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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 11:21:41

At 12/14/09 11:08 AM, Nev wrote: Hello 0peth.

Pfft, Idio, your absence is nothing compared to his!

Fuck 0peth! Idio is the coolest!

It's no big deal, just totally diamond encrusted, titanium based.

Metal Hell

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 14:53:36

Never did tell you all (I told ani) but yesterday I got bit by my neighbors horse. He was at the fence like he wanted me to come over and pet him. He always trys to eat my cloths for some reason but this time he chomped my upper arm and it hurt like fuck!!!

Dark Funeral- My Funeral

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 15:13:45

At 12/14/09 05:22 AM, Oppugnant wrote:
At 12/14/09 01:50 AM, burnoutfool wrote: That album was ass compared to Hell is Empty.
While I do really, really love Hell Is Empty, I just find it lacks the raw fury and aggression of their other albums. Namely Eschaton and The Codex Necro.

I honestly think that their most agressive album was In the Constellation. That album was both agressive and melodic. I love it. Seriously their grail.

Death is only the Beginning. Death is all that is real. Heliosohophism.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 16:03:50

1349, ...Aaaaarrgggh..., Abigor, Ablaze My Sorrow, Abominable Putridity, Abruptum, Absu, Absurd, Abyssic Hate, Abysmal Sorrow, Accept, Achocarlos, Acid King, A Cloud in Circle, Ad Hominem, Adorior, Adultery, Aerosmith, Aesculetum, Aesthenia, A Forest of Stars, Agalloch, Ahab, Alcest, Alestorm, Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains, Alien Vampires, Almighty Emperor, Altaria, Amesoeurs, Amon Amarth, Anaal Nathrakh, Ancient, Ancestral Luminous, Angantyr, Angra, Angra Mainyu, Anhedonia, Anorexia Nervosa, Antaeus, Anthrax, Anti, Arackanum, Arkona, Armaggedon, Aryan Art, Askival, Audioslave, Avichi, Avinar, Avsky, Aysenlur, Baal Gadrial, Bang Camaro, Bathory, Behemoth, Beherit, Behexen, Belenos, Belinus, Belketre, Belphegor, Benighted in Sodom, Beyond Light, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Black Death, Black Funeral, Blackguard, Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Blind Illusion, Blood Stained Dusk, Blue Öyster Cult, Blut Aus Nord, Blutklinge, Bongripper, Bongzilla, Borknagar, Branikald, Brenoritvrezkore, Brocken Moon, Brown Jenkins, Buckethead, Burzum, Candlemass, Cannabis Corpse, Cannabal Corpse, Carcass, Carpathian Forest, Carved in Stone, Celtic Frost, Chaos Moon, Children of Bodom, Cindarella, Circle of Ghosts, Cirith Gorgor, Cold Void, Coldworld, Combichrist, Common Grave, Concubia Nocte, Cor Scorpii, Corpsefucking Art, Corpus Christii, Cradle of Filth, Craft, Crimfall, Crom, Cruachan, Cry of Silence, Dantalion, Danzig, Dark Forest, Dark Fortress, Dark Funeral, Darkspace, Darkthrone, Dawn of Ashes, Dawn of Tears, Daylight Dies, Demonizer, Desaster, Death, Death Cube K, Deathcult, Deathspell Omega, Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Deicide, Deströyer 666, Dethklok, Dimmu Borgir, Dio, Dissection, Diversant 13, Dødheimsgard, Dokken, Doom:VS, Dream Theater, Drowning the Light, Drudkh, Dub Buk, Dysthymia, Edguy, EgoNoir, Einherjer, Electric Wizard, Element of Eclipse, Elffor, Elite, Emperor, Empyrium, Endstille, Engelmacher, Ensiferum, Enslaved, Enthroned, Eohl, Equilibrium, Esoteric, Ethere, Ex Deo, Exodus, Exiled From Light, Extinction Front, Faith No More, Falkenbach, Fenris, FGFC820, Fiend, Finntroll, Finsterforst, Folkearth, Folkodia, Forest, Forgotten Tomb, Funeral