At 8/29/09 08:06 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
By the way Kidd Hows viking Iceland? degradeing it's self slower or faster into the abyss of the sea?
The country is getting more and more fucked.
Stupid politicians spend all of their time on TV instead of working, srsly.
And the government has decided to like, pay off the debts by using a percentage of the national produce each year to pay, so we'll be debt-free in maybe about... a 100 years? And broke the whole duration of those years.
Iceland is obviously bankrupt, That can't be denied. But no-one wants to admit it.
Crime is on a huge rise. Break-ins for example, have gone up 70%, and everything is fucked, My mom & dad took a loan on our car, and the interest has fucking quadrupled, so we now pay 800.000 kr. (6.400 dollars) for that loan, every fucking month, my stepdad moved to sweden for work, as he gets more money there (he's a doctor)
Unemployment is now about 10%. Used to be 3%.
And things will only get worse, because most of the loans and debts of the government and the bank are due January 1st 2010.
The UK is blackmailing the Icelandic people, they froze all UK assets of 2 Banks, Landsbanki, and Kaupþing (Kaupþing had nothing to do with the Icesave scandal) By invoking their "Anti-terrorism Legislation" "Iceland, whose only remaining source of income is its exports, will certainly not be able to pay off these debts. The Icesave agreement, that the Icelandic parliament is expected to vote on soon, would burden Iceland with a debt equivalent to £700 billion for the UK or $5.6 trillion for the US."
The government decided to pay those debts.
The thing is, Now everyone living in Iceland has to pay higher taxes for someone else's debts, while the handful of bankers that are responsible, get to keep all of their money, because the government is paying THEIR debt, for THEIR corruption.
Well. I, personally am doing fine. I'm back in my hometown, as I have to attend a school in the next town. The school is not very like uh, fancy. But It's easy, and after 1 semester, I can go back north, and start my band up again.
Check out my buddies' band.
For fans of The Faceless, and Spawn of possession, They're actually good, and not just saying that because the guy is my buddy.
also, They have the same drummer as my band, Seriously worth a listen.
And yeah, little going on in my life.
'Cept I smoke weed alot now. People are growing their own weed to sell like, LOTS of people are doing that now because of the lack of money, so it's easy to get.