You guys might find this convo I had on facebook amusing., the first line was someone's status then everything after that were comments.
Baylee - "i can't believe MJ is dead- it's like my family member is gone : ( RIP michael Jackson"
Samantha - ":\ I'm sad too"
Me - "Why are people sad that a musician who hasn't recorded or toured anything in over 15 years is dead?"
Sam - "shutup Spencer he was a musical genius and he was just about to make a comeback on his tour so shove it on your mouth. kthanksbye"
Me - "The key word there is was.
Hes been nothing but a lost soul for this past decade and has been bathing in agony and misery, when that is the case with any one person sometimes it is better to be at least a little happy for him now that hes dead.
And if you try to tell me he has been anywhere near happy these past ten years, then you clearly know nothing about him....
Also if Michael Jackson had a comeback he would've been shot on stage by one of his many, many haters. It's easier than you think to sneak in a knife, drugs or hell, even a gun, into a concert."
Jacob - "Sam his come back was in the making for about 11 years now because he is in debt. he was not just about to make a come back......."
Sam - "He was going to begin his tour THE DAY AFTER HE DIED in London, guys. A video surfaced on youtube of him practicing the day before, timestamped with June 24, 2009 but because of legal reasons it was taken down. Regardless of how long it's been since he's made music, the man was an idol to so many people. Even if he hasn't sung or danced in YEARS, ... his knowlage about music never left his brain and he inspired a lot of the current hip hop stars. I'm not going to change your opinions obviously, but all I'm saying is, it's sad to see someone like him go."
Me - "It's sad to see someone who hasn't been happy since his 20's that is now at age 50 die? Wow I never knew that. Even if the fans are depressed hes dead cause they wanted more music, a rational person would be happy his life is over with due to the fast he has had a horrible life.
And I beg to differ with people who say he was a musical genius, he was hardly anything special and most "Fans" can't name more than 10 songs of his I bet.
Also Hip Hop sucks."
Sam - "Spencer don't make yourself more of an asshole than you originally were, idk if your body can tolerate anymore mean spirit."
Then she sent me two PMs:
1.) "why don't you try and MAKE SOMETHING of yourself instead of an arrogant son of a bitch? 'Cause last I checked, it's NOT cool to come up with a comeback to every single thing someone says that disagrees with what you think. Believe it or not, it's OKAY that some people have different opinions and no matter how hard you try, I'm STILL going to think that it's sad that Michael Jackson is dead and you don't need to waste your time making yourself look like a tool. Get a new hobby, becase this one isn't workin' out too well for ya.
Sent via Facebook Mobile"
2.) "Oh yeah, and THEIR is not a new horror movie out every week, but I know THERE is.
PS metal sucks (:
How's THAT for coming up with a comeback for everything? Just shutuuuup Spencer nobody even cares."
Then I just replied with this:
"Your just pissed cause i'm right, your wrong.
And also your hypocrite, you said it's okay for everyone to have different opinions. I said Michael Jackson isn't a genius and was a lost soul and we should be happy for him. That was my opinion, no where did I say it was a fact.
Also, can you ever recall a time in your whole life where I tried to be cool? I think aiming to be cool is about as pointless as sending someone multiple messages on the internet when pissed at them.
Also how did stating my opinion about MJ make me look like a tool? It made me look like an ass I admit due to the fact I should be at least a little respectful to the dead but whatever.
Also I have witty comebacks to stuff that's relevant. I don't argue with people and say "YOu know what? YOUR UGLY! HAHA" I argue with them about what they are saying at the time. If you had on your userpage "I LOVE SUCKING COCK" I most likely still wouldn't use that in a cyber argument, due to the fact that's outside the argument.
And last time I recalled, using irrelevant and blatant personal assaults in a argument "Isn't cool" I mean that's like saying if someone was argueing with me about politics and I was losing and I said "You know what? YOU HAVE ACNE AND I DON'T SO SUCK IT!" I mean, if you can't see how those kind of unrelated comments in a argument make you a total asshole then you seem to lack the concept of what's socially correct.
Also I couldn't care less about other peoples feelings, whether you are laughing right now or crying makes no difference to me as long as I still get the pleasure of arguing with a loser.
Also I love how you said I have no life at all and "I laugh out loud" in the same sentence. Way to make yourself sound totally not hypocritical there.
Also, Michael Jackson still sucks ass.
Also, this belated reply wasn't because it took long to type(It took two minutes at tops, i'm a fest typer + thinker) it was because I was offline and I just got back on.
Also, I like to say also a lot if you haven't noticed.
Also, have a nice summer. :P"
I thought you guys might find that amusing due to all the MJ discussion.
And while posting this I realized something: I love arguing so much, the only thing about arguing and ranting I don't like is the fact very rarely do they acknowledge defeat and it's impossible to drive into their heads that your right.
Also, metal.