Mourning, Gallhammer, Galneryus, Gamma Ray, Gehenna, Glittertind, Glorior Belli, Goatmill, Goatwhore, God Dethroned, God is an Astronaut, Gorerotted, Gorgoroth, Graveland, Green Jelly, Grendel, Gris, Guns N' Roses, Gwar, Happy Days, Hate Forest, Heidevolk, Hellfucked, Helloween, Helvetespine, Heretoir, Hordak, Horna, Hypothermia, I, Iced Earth, Ihsahn, Ildjarn, Immortal, Impaled, Impavida, Infernal War, Inquisition, Inverna, Invictus, Iron Maiden, Isengard, I Shalt Become, Isolation, Iuvenes, IXXI, Jimi Hendrix, John Coltrane (eat a dick, he's amazing), Journey, Judas Iscariot, Iron Savior, Judas Priest, Kæltetod, Kältetod, Kamelot, Kampfar, Karl Sanders, Katatonia, Keep of Kalessin, Keldian, Khold, King Diamond, Korpiklaani, Krallice, Krohm, Krokus, Krypt, Kult ov Azazel, Lantlôs, The Legion, Lemuria, Leviathan, Liam, Life is Pain, Lifelover, Lord, Lord Belial, Lord Foul, Lordi, Lord Wind, Lujhboia, Lunar Aurora, Lurker of Chalice, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Lyrinx, Make A Change...Kill Yourself, Månegarm, Manowar, Marduk, Mastodon, Matricide, Mayhem, Megadeth, Menhir, Mercyful Fate, Metal Church, Metallica, Mgla, Mirzadeh, Mistress of the Dead, Mithotyn, Moonsorrow, Morbid Angel, Mordheim, Mordhell, Mortician, Mortiis Dæmonium, Mötley Crüe, Motörhead, Mournful Congregation, Mourning Dawn, Mütiilation, Myrkgrav, Nachtmahr, Nachtmystium, Nae'Blis, Nagelfar, Naglfar, Nargaroth, Nartulran, Nattefrost, Night Conquers Day, Nile, Nirvana, Nocternity, Noctiferum, Nocturnal, Nocturnal Depression, Nocturnal Necropsy, Nokturnal Morutm, North, Nortt, Nunslaughter, Öde, Odroerir, Of The Wand And The Moon, Old Man's Child, Old Wainds, Om, Ondskapt, Onheil, Onryo, Overkill, Ovskum, Ozzy Osbourne, Panthiest, Panzer AG, Paysage D'Hiver, Pearl Jam, Pensées Nocturnes, Pest, Peste Noire, Pestilential Shadows, Poccolus, Poison, Possessed, Primordial, Primus, Psyclon Nine, Psycroptic, Queen, Queensryche, Quiet Riot, Ragnarok, Rainbow, Rammstein, RATT, Raventale, Reaktor 4, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Reverend Bizarre, Rhapsody, Rhapsody of Fire, Rob Zombie, Rome, Rotting Christ, Rush, Sabbat, Sacrificia Mortuorum, Samael, Samayoi, Samhain, Sarcófago, Sargeist, Satan's Blood, Satanic Slaughter, Satanic Warmaster, Satriani, Satyricon, Savatage, Schallfaktor, Schizophrenia, Scorpions, Scum, Secretly In Pain, Seol, Sepultra, Serj Tankian, Shadowbreed, Shape of Despair, Shining, Shyy, Sigh, Skaldic Curse, Skeletonwitch, Skid Row, Skitliv, Skitsystem, Skyforger, Skywave, Slayer, Slavogorje, Sleep, Sociopath, Sodom, Sombres Forêts, Sonata Arctica, Soulgate's Dawn, Soundgarden, Sort Vokter, Sterbend, Steve Vai, Storm, Stutthof, Suicide Commando, Summoning, Sunn O))), Sun Ra, Survivor, Swashbuckle, Svarga, Sympathy, Syrgðr Skógr, System of a Down, Taabut, Taake, Tearstained, Tenacious D, Testament, Thergothon, Theudho, Thin Lizzy, Thoth, Thränenkind, Thronar, Throne Of Katarsis, Thule, Thy light, Thyrfing, Todeskult, Tool, Total Negation, Toxic Holocaust, Trap Them, Trist, Triste, Tsjuder, Turisas, Tvangeste, Twilight, Twisted Sister, Twiztid, Tyranny, Ulver, Ungod, Unholy Matrimony, Unholy Trinity, Unter Null, Urgehal, Van Halen, Veil, Velvet Cacoon, Venom, Vérzivatar, Vinterland, Vinterriket, Vlad Tepes, Vobiscum, Volahn, Volkolak, VON, Vowels, Vreid, Walknut, Wardruna, Watain, Waylander, Wedard, Wehemut, When Mine Eyes Blacken, White Zombie, Wigrid, Windir, Wodulf, Wolfbrigade, Wolfchant, Wolfpack, Wolfmare, Wolves in the Throne Room, Wulfgar, Wyrd, Xasthur, Yggdrasil, Yngwie Malmsteen, Zrec, Zyklon-B, ZZ Top

