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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 15:52:14

At 12/25/09 01:49 PM, AniMetal wrote:
I got a pink snuggie. Hahahahahaha

Now thats metal as fuck.
i didn't get too much this year for christmas just new headphones, a LoG flag/poster (i know i know) and a Pink Floyd mouse pad im content considering i got a leather jacket a week or so ago

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 16:06:49

At 12/25/09 12:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: As much as Brutal Legend is a game dedicated to heavy metal, I think Doom is the most metal game of all.

I agree, Brutal Legend is awesome but Doom is fuckin metal. It's so metal pretty much the entire soundtrack rips off Metallica, Slayer and Pantera.

It's such a 90's game, and it kicks ass.

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 16:53:28

You guys are crazy. Assassins Creed II is the most metal game ever, or Italian, but I digress. I got a new fivestring bass and some cash. And I bought myself Warbringers new album which is gangsta as fuck.

Here I am, bored with everything.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 17:46:43

At 12/25/09 01:32 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: i got AIDS :(

Maybe Santa will bring you a cure next Chr... oh wait...

At 12/25/09 02:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: Anyways, long story short and I've now acquired copies of Powerslave and Piece of Mind to go to my growing metal collection.

Woah, its Coop!

At 12/25/09 04:53 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: You guys are crazy. Assassins Creed II is the most metal game ever, or Italian, but I digress. I got a new fivestring bass and some cash. And I bought myself Warbringers new album which is gangsta as fuck.

I think it'd be more appropriate to assign a game to each genre.
Oblivion/Morrowind have got Power written all over it.
Rapeplay can have Grindcore.

And Merry Christmas chaps.
I gotz a HD tv for my bedroom. The quality of the picture hurts my eyes.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 18:27:29

At 12/25/09 05:46 PM, Nev wrote: I think it'd be more appropriate to assign a game to each genre.
Oblivion/Morrowind have got Power written all over it.
Rapeplay can have Grindcore.

Doom would be thrash, in that case.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 18:32:50

At 12/25/09 06:27 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Doom would be thrash, in that case.

I find Oblivion to be kind of stoner metal, myself, and Doom would be thrash or death metal. Speaking of metal media, what about Fight Club? I've never seen a more metal movie then that, and it's real deep too.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 18:44:38

At 12/25/09 06:32 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I find Oblivion to be kind of stoner metal, myself,

... eh? In what way? There's nothing trippy about Oblivion.

Speaking of metal media, what about Fight Club? I've never seen a more metal movie then that, and it's real deep too.

I don't see why Fight Club is Metal either. It's about cocks and terrorism. Great film mind.
And the most Metal film is obvious either Bill and Ted or Spinal Tap.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 18:50:41

At 12/25/09 06:44 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/25/09 06:32 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I find Oblivion to be kind of stoner metal, myself,
... eh? In what way? There's nothing trippy about Oblivion.

It's not the trippiness that makes it seem stonerish to me, it's the vast worlds, imaginative creatures, thousands of weapons, and so on. Obviously you haven't played Shivering Isles. I could be wrong, I don't know, that's just what I think. Power works for it too but I think it's more.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 19:02:23

Doom is the definition of Black Metal in a video game comparison.

Doom is pure EVIL.

And for power metal? The definition of power metal in a video game comparison:

Metal Hell

Make war, not love.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 19:17:56

At 12/25/09 07:02 PM, AniMetal wrote: Doom is the definition of Black Metal in a video game comparison.

Doom is pure EVIL.

And for power metal? The definition of power metal in a video game comparison:

I don't see Zelda as any type of metal, I'm sorry, and that game is my favorite game of all time. If Zelda would be anything, it'd probably epic/folk metal of some sort. I imagine Fallout 3 as industrial death metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 19:22:32

At 12/25/09 07:17 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I don't see Zelda as any type of metal, I'm sorry, and that game is my favorite game of all time. If Zelda would be anything, it'd probably epic/folk metal of some sort. I imagine Fallout 3 as industrial death metal.

Zelda series = Epic fantasy, swords, dragons(like one, lol), monsters, quests, castles, magic, fairies!

It just SCREAMS power metal cheese to me.

Make war, not love.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 19:46:14

At 12/25/09 07:22 PM, AniMetal wrote: Zelda series = Epic fantasy, swords, dragons(like one, lol), monsters, quests, castles, magic, fairies!

It just SCREAMS power metal cheese to me.

You don't have to spell it out for me, I see your reasoning, and it's perfectly sound. I just don't feel it is all.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 20:47:21

Gears Of War has death metal written all over it. As for Oblivion thats got black metal in the heart of Oblivion.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 22:55:36

Oblivion is Ensiferum. Doom is Sodom/Kreator/Destruction/Exodus/Vio-len ce and other heavier thrash bands. Fallout (1, 2, and 3) seems like Godflesh type industrial metal. Zelda's hard to pinpoint, but progressive power seems more to be its style. Resident Evil (series) is more or less death metal and the Silent Hill games tend to be more black metal-esque.

Doom metal and its sub-genres don't really attach themselves well to video games in my opinion. Most games don't give off a doom type of vibe.

Here I am, bored with everything.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-25 23:46:16

final fantasy 7....hmm Folk metal/power metal.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 00:07:00

Super mario bros, Tetris, Sonic, Final Fantasy, etc are all just Powerglove.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 06:33:06

At 12/25/09 05:46 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/25/09 02:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: Anyways, long story short and I've now acquired copies of Powerslave and Piece of Mind to go to my growing metal collection.
Woah, its Coop!

