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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 07:34:04

At 6/2/10 03:50 AM, Dalnaki wrote: based off of Necrophagist's awfully successful hijacking of the techdeath genre, turning it into a wankfest, instead of the way it used to be, bands who didn't sacrifice songwriting for complexity and didn't have an individual focus on instruments and a total lack of cohesiveness and group effort.

^ what I was talking about. Unless I really did read it wrong.

Nonetheless, it still stands. For everybody.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 10:33:50

I think my first metal band was Pantera, which I got into at around 12 years old, I think. The rest of the stuff I listened to at that time was rock and nu-metal. Then I got into Fear Factory at around 14, I think, then Megadeth and Symphony X and Dream Theater at around 15, I believe. and then I recall getting into Helloween when I was 16, and that's when I started checking out a bunch of different stuff.

I think I was 16 when I joined here, maybe going on 17. I was still into some nu-metal/core stuff like Flaw and Mudvayne then, but it stopped doing the trick for me after a while until I realized the stuff just didn't sound good to me anymore. And some guys from the Hell got me into lots of good stuff, especially Ghoul. He used to just send me a bunch of shit over MSN. He got me into lots of stuff like Arcturus, Ulver, and Solefald. three of my favorite bands right there. And I found a lot of other stuff through Pandora radio, the Metal Archives, and the Prog Archives. LOTS of stuff that way.

At 6/2/10 06:48 AM, PenisClown wrote: You've been going on about them for ages you broken record fuck =P I already checked 'em out.

Sometimes you have to do that to be heard.

Cruel Shoes is like the coolest song ever.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 12:52:50

I remember Ghoul sending me Kinetic by Arcturus and I didn't really listen to it until like 2 years later. T'was jaw dropping when I actually did.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 13:48:55

I am addicted to this sexy song... Get out of my head!

Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 16:13:49

Im addicted to this song even thou it's not metal or a real band.

No not Dethklock

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ7LPAm7f 4E

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 16:36:13

At 6/2/10 12:52 PM, Nev wrote: I remember Ghoul sending me Kinetic by Arcturus and I didn't really listen to it until like 2 years later. T'was jaw dropping when I actually did.

The only thing I remember Ghoul introducing me to was Savatage but I'm still very grateful for that. If it weren't for him, I still wouldn't have checked out Savatage.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 16:57:50

At 6/2/10 06:29 AM, Dalnaki wrote:
At 6/2/10 06:25 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote:
At 6/2/10 03:50 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Waaaaah I hate Necrophagist
That wasn't what my post was about, so, yeah. It was about how Gorod is a terrible band. Read more thoroughly, next time.

So first... you say Death is mediocre... and then Gorod?
Dude... just get... the... FUCK OUT !!!

No matter the fuck what you like, these bands have both brought metal to another level with their creativity and originality and you dare to say Gorod are a copy of Necrophagist? Fuck you!

At 6/2/10 04:22 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote:
At 6/2/10 03:50 AM, Dalnaki wrote: I must say, that I'm disappointed. There really is no excuse for this. Nothing you can say will change how horrible this band is. It will only make you look bad in the process.
It's official, you've been rendered braindead.

You are so right...

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 17:48:44

At 6/2/10 04:36 PM, Bahamut wrote: The only thing I remember Ghoul introducing me to was Savatage but I'm still very grateful for that. If it weren't for him, I still wouldn't have checked out Savatage.

He also sent me some middle-to-late Ulver which I got into. I deleted the songs with all my none-full-album stuff but I'd imagine nowadays I'd like them, given that I like Ulver... makes sense.
He introduced to me Allen & Lande as well, which again I listened to months later :P.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 17:58:16

At 6/2/10 04:57 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
That wasn't what my post was about, so, yeah. It was about how Gorod is a terrible band. Read more thoroughly, next time.
So first... you say Death is mediocre... and then Gorod?

I'm not gonna dickride Death just because they're the biggest DM band. Gorod? Mediocre would be a complement. I wouldn't even call that shallow wank music.

No matter the fuck what you like, these bands have both brought metal to another level with their creativity and originality and you dare to say Gorod are a copy of Necrophagist? Fuck you!

They pretty much are. I don't see how it's that hard to understand. There's nothing creative or original about abandoning songwriting so you can focus more on sweeps. Plus, they bree. Speaks for itself. But then again, something must be wrong with me if I can't enjoy a song that's pretty much a sterile guitar solo. Stop being so butthurt. I just don't like those bands. I don't go telling people to fuck off like you just did to me because they don't like the bands I do. /shrug

At 6/2/10 06:48 AM, PenisClown wrote: I understand you like oldschool, but Gorod > Suffocation/Immolation type stuff.

