At 8/10/09 10:56 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Slipknot is pop, right?
No. Not really.

At 8/10/09 10:56 AM, MudkipsPiano wrote: Slipknot is pop, right?
No. Not really.
oh yeah and my favs are
-audioslave a little
-guns n roses a little
Slipknot just rule, their sound is so awesome and don't tires, it's addictive, they are very talented, albeit their new album is cool but looks a little bit like Stone Sour, but it's cool anyway so I don't give a fuck I like and it's enough...
Liberals defend the exploitation of man by man, Conservatives defend the reverse.
sorry guys i changed my i dont think i really want to join i think i just wanted an exuse to join a club.
At 8/10/09 11:15 AM, AK-4710 wrote: S L I P K N O T S L I P K N O T S L I P K N O T
Well, I'm no horseman, but something tells me that you're not the Hell's kind of guy.
At 8/10/09 07:10 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: I'm just so tired of music like that in general that I hate it all. Korpiklaani, Finntroll, Trollfest, Ensiferum, Alestorm. I'm just getting tired of "theme" music I guess, if that's what you could call it. Pirate metal, Viking Metal all that stuff. It was all fine and dandy when I was from 10 to 14 but I've just grown out of that stuff.
One of my best friends is WAAAAAY into this stuff. It's fun to listen to when you're blasting it in a car with your friends on the way to wherever, but when it comes down to it, it's not that much fun to listen to when you're alone at your computer, talking on AIM and doing homework. It's silly, frivolous music with big catchy melodies and triumphant choruses that make you want to punch things. I like Ensiferum and Finntroll and Alestorm, but they seriously lack musical integrity. I had other things to say but I forgot them.
But yeah my friend's favorite bands are like, Korpiklaani, Alestorm, and Finntroll. And that's fine. It's fun music. It's like Daft Punk where like, it's fun to listen to even though it's not that remarkable. Actually, I really like Daft Punk. And Ensiferum.
Trollfest seriously suck though. And Korpiklaani's quality has been seriously deteriorating, even if they are still catchy and fun and such.
As far as folk metal goes, for me it's like, Ulver and Agalloch and Moonsorrow and Tyr and such. I should get back into folk. And metal in general. The only metal I've been listening to recently has been Death (which is better than no metal, and certainly better than tons of other metal).
Seriously that opening riff to symbolic is siiiiick
I took the time to check out Liquid Tension Experiment today.
They're awesome.
At 8/10/09 09:39 AM, PenisClown wrote: And yes, you read that correctly.
Your stoned posts are getting more erudite :P.
And Bergtatt is fucking ace.
In fact Ulver are playing a gig in London in October, it's fucking far away but if I can afford the ticket and the travel I'm definately going :D.
At 8/10/09 01:44 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: I like Ensiferum and Finntroll and Alestorm, but they seriously lack musical integrity. I had other things to say but I forgot them.
I like Alestorm.
They're shit, but its just catchy and happy, and sometimes you need that.
The Folk-happy variety stuff I don't like, its not fun. Its painful.
Maybe its cause Alestorm is so tongue in cheek that... they're licking the inside of their cheek...
It's like Daft Punk where like, it's fun to listen to even though it's not that remarkable. Actually, I really like Daft Punk.
How are Daft Punk not remarkable!?
Have you listened to Discovery!
It's Dance music at its finest.
And metal in general. The only metal I've been listening to recently has been Death (which is better than no metal, and certainly better than tons of other metal).
I've been there :P. No Metal but Death :).
I'm listening to lots of Kreator at the moment though, and a wee bit of GWAR to wash down the Blind Guardian.
At 8/10/09 03:53 PM, Nev wrote: How are Daft Punk not remarkable!?
Have you listened to Discovery!
It's Dance music at its finest.
Yeah i meant to change that to be something about how like they're not as remarkable alone as when you're in a car with a bunch of friends singing along
At 8/10/09 03:55 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Yeah i meant to change that to be something about how like they're not as remarkable alone as when you're in a car with a bunch of friends singing along
Given how Daft Punk are quite instrumental/repetitive I'm gonna disagree again :P.
