At 10/12/05 07:38 AM, Goatchrist wrote:
:I enjoy their newer stuff much more.
Sorry, I haven't been around (just plain busy-as-hell), but I have been intoduced to a ton a new metal bands - the have feeds on the music label's website. I had no idea, so I've listened to a ton of more stuff.
I heard a Behemoth song, called Conquer All, off of thier newest cd, and I (proverbially, of course, seeing how I am niether female nor do I crossdress) damn near creamed my panties.
I finally heard some hypocracy (loved it), Ektomorph, Behemoth, Emporer....A ton of good stuff I've never heard off (never mind the fact that they are on the popular metal labels. *cough* *cough*....Just not Roadrunner)
Thanks for the radio link, I'm definitly checking it out. Its good to be back.