You can think what you want about Gorod being better. (I'm serious, and not being sarcastic.) But dude, have you ever even listened to Immolation? They're nothing like Suffocation. They're not even technical enough to be noted.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 18:05:58

At 6/2/10 05:58 PM, Dalnaki wrote:

I just don't like those bands. I even give my reasons why I don't like them. I don't just go "x band sucks" without an explanation for why I think so.


I accidentally deleted this part when editing my post to make it shorter

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 18:36:31

At 6/2/10 06:20 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: Death isn't the biggest DM band. Cannibal Corpse is. They've sold the most albums.

Ha, yeah. I forgot about Cannibal Corpse.

I wouldn't call Gorod wank music, period. And this coming from a guy who hates technical wankery.

I know, I just said that to see how people would react. In the song I listened to, after the bree/sterile scale run it went back to some repetitive riffing. The kind you might see in deathcore. Nothing special, or even likable, but it definitely shows they know what a riff is. Unlike Necrophagist.

How about you start hating on bands that actually do spend their whole time sweeping and soloing, like Brain Drill and Viraemia?

Because I don't follow techdeath. But those two are definitely horrible.

No, you go telling people they're stupid for liking bands you don't.

I've never done that.

That's not why Ponos made the comparision. He compared them because they're both old school death metal bands.

Oh, I thought he was putting them in the same camp as Suffocation.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 18:44:51

At 6/2/10 05:58 PM, Dalnaki wrote: But then again, something must be wrong with me if I can't enjoy a song that's pretty much a sterile guitar solo.

I wouldn't say their songs are sterile guitar solos; the bass does logical counter melodies with the guitar riffs, and the drums follow the style of the song. The songs are pretty cohesive, even if they change riff every four seconds. Necrophagist, on the other hand, doesn't have songs, just vehicles for guitar soloing, so it would be accurate to say that Necrophagist is one big guitar solo. I wouldn't go so far as to apply that label to Gorod. I'm not even a huge Gorod fan (I've only heard maybe five or six songs by them), but I'd say they're a pretty great tech death band. If you don't like tech death, I don't really think you should be hating on them. That's what's ruining the metal-archives; cocks who hate a genre and review albums anyway.

Related note: Atheist. Thoughts?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 18:50:48

On a related note, I wouldn't go so far as to say that Death are one of the biggest death metal bands. Though they're very important to the style's development, in my experience they aren't as popular as other death metal bands. A casual death metal fan is far more likely to listen to Cannibal Corpse, Nile, melodeath and Gothenburg, Morbid Angel, and Opeth. Again, that's just from my experience. I'd say that's mostly because Death doesn't really sound like the death metal we know, especially after their first few albums. Their last albums really aren't any one genre, really.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 18:51:37

When the shit did all the Necrophagist hatred start? I think they're good, though they need a high volume to make it intense, otherwise they do sound a bit bland to listen to. But thats just Tech Death really, apart from Demilich :D.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 18:56:55

At 6/2/10 06:44 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Related note: Atheist. Thoughts?

Never listened to them, because they're always mentioned next to Cynic, a band I dislike immensely. I don't care for jazz/dm hybrid bands.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 18:58:21

At 6/2/10 06:56 PM, Dalnaki wrote: Never listened to them, because they're always mentioned next to Cynic, a band I dislike immensely. I don't care for jazz/dm hybrid bands.

They're pretty good, so you'd probably hate them.

Jokes aside, I doubt you would like them, since they change riffs more often than Gorod or Necrophagist.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:15:02

Necrophagist could be so much better if their songs actually had good rhythm and more solid structures instead of constant solos.

Also what is everyone's thoughts on Bloodbath? They're Tech death.

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:17:46

At 6/2/10 06:58 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 6/2/10 06:56 PM, Dalnaki wrote: Never listened to them, because they're always mentioned next to Cynic, a band I dislike immensely. I don't care for jazz/dm hybrid bands.
They're pretty good, so you'd probably hate them.

Jokes aside, I doubt you would like them, since they change riffs more often than Gorod or Necrophagist.