On the car bit anyway, obviously it'd be ideal in a nightclub scenario.
And Queen are the Ultimate Car driving anthems :).
A little Bohemian Rhapsody, gentlemen?
Katherine Jenkins - Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Living a Dream)
Ulver is the same night as Prog Nation!
So lets have a vote, should I sell my Dream Theater and Opeth (and Unexpect ticket) who I've seen three and five times respectively to go see Ulver, who I've not seen once and whom the chances of seeing any aren't as likely.
I think its a no brainer.
At 8/10/09 04:22 PM, Nev wrote: Given how Daft Punk are quite instrumental/repetitive I'm gonna disagree again :P.
We sing the synth leads.
At 8/10/09 03:24 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: I took the time to check out Liquid Tension Experiment today.
They're awesome.
took you long enough. heard Acid Rain? one of the best songs ever.
At 8/10/09 04:22 PM, Nev wrote: And Queen are the Ultimate Car driving anthems :).
A little Bohemian Rhapsody, gentlemen?
Many times have I ended up singing that song along with a car full of people.
At 8/10/09 06:02 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:At 8/10/09 03:24 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: I took the time to check out Liquid Tension Experiment today.took you long enough. heard Acid Rain? one of the best songs ever.
They're awesome.
I know, right?
It's kind of hard to do that with a LTE song.
At 8/10/09 01:07 PM, AK-4710 wrote: i do friggin love slipknot, though
Get out before i put your balls in a blender!!!! METAL HELL DUZ NOT LUVE SLIPKUNT!!!!!
Oww, sun burn everything burns!! Even my feet. Water park was fun. I wouldn't mind haveing annational metal hell water park meet up! that be pretty fucking awsome.
On a side note,It's gonna take months for me to get bleached white pale skin.. :( Not so grim and frost bitten anymore.
So the Mastodon/Dethklok tour is coming to the capital pretty soon, and I'm considering going. $33 bucks is a decent price, and while I moderately enjoy the show Metalocalypse, I don't care much for the music. It's kind of mallgoth-ish in my opinion, but I respect Brendan Small's talent in both TV shows because I love Home Movies and he's a great musician as well. Also, I love Mastodon, but I dunno how much they'll play. It would also be my first real metal show and probably the only one in my state. So what do you guys think, nay or yay?
At 8/10/09 10:21 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Get out before i put your balls in a blender!!!! METAL HELL DUZ NOT LUVE SLIPKUNT!!!!!
way to ignore the troll like everyone else
At 8/10/09 10:42 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: So the Mastodon/Dethklok tour is coming to the capital pretty soon, and I'm considering going. $33 bucks is a decent price, and while I moderately enjoy the show Metalocalypse, I don't care much for the music. It's kind of mallgoth-ish in my opinion, but I respect Brendan Small's talent in both TV shows because I love Home Movies and he's a great musician as well. Also, I love Mastodon, but I dunno how much they'll play. It would also be my first real metal show and probably the only one in my state. So what do you guys think, nay or yay?
I'm going to that show too. It's coming to New York October 30th.
Mastodon+High on Fire=Too much win for one night. I think it will be worth it.
Here I am, bored with everything.
also, listen to the intro of Guardians of Fate, by Ensiferum. Doesn't the intro sound like a punk song?
At 8/10/09 03:53 PM, Nev wrote:At 8/10/09 09:39 AM, PenisClown wrote: And yes, you read that correctly.Your stoned posts are getting more erudite :P.
I don't know what the fuck that word means, but thankyou.
And Bergtatt is fucking ace.
In fact Ulver are playing a gig in London in October, it's fucking far away but if I can afford the ticket and the travel I'm definately going :D.
Lol, so you can hear some boring synth crap?!?!?!
Lol, I like new Ulver, I'm just being a cock.
