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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-05-31 18:00:50

At 5/31/10 05:53 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: So, shameless self-promotion aside, anyone going to any festivals over the summer?

Latitude in July. Bloodstock in August. Got my tickets for both. I'm also considering looking into Leeds doing the Green Messenger thing, work thursday, monday and tuesday and get the actual festival days free.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-05-31 18:09:27

At 5/31/10 04:57 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: 'Sup guiz?
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/3 37120

A lot better then some of your previous work I've heard, keep at it

Did you just put your balls on my sandwich?

Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-05-31 18:32:28

At 5/31/10 05:53 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Anyway, thanks for the constructive criticism. Always looking to improve.

You should try mixing it up a little with the riffs. It was pretty samey throughout the song. I'd say it made me think of AC/DC, but I don't want to insult you.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 05:51:03

how long has everybody been listening to metal? ive been listening for about 2 - 3 years, im a noob, but have learnt alot over the years (partially because of you guys :D)

(oh, and, sorry i ask so many questions, its just good to know about other people) :)

Beyond Groovy.

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Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 06:30:17

2005. I liked Metallica (WHIPLASH!), Iron Maiden (TWO! MINUTES! TO MIIIIIIDNIGHT!), Anthrax (IT'S A MAD HOUSE!) Children of Bodom (BODOM! AFTER MIDNIGHT!), Disturbed (ARE YOU BREATHING? SOOOOOOOOOOWAH!), System of a Down (CURSED EEEEARTH!), Megadeth (ANGRY AGAIN ANGRY OW!), Slayer (AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!), all of it was so new and it captured me in an undescribable way. It was a totally different thing to what everyone was listening to. Little did I know, everyone knows these bands. I discovered this thread in 2006 and joined.

And now that listen to bands like Age of Silence, Solefald, Klabautamann, Dead Meadow, Fu Manchu, Shrinebuilder, Melvins, Varathron, Atheist, Behold... The Arctopus, Electric Wizard, Gorod, Bongzilla, High on Fire, Slough Feg and YOB, no one has any idea what I'm talking about, no one knows who those bands are and no one has a similar taste to me, cept some of the more awesome chaps in this thread.

Metal Hell will educate you, and get you into the good shit. But you'll have to deal with being different to everyone else.

Picture unrelated.

Metal Hell

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 10:39:25

Hey, Ponos. Check out Keelhaul. You'll like 'em cuz you're not a fag.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 10:49:42

At 5/31/10 12:12 PM, ZimTehRular wrote: you should watch it, its hilarious

Trust me, I do want to watch it. I suppose I should get it on blu-ray if it's available. If not, I'll be content with a DVD.

At 6/1/10 06:30 AM, PenisClown wrote: 2005

Yep, that's where I was then. Well, more around late 2005/early 2006 but it was my start. Some of them I still listen to even today such as Iron Maiden and Metallica but Disturbed and Children of Bodom? I've stayed clear for a long time now.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 15:54:53

At 5/31/10 05:15 PM, greensucksbluerules wrote:
Regardless, Death was the first band to seperate the two genres.

And that is the most important part.

I'm thinking about buying a few albums

I will get two Gorod albums soon, already bought them. Now I just have to wait. I'll get one album by Death, The Sound Of Perseverance. I'm thinking about getting Board Up The House by Genghis Tron. Maybe get Animal As Leaders self-titled album and also For Aeons Past by Solution .45 :)

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 16:30:22

I probably started listening to Metal properly in 2005 too lolwhatssospecialabout2005eh?

Aqualung - Strange and Beautiful (Aqualung)

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 16:40:09

At 6/1/10 04:30 PM, Nev wrote: I probably started listening to Metal properly in 2005 too lolwhatssospecialabout2005eh?

Quit bullshitting about how awesome you guys are...
The important shit is not that you liked Children Of Bodom back then and that now you like soooo much better stuff like Gorod !!!

The important is that you keep on moving, keep learning and stop sucking your own cock for being so awesome.

Sorry Nev if I only quoted you. I think Ponos is still the worst for that kind of stuff...
But this is so elitist... and it's just getting annoying. I can still enjoy Metallica, even though I've learned about hundreds of other bands since I started listenning to metal.

Gravitational Lensing by Solution .45

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 16:58:27

Here in Hell my music taste became more mature, I learned a lot here, but all the old bands I used to listen to, I still listen to them, but I'm completely open-minded to every metal genre, except for Power Metal... not a big fan at all... but I like almost every metal genre, from Groove Metal to Doom. from Heavy to Black Metal, from Thrash to Gothic Metal... and even Metalcore, mostly Melodic Metalcore... I just love the heaviness, aggressiveness, brutality, emotion, the atmosphere it creates, the message the music have... Metal is beautiful...