*headbangs to Poweslave*

Anyway, on the subject of Metal games, this is one of the things that can always get out of hand, but I think that Blood Bowl is pretty metal. It's a game of american football (bear with me on this), where the teams can quite legally kill on another and even mutate in certain cases. My Chaos team has a Beastman (think half man, half goat) with claws, a prehensile tail and tentacles. Yes, he has a way with his opponents.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 08:47:28

So I got Endgame.

I haven't listened to it yet, but what kind of prick puts just his own face on the back of the album?

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 08:54:13

At 12/26/09 08:47 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: So I got Endgame.


I haven't listened to it yet, but what kind of prick puts just his own face on the back of the album?

I like it, haven't listened to the whole album yet but 44 minutes is quite an epic song.

And you're right, plus he looks like a tool.

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 09:41:33

At 12/25/09 01:49 PM, AniMetal wrote: Doom 2 to be precise.

Yes but I've found myself to have replayed Doom twice now while I've yet to go through Doom II again.

On nightmare mode.

I don't even want to imagine it but yes, that is metal.

At 12/25/09 02:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: That now means 9 Albums in the collection actually owned and 2 copies of borrowed albums from friends and family:

Nice. If you're going to get more Maiden, I recommend Brave New World next.

At 12/25/09 04:06 PM, ZpLiNtEh wrote: I agree, Brutal Legend is awesome but Doom is fuckin metal. It's so metal pretty much the entire soundtrack rips off Metallica, Slayer and Pantera.

Haha, there's no denying that but that doesn't mean the soundtrack sucks. Just hearing the familiarity of those bands in a video game is a nice treat. OK, some of you may not like those bands but come on, this was 1993. There's no way we could have had a soundtrack like Brutal Legend back then.

At 12/25/09 04:53 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: You guys are crazy. Assassins Creed II is the most metal game ever

I got both Assassin's Creed games for Christmas so I'll decide on that one.

At 12/25/09 05:46 PM, Nev wrote: Oblivion/Morrowind have got Power written all over it.

Exactly, which is why I listened to nothing but power metal and a bit of folk when playing those games. The game's soundtrack wouldn't be good to listen to for 150+ hours so other music is necessary.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 11:59:26

At 12/26/09 09:41 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Haha, there's no denying that but that doesn't mean the soundtrack sucks.

I didn't say it sucks :s I think the soundtracks fuckin awesome :3

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 12:39:38

At 12/25/09 07:46 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:
It just SCREAMS power metal cheese to me.
You don't have to spell it out for me, I see your reasoning, and it's perfectly sound. I just don't feel it is all.

Zelda has its distinct feel to it, its not generic enough to be power metal..

Sig made by azteca89

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 14:35:24

Well guys, it has been a long damn time since I have been here haha.

I was just wanting to wish you all a merry christmas, a bit late but oh well.

So how has everyone been doing?

Idio I see your still around how have you been?

Or how bout goatchrist, nev, kiddi, ryan, goryblizzard, and anyone I've left out that used to know me haha?

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 14:58:36

At 12/26/09 02:35 PM, Bonemill wrote: Well guys, it has been a long damn time since I have been here haha.

I was just wanting to wish you all a merry christmas, a bit late but oh well.

So how has everyone been doing?

Idio I see your still around how have you been?

Or how bout goatchrist, nev, kiddi, ryan, goryblizzard, and anyone I've left out that used to know me haha?

Hey hey long time no see! yeah we are all here except our leader. I don't kno what Goatchrist has been doing.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 15:33:32

At 12/25/09 10:55 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Oblivion is Ensiferum. Doom is Sodom/Kreator/Destruction/Exodus/Vio-len ce....

Would Flower be Sonata Arctica?

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 15:37:50

At 12/26/09 02:35 PM, Bonemill wrote: Well guys, it has been a long damn time since I have been here haha.

I was just wanting to wish you all a merry christmas, a bit late but oh well.

So how has everyone been doing?

Idio I see your still around how have you been?

Boner, you're back! I haven't seen you on AIM in a while budday.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 16:07:55

At 12/26/09 03:33 PM, Nev wrote:
Would Flower be Sonata Arctica?

I reckon Tool would be the perfect band for Flower, songs such as Schism and Parabol are calm and relaxing, but still get metal-y (not so much Parabol, unless you count Parabola)

Or even Dragonforce, Valley of The Damned is a good song thats metal and not too heavy, could fit well with the atmosphere of the game.

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 17:40:15

it's snowing non stop here. I just walked 2 miles for nouthing.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 18:20:56

At 12/26/09 05:40 PM, smeagol1 wrote: it's snowing non stop here. I just walked 2 miles for nouthing.

The snows pretty much all melted in my village, ah well.

I want to take the trucks off my deck and go ice skating :p

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-26 18:48:45

At 12/26/09 09:41 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/25/09 02:33 PM, Coop83 wrote: That now means 9 Albums in the collection actually owned and 2 copies of borrowed albums from friends and family:
Nice. If you're going to get more Maiden, I recommend Brave New World next.

Well, judging by a quick look at the discography, I've got the first 9 studio albums. The next two aren't as good (The X Factor; Virtual XI), due to the absence of Bruce Dickinson. However, I do like the track Futureal from Virtual XI.

Yes, I will be getting Brave New World at some point. In fact, I think I've got a copy borrowed upstairs somewhere, so that might get 'yoinked' soon :P

Hard to imagine that there has only been one number 1 single for Maiden voer their entire career. Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter isn't their best single, in all honesty. I much prefer things like Flight of Icarus and The Trooper

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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