Sudden riff/tempo changes don't bother me much, unless they're used in the way they are in most modern techdeath bands. Yo, check out this. Band I've been into a lot lately, they're pretty otherworldy. Think Demilich, but nowhere near as technical. Thoughts on it?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:18:13

At 6/2/10 05:58 PM, Dalnaki wrote:
They pretty much are. I don't see how it's that hard to understand. There's nothing creative or original about abandoning songwriting so you can focus more on sweeps. Plus, they bree. Speaks for itself. But then again, something must be wrong with me if I can't enjoy a song that's pretty much a sterile guitar solo. Stop being so butthurt. I just don't like those bands. I don't go telling people to fuck off like you just did to me because they don't like the bands I do. /shrug

There is a difference between wanking and good technical work. If you can really make the technical riff fit in your song, than why would it be a problem. Bands like Gorod and Origin have very good, creative, brutal and technical riffs. The thruth is that these riffs are very coherent in the music. They add something very nice to the melodies. I can tell the difference from a guitar wanker and a real good tech death guitarist for I am myself a fan of Tech Death. And I can tell you that a lot of tech death bands fit the description you gave us earlier, but it's not the case for Gorod.

I don't mind you saying that you dislike a band. But I hate it when you come back with the same false arguments to diss the same band or genre.

At 6/2/10 06:51 PM, Nev wrote: When the shit did all the Necrophagist hatred start? I think they're good, though they need a high volume to make it intense, otherwise they do sound a bit bland to listen to. But thats just Tech Death really, apart from Demilich :D.

Screw that! Origin =/= bland
Necrophagist are getting boring really fast though. That's true, but don't go saying all Tech Death is like that.

At 6/2/10 06:56 PM, Dalnaki wrote:
At 6/2/10 06:44 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Related note: Atheist. Thoughts?
Never listened to them, because they're always mentioned next to Cynic, a band I dislike immensely. I don't care for jazz/dm hybrid bands.

I've always wondered how you could hate a band for being creative... Even if you don't like the genre. They are good at what they do... regardless of your tastes, you should be able to respect their work.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:30:12

At 6/2/10 07:18 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote:
At 6/2/10 03:50 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Nothing you can say will change how horrible this band is. It will only make you look bad in the process.
Quoted for the truth.

I don't see stupid anywhere in that. Unless bad =/= stupid?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:33:38

At 6/2/10 07:30 PM, Dalnaki wrote:
I don't see stupid anywhere in that. Unless bad =/= stupid?

Can't you just admit that you did threat someone badly for his tastes in music?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:48:32

How about we don't get into another tedious and endless argument about people having opinions?

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:52:12

At 6/2/10 07:48 PM, Nev wrote: How about we don't get into another tedious and endless argument about people having opinions?

Well, what else are we supposed to do?

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:53:02

At 6/2/10 07:52 PM, Dalnaki wrote:
At 6/2/10 07:48 PM, Nev wrote: How about we don't get into another tedious and endless argument about people having opinions?
Well, what else are we supposed to do?

Meh, good point.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 19:56:11

At 6/2/10 07:48 PM, Nev wrote: How about we don't get into another tedious and endless argument about people having opinions?

But according to Duff everyone's opinions are what makes the hell great. But I have a question. When you guys argue do you even realize that other people post non arguement related comments? Like MetalLaser's request to join.

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 20:00:24

At 6/2/10 07:56 PM, TheSporkLord wrote: When you guys argue do you even realize that other people post non arguement related comments? Like MetalLaser's request to join.

You forget that we're cretins and don't need to concern ourselves with such things :P.

Unless Bill gives tha final approval to my horsey.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 20:12:54

At 6/2/10 08:11 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote: Look bad = Stupid

Whatever, man.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 21:03:28

At 6/1/10 10:49 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/31/10 12:12 PM, ZimTehRular wrote: you should watch it, its hilarious
Trust me, I do want to watch it. I suppose I should get it on blu-ray if it's available. If not, I'll be content with a DVD.

blu ray doesnt look worth it, i still use vhs tapes (i know, im behind with technology, but they are cheaper) over dvds and i still think the quality is good

Beyond Groovy.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 21:07:08

At 6/1/10 04:58 PM, TheUnwisePoet wrote: Here in Hell my music taste became more mature, I learned a lot here, but all the old bands I used to listen to, I still listen to them, but I'm completely open-minded to every metal genre .. Metal is beautiful...

too right, it seems metal hell helps all the newbies with music, ive so far discovered budgie, as given advice about anthrax, and are learning alot every day.

but I've got to say, Thank You Guys!

same here, thanks guys :D

Beyond Groovy.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 21:12:26

It's surprising how similar metal and techno are, you can headbang to both of THEM!!!

haha, i can for some reason headbang to any kind of music :D does anybody else get neckache/headache/etc from headbanging?

Beyond Groovy.

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