I was playing Shadows of the Sun in the car with my dad once, and I persuaded him into paying for it (It was a holiday) and he was like, "What a waste of money, this is shit."
He's wrong, but still, HOHOHO.
I've never listened to Alestorm.
I've been there :P. No Metal but Death :).
I havn't, probably because I only have Leprosy, Spiritual Healing, Human and Thought Patterns, but no Symbolic or Sound of Perseverance.
I skipped the debut, oh teh noes.
I'm listening to lots of Kreator at the moment though, and a wee bit of GWAR to wash down the Blind Guardian.
I listen to Kreator, but. No Gwar or Guardian. GWAR because of the cheesey unmusicality and Guardian because power can suck it.
Sodom - The Saw is the Law
Am I a terrible person because I skip class and smoke pot? Of course not, because it makes senior band practise way more enjoyable at the end of the day.
I havn't really mentioned it, but I'm playing bass with trumpets, clarinets, saxehmaphones and french horns. And while it may be lacking teh metuhlz, it's fucking awesome playing written music with 30 other people. And also, band camp in two days. Hey Dent, WE'RE BAND CAMP BUDDIES.
Also, I'm wearing a Marshall Amplification T-Shirt.
That's also my first name :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Been listening to alot of 'Abigail Williams', 'Old Man's Child' and 'The Faceless' recently. All three of them are excellent bands!
Fleshgod Apocalypse - Origin - Wintersun - Finntroll - Kalmah - Istapp - Winterburst - Alghazanth - Hour of Penance - Braindrill - Moonsorrow - Abigail Williams - Dissection
At 8/11/09 07:43 AM, PenisClown wrote: Hey Dent, WE'RE BAND CAMP BUDDIES.
are you guys concert band or marching band?
At 8/11/09 12:05 AM, D3NTATUS wrote: also, listen to the intro of Guardians of Fate, by Ensiferum. Doesn't the intro sound like a punk song?
Yeah, one time I had my iPod on shuffle, and that song came up, and I was like, " who the hell is that?" I thought my iPod was fucking with me when it said Ensiferum
At 8/11/09 12:02 AM, Idiosyncratic wrote: I'm going to that show too. It's coming to New York October 30th.
Mastodon+High on Fire=Too much win for one night. I think it will be worth it.
Oh High on Fire is playing too? Fucking sweet. I'm trying to get my brother to go but he's not much into metal at all. I talked to him about it and he said it was all mediocre (which I disagree with). He said maybe. I don't have a vehicle or know how to drive in the capital too so I'd need my dad to go, and he'd hate it for sure.
At 8/11/09 02:07 PM, jew193 wrote: Yeah, one time I had my iPod on shuffle, and that song came up, and I was like, " who the hell is that?" I thought my iPod was fucking with me when it said Ensiferum
At 8/11/09 07:43 AM, PenisClown wrote: Also, I'm wearing a Marshall Amplification T-Shirt.
That's also my first name :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Marshall or Amplification?
At 8/10/09 01:44 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Seriously that opening riff to symbolic is siiiiick
Without a doubt one of the most badass riffs ever written! :D Same thing goes for the rest of the tracks in Symbolic.
At 8/10/09 06:02 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:At 8/10/09 03:24 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: I took the time to check out Liquid Tension Experiment today.took you long enough
They're awesome.
Shit, I've yet to pick up one of the Liquid Tension Experiment albums. :(
At 8/11/09 02:07 PM, jew193 wrote: Yeah, one time I had my iPod on shuffle, and that song came up, and I was like, " who the hell is that?" I thought my iPod was fucking with me when it said Ensiferum
Funny, I recognise the intro too well and whenever I hear it, I instantly know it's Ensiferum, even if it sounds a bit out of place to their music but whatever.
At 8/11/09 07:43 AM, PenisClown wrote: Am I a terrible person because I skip class and smoke pot?
No, but you're dumb for doing it. Wait for the appropriate time to do that.