I tried to take out the ones that weren't metal/hard rock, but I probably missed some.

Death is only the Beginning. Death is all that is real. Heliosohophism.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 16:44:23

At 12/14/09 04:03 PM, burnoutfool wrote: Twisted Sister

So fuckin metal

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 18:11:33

At 12/14/09 10:37 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/13/09 04:55 PM, Nev wrote: Lavatory Love Machine is the worst song title in the whole of music.
This song I never really liked. Hellfire Club's best songs are the first half. The second half is inferior.


And also, Mandrake is another one of their great albums. Lavatory Love Machine is an happy song about taking the airplane to Brazil. I don't know what's so wrong about putting a few songs like these on an album. They still write serious and intelligent lyrics (while still being Power Metal :P) but they like to put random happy stuff amongs these tracks.

I really am not into power metal as much as I used to when I was 16, but in the lot of bands I had on my playlist...

Adagio, At Vance, Avantasia, Axenstar, Battlelore, Cellador, Concerto Moon, Dark Moor, DragonForce, Eidolon, Elvenking, Falconer, Gamma Ray, Hammerfall, Helloween, Kamelot, Mezarkabul, Nightwish, Nocturnal Rites, Sabaton, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Symphony X, Tarot, Thunderstone, Twilightning, Versailles

Edguy was in my top 5 along with Sonata Arctica, Eidolon, Gamma Ray (yeah sorry :P) and of course Symphony X.

I think Edguy are a very important band for the evolution and progression of the power metal musical genre.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 18:22:02

Okay, I need some band reccomendations. I'll take anything, pretty much. Here are the genres I like:
Progressive Metal (All types)
Thrash Metal
Death Metal (pretty much all of it)
Black Metal
Funeral Doom Metal
Epic Doom Metal
Power Metal (some, not all)
Stoner Metal

And that sums up my tastes. I'd appreciate any input.

Godzilla Film Fan Club

Proud Demon residing in the METAL HELL!

Lay down your soul for the god's rock n' roll!

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 18:27:08

At 12/14/09 06:22 PM, Zodir wrote: Thrash Metal

Anthrax, Slayer, Municipal Waste, Kreator

Death Metal (pretty much all of it)

Death, Cynic, Obituary, Opeth, Insomnium, Dying Fetus, Necrophagist

Black Metal

Burzum, Goatwhore, Hate Forest, Bathory, Xasthur, Portal

Power Metal (some, not all)

Sonic Arctica, Iced Earth

Stoner Metal

Sleep, Electric Wizard, Goatsnake, The Sword, High on Fire

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 18:27:59

At 12/14/09 06:22 PM, Zodir wrote: Okay, I need some band reccomendations. I'll take anything, pretty much. Here are the genres I like:
Progressive Metal (All types)
Thrash Metal
Death Metal (pretty much all of it)
Black Metal
Funeral Doom Metal
Epic Doom Metal
Power Metal (some, not all)

Power Quest's Neverworld. I fully regret not listening to this album when I had the chance a few years ago. Now I love it.

