At 9/28/09 08:03 AM, Sense-Offender wrote:
Once a member, always a member.
I know you don't stop being a member, but you stop being remembered. Last time I came here people complained about me 'not joining' but still posting, and it's faster to do it this way.
At 9/28/09 07:52 AM, Nev wrote:
Metal thats about Whales.
Then there are at least three. I assume you meant mastodon&gojira, but don't forget ahab. Ahab also brings me to
At 9/28/09 06:34 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote:
I want to make babies with you. Yeah, I'm going through a hummasive black/doom phase right now :3 Preferably funeral doom. Recommendations (i think this has to be the 5th time I've asked...or was that something else?) pl0x :D
well, Scepticism is great, and so is Nortt. Whatever you do with Nortt, don't start with galgenfrist, though. I did that and it took months before I tried checking anything else from Nortt. Galgenfrist is no longer funeral doom, but almost drone, and I didn't like it back then (several plays later and knowing more from nortt, I do think it's a good album).
Going more towards depressive black metal (funeral doom and dsbm flow over into eachother quite well) try stuff like trist, Shining, Hypothermia or Trancelike Void, and the other bands with members of those bands (or the stuff they made together), and when going more towards death/doom try Mournful Congregation, Forgotten Tomb or Evoken. A while ago I saw Evoken three times in one week, and I did not get sick of them. that has to mean something, I think.
Since this is a wall of text already, I might as well expand it even more, and say I looking forward to next sunday, to see Lifelover live in Holland. Other interesting shows in the next few months would be Swallow the Sun, Satyricon with Shining, Hypothermia and Mayhem. and I'm already short on money...