At 10/4/05 02:55 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: Emperor have reformed...what a joyous occasion.
Very interesting, it seems to be true this time.
At 10/4/05 02:55 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: Emperor have reformed...what a joyous occasion.
Very interesting, it seems to be true this time.
At 10/4/05 03:44 PM, Goatchrist wrote:At 10/4/05 02:55 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: Emperor have reformed...what a joyous occasion.Very interesting, it seems to be true this time.
I wonder if they'll release anything or if they'll end it again after the Inferno Festival..
holy hell i dont think we ever been 3rd page before...thats over now hopefully
Not much going on I guess...IDK, I don't have much in metal news or any recommendations...Meh, its slow sometimes.
yeh uh....uh...whats something to talk about?? Oh umm what do yous think of "Scars of the Crucifix" by deicide, in comparison to their other albums? To me its one of their best, and pretty good considering they released 2 shit albums before it.
At 10/5/05 10:42 PM, bred_4_abortion wrote: yeh uh....uh...whats something to talk about?? Oh umm what do yous think of "Scars of the Crucifix" by deicide, in comparison to their other albums? To me its one of their best, and pretty good considering they released 2 shit albums before it.
SOTC is a good album.. not my favorite though.. about Deicide, I tend to go with most fans of it and go with "Legion" as my favorite
I like their self titled and scars of the crucifix the most. i never really got into Legion, although the first song on that is mad!
I think Scars of the Crucifix is definately one of their better releases. My favourite is probably Serpents of the Light. I'm not too fond of their first two albums, though.
hello all, long time no post :P just thought i would check in and see how you are all doing i have boosted the CD collection to 106 :D my most recent purchases was:
In Flames - Colony (which ROCKS such a good album)
Akecocke - Choronzon
both are so so good i really like both albums alot, my favourite track on In Flames is far too hard to decide it is between Embody the invisible, Ordinary story, and Scorn. whereas Choronzon i love enraptured by evil, and Bathykolpian Avatar. oh and not forgetting Praise the name of satan :D
At 10/6/05 03:44 PM, -Charon- wrote:
Akecocke - Choronzon
Yep, yep. Gotta love the cover on that CD. Actually, all their CD covers have naked women on them, don't they?
At 10/6/05 03:44 PM, -Charon- wrote: hello all, long time no post :P just thought i would check in and see how you are all doing i have boosted the CD collection to 106 :D my most recent purchases was:
In Flames - Colony (which ROCKS such a good album)
Its a great album, but if you haven't gotten thier older stuff, you NEED it. Colony was my first In Flames album, but I like the older ones even more.
About Deicide, I haven't heard them yet, but I'm working on it. I want to hear some Hipocracy and some other stuff now too.
Anyone heard the new Exodus album "Shovel Headed Killing Machine" yet? It's supposed to be better than Tempo of the Damned.
At 10/7/05 02:50 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Anyone heard the new Exodus album "Shovel Headed Killing Machine" yet? It's supposed to be better than Tempo of the Damned.
Actually I was just checking that out, but to no avail. I searched for clips of songs and such, but got nothing. Reviews I read were good though, seeing as the cds been out for only three days.
At 10/4/05 02:55 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: Emperor have reformed...what a joyous occasion.
=D *jumps for joy and jizzes his pants* YAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO
Oh, and I just got back from my week long vacation in Amsterdam.
At 10/7/05 10:33 PM, The_Ghoul wrote:At 10/4/05 02:55 PM, TehGaySatanist wrote: Emperor have reformed...what a joyous occasion.=D *jumps for joy and jizzes his pants* YAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO
Oh, and I just got back from my week long vacation in Amsterdam.
Yeah I was wondering where you were.
does anyone have msn???? i ask a while ago and you thought i was doin it for the songs im not
At 10/8/05 03:12 PM, hony_tawk wrote: does anyone have msn???? i ask a while ago and you thought i was doin it for the songs im not
I do... But I'm rarely on anymore
my comp sucks.
At 10/8/05 03:55 PM, The_Ghoul wrote:At 10/8/05 03:12 PM, hony_tawk wrote: does anyone have msn???? i ask a while ago and you thought i was doin it for the songs im notI do... But I'm rarely on anymore
my comp sucks.
I have msn also... and am on when I can be.
At 10/8/05 03:12 PM, hony_tawk wrote: does anyone have msn???? i ask a while ago and you thought i was doin it for the songs im not
i have msn, and im on a lot wen im not at skool.
Im in. Favorite band /Disturbed
Favorite song- Prayer/Down with the sickness
Has anybody heard that Sunn 0))) song that Attila Csihar guest vocalled on? It's really weird, it's got lots of feedback, voices in the background, and Attila doing this ultra low drone in Sanskrit, and sitars too. It's fucking weird trip out music. Oh, and it's over 24 minutes long.
At 10/8/05 10:27 PM, CornFlakesClock wrote: Im in.
No you're not.
Favorite band /Disturbed
Shitty ass mallcore band.