Before entering in Hell I didn't even tried to listen to Black Metal, I just could not get into it, well, and I don't like every Black Metal bands anyway, I prefer Melodic Black Metal, because I am a melodic cunt, lol, but anyway, shit like Funeral Doom, Progressive Metal (just got into it recently) etc. are just examples of genres of music I didn't used to listen to. I'VE GOT SOMETHING TO SAY! No I didn't rape your mother today, but I've got to say, Thank You Guys!

Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 17:00:08

I started listening to metal in 2006 with Iron Maiden. I never went through a metalcore or deathcore phase. Nu-metal shit was old by that time and I didn't even find out what nu-metal was until a year later. So yeah, I pretty much never listened to shitty metal. Except for that brief period of time where I liked Metallica. But that only lasted two months. Venom got me into extreme metal in 2008, it was the most evil thing I had ever heard at the point, and I knew I needed more.

Also, Metal Hell isn't elitist at all. I'm not trying to say that to make you guys feel better, because, well, elitism is pretty much disowning shit like metalcore/deathcore/thrash/techdeath/mel odeathcore and not being so naive as to think there are good bands in every genre.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 17:06:01

You still should get into Black Metal :)

Maybe start with some Folk/Black like the album Bergtatt by Ulver. It's my favorite of the genre :)
Troldskog Faren Vild is the first track of the album. Probably my favorite. The vocals are wonderfull and the music combines the agressivity and the energy of black metal to the great ambience of Norway's folk metal.

Troldskog Faren Vild by Ulver

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 17:06:43

I don't know why you quoted me at all. I didn't even say anything about how I listen to better Metal now (and I certainly wouldn't say Gorod :P). I just said I started listening to Metal in 2005. Which is true. It's around when I got my guitar and when I got into Rock/Metal music.

Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (The Collection)

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 17:12:17

At 6/1/10 05:06 PM, Nev wrote: I don't know why you quoted me at all. I didn't even say anything about how I listen to better Metal now (and I certainly wouldn't say Gorod :P). I just said I started listening to Metal in 2005. Which is true. It's around when I got my guitar and when I got into Rock/Metal music.

Sorry then. Maybe the "properly" just gave that elitist flavor to your post :P
I know you wouldn't have said Gorod :P I guess you know who I was talking about.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 17:23:48

I said 'probably'.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 17:41:48

At 6/1/10 05:23 PM, Nev wrote: I said 'probably'.

Oh man! Screw that! Gotta get some sleep...

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 18:03:04

At 6/1/10 05:51 AM, ZimTehRular wrote: how long has everybody been listening to metal?

Since I was about 8. That was just Sabbath and Maiden and shit like that, though. My mom was big on that kinda stuff so I started at a young age. I didn't start listening to things that I do now until about 13-14.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 18:20:20

I started with bands like Iron Maiden, Saxon, and Judas priest, then moved onto thrash metal, and then death and black metal. I was pretty elitist at this time, but then i learned to appreciate metalcore too. With a lot of people it seems to be that they start with metalcore and nu metal and then when they discover the more extreme and technical genres they just abandon it, but i think that's stupid. Metalcore can be just as good as metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 18:49:10

At 6/1/10 06:20 PM, DeIirium wrote: Metalcore can be just as good as metal.

While I still like metalcore. I think that very often, metal is deeper, more sophisticated then metalcore. Metalcore is not as complexe... and I'm not talking about technicality. I'm talking about the content, the songwritting and research.

And I'm listenning to the track To Forgive is to Suffer by Death... And I just can't wait to get that freakin' awesome album !!!

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 18:50:54

I started listening to metal in 8th or 9th grade, I think. I got into heavier music through System of a Down and Primus (I may be seeing Primus in August, fuck yeah!), and then I watched Metalocalypse or something. I don't really remember the progression, actually.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 19:02:02

I remember that one of my friend introduced me to metal with Kalmah. I liked their stuff a lot, so he also made me listen to Edguy and I really liked it. Then I got into Slipknot, liked it a lot, then Children Of Bodom and Iron Maiden. Then my brother made me listen to Kreator, Megadeth, Soilwork, Soulfly, DamagePlan, Disturbed and other shits.

