At 1/1/09 02:44 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
3 I'll give you a polish sausage. :3
You're Polish?

At 1/1/09 02:44 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
3 I'll give you a polish sausage. :3
You're Polish?
At 1/1/09 04:32 PM, batman64 wrote: Happy New Year brothers, keep it heavy.
Indeed we all. BTW, is this just a quick visit or are you back again?
At 1/1/09 07:03 PM, Nev wrote: And 14,000, whooo.
Cool. :) Speaking of post counts, I'll be at 19k in 2 - 3 weeks time.
At 1/2/09 05:27 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: So, Happy New Year asshats. Hope you all had a good one. You assholes have gone to fast, 4 pages is to much for me to read.
Why are you calling us asshats? Is it just because of the 4 new pages since your last post here? I didn't complain about the amount of new pages here the last time I came back from London.
At 1/2/09 08:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why are you calling us asshats? Is it just because of the 4 new pages since your last post here? I didn't complain about the amount of new pages here the last time I came back from London.
What the fuck is with non-Australians, tsk tsk tsk. "You use the f word too much, you called me names, I'm getting all offended, aaaah." Well, for fuck's sake, you need some education.
Take a look at these fine Australian role models.
Now something you should know is, most Aussies actually talk like that all the time. We inbibe alcohol and talk like that.
Here is the legendary Arj Barker EXPLAINING the whole thing. Watch this, It's very informative.
So now you're going, wait, why is it restricted to male comedians? Well, yes, I have pretty much proven that typical Australian males swear a lot. But a lot of older shielas (Australian slang for women) swear just like the guys. Now, here is a clip of a typical Australian guy, not a comedian.
I hope now Bahamut that you have seen that this is the Australian language. And I restrict it for the sake of intelligent internet conversation. But lately I've been known to just type in what I would normally say in that situation.
Seriously guys watch that shit.
At 1/2/09 10:03 AM, PenisClown wrote:At 1/2/09 08:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why are you calling us asshats? Is it just because of the 4 new pages since your last post here? I didn't complain about the amount of new pages here the last time I came back from London.What the fuck is with non-Australians, tsk tsk tsk.
You use the f word too much, you called me names, I'm getting all offended, aaaah.
Besides metal, I listen to mostly classic rock, guitar virtuosos, alternative, blues, and some jazz. I need to get into more blues and jazz though, as well as hip-hop and electronic. I'm just lazy I guess.
Sonic Syndicate. Classed as Melo Death or Metalcore? Am sat here listening to them at the moment and can't quite work it out. They're blatantly influenced by Melo Death, but I'll be damned if I can work out if they fit the classification as there is something metalcore about them.
So I have been watching the 1000 greatest hard rock songs on Vh1 this past week.
Good music for the most part, but I find it retarded that they keep calling bands like Queen heavy metal.
Is it just me or does Vh1 think all heavier hard rock is metal? This keeps happening and it's pissing me off.
Besides that...I have enjoyed most of the music.
What's new with you guys?
At 1/2/09 04:08 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: I was actually hoping for someone in the Hell ot tell me what kind of metal this is.
Cause I do feel the Folk side of their songs, but I do feel that it's not just some "regular" folk metal, if I can express myself this way.
Folk metal is a really varied genre. On one hand you have synth-happy stuff like Ensiferum, and then you have stuff like Ulver's Bergtatt. Kramola is folk metal, and the marchives says they're pagan folk.
At 1/2/09 10:46 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: Question:
Sonic Syndicate. Classed as Melo Death or Metalcore? Am sat here listening to them at the moment and can't quite work it out. They're blatantly influenced by Melo Death, but I'll be damned if I can work out if they fit the classification as there is something metalcore about them.
they used to be melodeath-y, but now they're hella -core.
At 1/2/09 08:15 AM, Kiddmeizter wrote:At 1/1/09 02:44 PM, smeagol1 wrote:You're Polish?
