best video because All im finding is shit so far (as in I can't find anything.
They've done more than just straight black metal, so you might not appreciate all their stuff, but then that's just too bad. IY KI 7k
At 9/19/10 11:12 AM, Dean wrote: I was just curious to find out how well known these guys are known and what your opinions of them are.
Not well known at all as i've never heard anyone mention them or wear a shirt of theirs before, the ONLY reason i've ever heard of them before is the fact that their bassist is the bassist of UnSun.
I still have to check them out.
At 9/19/10 11:12 AM, Dean wrote: I was just curious to find out how well known these guys are known and what your opinions of them are.
I saw them live with Metallica. It's not really my kind of music, but they're pretty good. Really original, which is always something.
Hey guys !!! If you have some time, why don't you stop by MetalArchives and go read my review for Blotted Science's album :)
I'm so happy they have accepted my review :)
Hey Nev. Pat Walker apparently started up another Doom project called 40 Watt Sun. And they apparently do Warning covers.
Sigh's ok, I still need to listen to their earlier stuff.
Watain- Sworn To The Dark