My favorites when I was in High School were CoB, Megadeth and Slipknot. Then I got more into Melodic Death Metal and Metalcore and I then joinned the Hell. Got more and more into various stuff... and here I am today :) I guess that this place really helped me push my passion for music further :)

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 22:11:50

At 6/1/10 05:51 AM, ZimTehRular wrote: how long has everybody been listening to metal? ive been listening for about 2 - 3 years, im a noob, but have learnt alot over the years (partially because of you guys :D)

(oh, and, sorry i ask so many questions, its just good to know about other people) :)

I've been listening to metal for 4-5 years. I started with some heavier alternative rock and grunge, and went into nu-metal. Then I started with power metal and traditional heavy metal, as well as some thrash and some prog. Then I joined the Hell and started listening to death and black metal. As well as stoner metal and doom metal. Yeah, and I still listen to nu-metal and metalcore. Now I'm branching off into techno and trance. And I'm listening to classical. It's surprising how similar metal and techno are, you can headbang to both of THEM!!!

Godzilla Film Fan Club

Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!

Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-01 23:50:31

So I was at the park with my girlfreind and we were on the swings when some little black girl comes and sits next to me. She says I can't swing by myself so I offered to push her. She then says no thank you Only black people can push me not white people. XD LOL WTF!!!!

wtf America.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 00:27:21

At 6/1/10 11:50 PM, smeagol1 wrote: So I was at the park with my girlfreind and we were on the swings when some little black girl comes and sits next to me. She says I can't swing by myself so I offered to push her. She then says no thank you Only black people can push me not white people. XD LOL WTF!!!!

She's just used to get pushed by black people. Oh wait...

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 03:50:15

So my friend showed me a Gorod song after I asked him why he watched Gorod at MDF, and the first 5 seconds showed me promise, and made me think I was probably wrong about this band's entire career being based off of Necrophagist's awfully successful hijacking of the techdeath genre, turning it into a wankfest, instead of the way it used to be, bands who didn't sacrifice songwriting for complexity and didn't have an individual focus on instruments and a total lack of cohesiveness and group effort.
Then, at the sixth second, BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe, followed by a sterile scale run Necropagist style then full out wank.

I must say, that I'm disappointed. There really is no excuse for this. Nothing you can say will change how horrible this band is. It will only make you look bad in the process.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 06:19:55

Nevermore's new album is goooooooooooooooooood.

I like Gorod's use of vocals, even if they do occasionally 'bree.'. Still definitely one of the best modern tech death bands around.

This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 06:25:49

At 6/2/10 03:50 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Waaaaah I hate Necrophagist

We get it already. Never heard of Gorod but yeah, the way you described them sounding like pigs and all I probably wouldn't like them either.

Nonetheless, enough about "<x> band is shit, so I'm gonna drag it on for weeks now". While we've all learned to value each others opinions in here, the same opinion over and over and over just gets annoying.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 06:29:03

At 6/2/10 06:25 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote:
At 6/2/10 03:50 AM, Dalnaki wrote: Waaaaah I hate Necrophagist

That wasn't what my post was about, so, yeah. It was about how Gorod is a terrible band. Read more thoroughly, next time.

Response to Metal Hell 2010-06-02 06:48:53

At 6/1/10 10:39 AM, Sense-Offender wrote: Hey, Ponos. Check out Keelhaul. You'll like 'em cuz you're not a fag.

You've been going on about them for ages you broken record fuck =P I already checked 'em out.

At 6/1/10 04:40 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: The important is that you keep on moving, keep learning and stop sucking your own cock for being so awesome.

Sorry Nev if I only quoted you. I think Ponos is still the worst for that kind of stuff...
But this is so elitist... and it's just getting annoying. I can still enjoy Metallica, even though I've learned about hundreds of other bands since I started listenning to metal.

You see us say anything like that? I can still enjoy Metallica too. We know we keep on moving. There is no elitism here unless you go looking. You're a little bitch Duff, just fuck off back to your corner.

At 6/1/10 05:06 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: You still should get into Black Metal :)

Maybe start with some Folk/Black like the album Bergtatt by Ulver. It's my favorite of the genre :)

Stop sucking your own dick elitist.

At 6/1/10 06:20 PM, DeIirium wrote: Metalcore can be just as good as metal.

Even when it's jaw droppingly technical I don't like metalcore and deathcore. Something about the production and the riffs just seem shit, I prefer stuff like Kyuss. Shit with balls and blues. That's the truth people, and if that's elitist, that's elitist then.

At 6/2/10 03:50 AM, Dalnaki wrote: I must say, that I'm disappointed. There really is no excuse for this. Nothing you can say will change how horrible this band is. It will only make you look bad in the process.

I understand you like oldschool, but Gorod > Suffocation/Immolation type stuff.

I think the riffs are beautiful especially on The Process of Decline. I also have their second album and it's great.

I don't care for Necrophagist that much (Only Ash Remains is a fucking mad song though. Like the classical music ending.) either but Gorod are worlds apart IMO and rip the pants off old school. But I love old school too. It's an equal appreciation.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

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