I was looking at all the 20+ minute tracks I have and I feel I don't have enough metal tracks at such lengths. The following I have right now are:
Dream Theater - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (41:33)
Manowar - Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy In Eight Parts (28:38)
Symphony X - The Odyssey (24:09)
Dream Theater - Octavarium (24:00)
Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons (23:09)
Fates Warning - The Ivory Gate of Dreams (21:58)
Meshuggah - I (21:00)
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy (20:42)
Opeth - Black Rose Immortal (20:14)
Know any 20+ minute epics I'm missing out on and should have in my library?
At 12/14/09 04:03 PM, burnoutfool wrote:
long list
I may be just picky but I prefer seeing one artist per line and not separate them all with commas. I find it much easier to scroll down the list to see what's there.
At 12/14/09 06:37 PM, Charon wrote:
so anyone looking forward to hearing the new Burzum album..?
I'm not a fan of his music but I can easily understand this as being yet another landmark release in the new year. After all, it's his first album since he got out of prison.
At 12/14/09 09:10 PM, Piromano wrote:
Big four of thrash metal will share stage
Damn, if only one of the shows was in England. I would have done so much to go there.
At 12/15/09 02:39 AM, burnoutfool wrote:
I actually like Twisted Sister, plus if they're on Metal Archives, they're AWRITE.
I don't mind them myself. Infact, I'm thinking of getting Stay Hungry sometime considering I Wanna Rock and We're Not Gonna Take It.