Favorite song- Prayer/Down with the sickness
Fuck off.
At 10/8/05 10:35 PM, The_Ghoul wrote:At 10/8/05 10:27 PM, CornFlakesClock wrote: Im in.No you're not.
Favorite band /DisturbedShitty ass mallcore band.
Favorite song- Prayer/Down with the sicknessFuck off.
hahaha ghoul ur hilarious. But yes i agree fuck off cornflakesclock. and come back with some good bands at least.
At 10/9/05 01:02 AM, bred_4_abortion wrote:At 10/8/05 10:35 PM, The_Ghoul wrote:hahaha ghoul ur hilarious. But yes i agree fuck off cornflakesclock. and come back with some good bands at least.At 10/8/05 10:27 PM, CornFlakesClock wrote: Im in.No you're not.
Favorite band /DisturbedShitty ass mallcore band.
Favorite song- Prayer/Down with the sicknessFuck off.
There really should be a Nu-Metal crew, so we dont have to be bothered by idiots like that. :\
At 10/9/05 01:45 AM, -_Tharikifa_- wrote: There really should be a Nu-Metal crew, so we dont have to be bothered by idiots like that. :\
Yeah, there should be one for all those mallcore lovers :)
CornflakesClock, if you don't post any metal bands you like, you aren't in.
At 10/9/05 06:32 AM, Goatchrist wrote:At 10/9/05 01:45 AM, -_Tharikifa_- wrote: There really should be a Nu-Metal crew, so we dont have to be bothered by idiots like that. :\Yeah, there should be one for all those mallcore lovers :)
CornflakesClock, if you don't post any metal bands you like, you aren't in.
He did, it was shitty mallcore band. Disturbed, I think.
At 10/6/05 04:56 PM, X_Imperium_X wrote: About Deicide, I haven't heard them yet, but I'm working on it. I want to hear some Hipocracy and some other stuff now too.
follow the darkness my friend..
At 10/8/05 03:12 PM, hony_tawk wrote: does anyone have msn???? i ask a while ago and you thought i was doin it for the songs im not
so.. why exactly are you doing it?
At 10/8/05 10:30 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Has anybody heard that Sunn 0))) song that Attila Csihar guest vocalled on? It's really weird, it's got lots of feedback, voices in the background, and Attila doing this ultra low drone in Sanskrit, and sitars too. It's fucking weird trip out music. Oh, and it's over 24 minutes long.
24 minutes of drone... is it a 'good weird' or is it weird in the sense that it's bad?
At 10/9/05 06:32 AM, Goatchrist wrote:At 10/9/05 01:45 AM, -_Tharikifa_- wrote: There really should be a Nu-Metal crew, so we dont have to be bothered by idiots like that. :\Yeah, there should be one for all those mallcore lovers :)
would they know the difference anyway?? cuz that's the problem as I see it
*back from another 3 days of banned goodness! =)*
At 10/9/05 02:41 PM, setsuna956 wrote:
At 10/8/05 10:30 PM, The_Ghoul wrote: Has anybody heard that Sunn 0))) song that Attila Csihar guest vocalled on? It's really weird, it's got lots of feedback, voices in the background, and Attila doing this ultra low drone in Sanskrit, and sitars too. It's fucking weird trip out music. Oh, and it's over 24 minutes long.24 minutes of drone... is it a 'good weird' or is it weird in the sense that it's bad?
It's twenty four minutes of trippiness... it's weird in the good, creepy way. It's about the end of the world in Hindi mythology. It's not standard drone, it's very eastern in sound. It comes with the Beast of Attila Csihar as an mp3, because the CD couldn't fit 24 minutes of music in addition to the rest. best listened to when high and/or at night.
At 10/9/05 02:41 PM, setsuna956 wrote:At 10/9/05 06:32 AM, Goatchrist wrote:would they know the difference anyway?? cuz that's the problem as I see itAt 10/9/05 01:45 AM, -_Tharikifa_- wrote: There really should be a Nu-Metal crew, so we dont have to be bothered by idiots like that. :\Yeah, there should be one for all those mallcore lovers :)
About 1/4 of the people I run into who like Nu-Metal, including myself to a degree, do know the difference, the rest of them, all they would ahve to do is click on teh topic. Because tehy would see teh word Metal and wonder... hmm... I wonder what Nu-Metal is... so they would vistit the thread out of curiosity, and that is when they are told what it is, on the first post.
At 10/9/05 04:35 PM, -_Tharikifa_- wrote: About 1/4 of the people I run into who like Nu-Metal, including myself to a degree, do know the difference, the rest of them, all they would ahve to do is click on teh topic. Because tehy would see teh word Metal and wonder... hmm... I wonder what Nu-Metal is... so they would vistit the thread out of curiosity, and that is when they are told what it is, on the first post.
so let's see.. that would mean that we have to teach/flame 2/4 people that nu-metal isn't real metal.. and 1/4 would be one of those that are too stubborn to realize that their shitty mallcore isn't metal..