Stoner Metal

And that sums up my tastes. I'd appreciate any input.


Dear core bands,

Stop the fucking speaking/cheer shouting bits. Nobody wants to hear you while you recite some political slam poetry, or sound like you're part of some bro only army, shouting to your superiors.

Cut it the fuck out. Its terrible. I cannon find anything redeeming about it. It does not sound good.



(P.S. Give us back Stick to Your Guns after. You ruined what could be an alright band.)

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 18:29:50

At 12/14/09 06:27 PM, DrMafesto wrote: Stop the fucking speaking/cheer shouting bits. Nobody wants to hear you while you recite some political slam poetry, or sound like you're part of some bro only army, shouting to your superiors.

Cut it the fuck out. Its terrible. I cannon find anything redeeming about it. It does not sound good.

I haven't heard any core bands do that before, but I know what you're talking about. Nothing is more lame than a group of people shouting lyrics. Gives You Hell is a good example. I DON'T WANT BROS SHOUTING MUSIC. It's not always bad though.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 18:37:53

so anyone looking forward to hearing the new Burzum album..?

http://www.burzum.org/eng/discography/of ficial/2010_belus.shtml

Minion of the Metal Hell

Last.fm/Steam ID

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Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 18:48:27

At 12/14/09 06:37 PM, Charon wrote: so anyone looking forward to hearing the new Burzum album..?

http://www.burzum.org/eng/discography/of ficial/2010_belus.shtml

Fuck yeah im so pumped to hear Burzum's new stuff i have my hopes set high for a damn good album

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 19:16:37

At 12/14/09 06:29 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:
At 12/14/09 06:27 PM, DrMafesto wrote: Stop the fucking speaking/cheer shouting bits. Nobody wants to hear you while you recite some political slam poetry, or sound like you're part of some bro only army, shouting to your superiors.

Cut it the fuck out. Its terrible. I cannon find anything redeeming about it. It does not sound good.
I haven't heard any core bands do that before, but I know what you're talking about. Nothing is more lame than a group of people shouting lyrics. Gives You Hell is a good example. I DON'T WANT BROS SHOUTING MUSIC. It's not always bad though.

I personally have not heard one good bro shout song.

Here's a good example of it for those who don't know what we're talking about. @ 2:06

I really like the song other than that. It just kills the vibe. :l

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 19:31:30

At 12/14/09 07:16 PM, DrMafesto wrote: I personally have not heard one good bro shout song.

Here's a good example of it for those who don't know what we're talking about. @ 2:06

I really like the song other than that. It just kills the vibe. :l

I'm not talking about bro shouting songs, just live versions of songs where they shout the lyrics. It's kind of cheesy but cool to have an audience shouting out your lyrics, their throats raw. "Wish You Were Here" is a good example. The whole crowd got out their lighters and joined in. It was awesome.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 20:03:03

At 12/14/09 06:37 PM, Charon wrote: so anyone looking forward to hearing the new Burzum album..?

Sure why not. And holy shit man does Varg looks fucked up in that picture.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 20:23:22

I decided to listen to Acid Bath, since it's been months. They're pretty fucking good.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 20:53:16

"Rooster" by Alice in Chains = five minutes of epic grunge metal.

The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 21:10:22

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 21:13:27

At 12/14/09 09:10 PM, Piromano wrote: Big four of thrash metal will share stage

I still can't... and won't ever possibly consider Slayer to be amongs the good metal bands...

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 21:37:14

At 12/14/09 09:44 AM, 0peth wrote:
At 12/13/09 10:44 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: sup 0peth, remember me? you gave me industrial recommendations once.
Of course.

Hey Idiosyncratic.

I remember talking to you. How's B Tech going?

