I'm so in love with Moonspell I always enjoyed their music, but after the concert I fell in love, I am now listening to the album "Memorial", next I am going to listen to the album "Night Eternal", and I want to get the album "Wolfheart", "Anno Satanae" and "Irreligious". I love their Black Gothic Metal style with Folk influences, they're just awesome, and excelent alive. Also, I met the bassist, Don Aires Pereira.
Oh, and the concert, on Saturday, was awesome, Bizarra Locomotiva were excelent, Industrial Black Metal is just intense, they provided an excelent stage presence, the singer was dressed with some kind of plastic and in the end he showed his arse, the guitarist and the keyboardist were just creppy, the guitarist had the more creepiest mask I've ever seen, he looked like an anteater, and the keyboardist was with a freak hairstyle and all painted in white, the robotic way he moved was just creepy, and his voice, oh dear satan, that guy screams, after all the drummer was good but he looked out of the band, because he was too normal lmao, and they look too much like some kind of portuguese Rammstein, but I must say Bizarra Locomotiva is more heavy and I prefer them.
Moonspell what can I say, they're excelent Fernando Ribeiro interacts a lot with the public, they have a genial show. I just pity the poor microphone stand, Fernando was always hitting it in the ground. Supposedly the concert ended up with "Alma Mater", and it was just excelent, everyone raising their hands making devil horns, and singing the chorus, whose was written in portuguese, and the it fits excelent. And then they left the stage with some dark atmospheric music, the stage empty, no lights and that music playing, and then they come back, and start playing, they played more three songs, if my memory don't fail. In the end Fernando said: "Thank Satan for this night" or something.
Genial things Fernando said:
"We've just only begun, this night will be eternal" And then they play Night Eternal.
"We all live under the full moon spell" And then they play Full Moon Madness.
I loved this concert, also it was my first concert ever. I almost cried in the end, I was like... what? It's over? Oh... I want more Metal. Rofl.
Moonspell - Luna
Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.