By the way, Scar Symmetry is my favorite melodic death metal band although I know they're really mediocre.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 21:46:25

At 12/14/09 09:37 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: By the way, Scar Symmetry is my favorite melodic death metal band although I know they're really mediocre.

Ever since Christian Ãlvestam has left the band, they have been on a downfall. He was one of the greatest vocalists ever :'(

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 21:54:09

At 12/14/09 09:37 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: By the way, Scar Symmetry is my favorite melodic death metal band although I know they're really mediocre.

I was never that big a fan of Scar Symmetry, although I am in love with melodic death metal. I usually like the mainstream bands like Insomnium, Dark Tranquillity, Amon Amarth and Arch Enemy, but I also like the others like The Absence, Frozen Eternity, At The Gates and Wintersun.

Something about them seems very different from the others. Dunno. I guess they're just to technical for me.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 22:03:20

At 12/14/09 09:46 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Ever since Christian Ãlvestam has left the band, they have been on a downfall. He was one of the greatest vocalists ever :'(

Greatest melodic death metal vocalist ever, more likely than best VOCALIST ever.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-14 23:23:29

At 12/14/09 10:03 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: Greatest melodic death metal vocalist ever, more likely than best VOCALIST ever.

I said "one of the greatest"

And melodic death metal vocalists are amongs the best vocalists.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-15 00:09:18

Trevor Strnad is the best Death Metal vocalist.

Power Quest - Sacred Land

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-15 02:20:44

At 12/14/09 06:27 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote:
At 12/14/09 06:22 PM, Zodir wrote: Death Metal (pretty much all of it)
Death, Cynic, Obituary, Opeth, Insomnium, Dying Fetus, Necrophagist

Eh. Dying Fetus suck. And you're missing Atheist, Suffocation, Immolation, and Gorod.

Black Metal
Burzum, Goatwhore, Hate Forest, Bathory, Xasthur, Portal

Those are awful recommendations.

Dawn, Belphegor, Agatus, Blut Aus Nord, Borknagar, Drudkh, Nyktalgia, Peste Noire, Rotting Christ, Svarti Loghin, Varathron.

Hate Forest are awful, and Varg can't triforce.

Stoner Metal

Sleep, Electric Wizard, Goatsnake, The Sword, High on Fire

I have no complaints. Needs moar Bongzilla though.

And as far as vocalists go, who the fuck could out perform the Worm? NOBODY.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-15 02:39:24

At 12/15/09 02:20 AM, PenisClown wrote:
At 12/14/09 06:27 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: Burzum, Goatwhore, Hate Forest, Bathory, Xasthur, Portal
Those are awful recommendations.

Dawn, Belphegor, Agatus, Blut Aus Nord, Borknagar, Drudkh, Nyktalgia, Peste Noire, Rotting Christ, Svarti Loghin, Varathron.

Hate Forest are awful, and Varg can't triforce.

Those were just as bad. Especially Varathron.

I'd start with Avichi, Angantyr, Asmodeus, Rotting Christ, Windir, Arckanum, Cor Scorpii and Vreid.

At 12/14/09 04:44 PM, ZpLiNtEh wrote:
At 12/14/09 04:03 PM, burnoutfool wrote: Twisted Sister
So fuckin metal

no u.

I actually like Twisted Sister, plus if they're on Metal Archives, they're AWRITE.

Death is only the Beginning. Death is all that is real. Heliosohophism.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-15 02:42:19

At 12/15/09 02:39 AM, burnoutfool wrote: Rotting Christ

I didn't realize you said them.

Death is only the Beginning. Death is all that is real. Heliosohophism.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-15 06:19:34

At 12/15/09 12:09 AM, DrMafesto wrote: Trevor Strnad is the best Death Metal vocalist.

Except he's a Melodic Death Metal vocalist :p

He's my favourite too though, I love his lows and highs.

I still can't pronounce his surname

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Metal Hell 2009-12-15 06:41:36

At 12/14/09 06:27 PM, DrMafesto wrote: Dear core bands,

I doubt they read stuff in here, we've never been nice to them :P.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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