3 I'll give you a polish sausage. :3
Yesh and Im rather durr sometimes. Fucking polock!
Im also
At 1/1/09 02:44 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
Im also
I found a new likeing to Nattefrost
At 1/2/09 12:39 PM, AniMetal wrote: Is it just me or does Vh1 think all heavier hard rock is metal? This keeps happening and it's pissing me off.
VH1 thinks anything from Whitesnake to Poison to Marilyn Manson is metal.
At 1/1/09 06:37 PM, Metal-Command wrote: I listened to them on Myspace, and liked them, any album recs?
"Vergessene Pfade" is a nice album, but the only one I've heard so far.
At 1/2/09 03:51 PM, ADarkerBreed wrote:At 1/2/09 12:39 PM, AniMetal wrote: Is it just me or does Vh1 think all heavier hard rock is metal? This keeps happening and it's pissing me off.VH1 thinks anything from Whitesnake to Poison to Marilyn Manson is metal.
any mainstream music channel fails at definitions.
At 1/2/09 06:59 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
any mainstream music channel fails at definitions.
At 1/2/09 07:03 PM, JesusWasHere wrote:At 1/2/09 06:59 PM, smeagol1 wrote:any mainstream music channel fails at definitions.agreed.
yeah since when is Fall Out Boy metal? Really now what is the world comeing too!?
And when the hell will they make a good guitar hero that has nouthing but good metal! I been playing World tour for the some All I see is 30 SECONDS TO MARS!!!! WTF! Bullet For my Valantine!?
They have a black metal character who looks liek Abbath But they have no Black metal, Seriously what the fuck is wroung with these people I made a good black metal warrior to thrash my fucking eyes out of my tiwan skull. Only to see wimpy deer emo songs let alone MICHAL FUCKING JACKSON! I really would would like to go to there studio and ask what the fuck is wroung with you guys?! They would they me We don't find your music appropiete for children. O rl'y thats why you have a fucking black metal section character. Uh Uh well we likes metal. I SEE NO METAL BLAHHH! *WHIPS OUT VIKING AXE AND SAWN OFF* BLAH LET THE PILLAGEING BEGIN!!!!!!!!
If i a metal band actually would let them use one of their songs id be disappointed dude
Its guitar hero, if you enjoy metal LEARN REAL METAL RIFFS ON A REAL GUITAR
im quite happy they dont
At 1/2/09 07:21 PM, smeagol1 wrote: yeah since when is Fall Out Boy metal? Really now what is the world comeing too!?
jesus christ, calm the fuck down, i can see your typing abilities degenerate as your rage goes up.
At 1/2/09 07:44 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:At 1/2/09 07:21 PM, smeagol1 wrote: yeah since when is Fall Out Boy metal? Really now what is the world comeing too!?jesus christ, calm the fuck down, i can see your typing abilities degenerate as your rage goes up.
And fuck you too if you don't like what the fuck ima saying! :)
A Shogun Named MarcusHere's a classic early Clutch song, and it's also their first single. This album is remarkably different from every other album they put out because this one has a definite Minor Threat/Bad Brains vibe going on (though not as punk-like). This song, however, is short sweet and to the point as well as having deliciously catchy and "different lyrics". Neil Fallon has a degree in English and he knows his way with a pen. SpacegrassAh, this is Clutch's magnum opus, so to speak. Countless bands have praised it as it being their favorite song or their inspiration (such as System of a Down and a few other bands that escape me at the moment). It's lengthy for a Clutch song, but well worth it. It plays with dynamics, switching drastically from forte to mezzo piano in basically a second. Though it's far off, many post-metal bands owe a lot to this song. Pfft. kidding.The DragonflyOh yes, this is my favorite Clutch song by far. This version is only five minutes, but the original is twelve minutes (with four minutes of silence in the middle of course. The actual track is five, then four mintues of silience, followed by another short 3 minute track, but the first is the better of the two). The lyrical content is a bit silly because it actually is about insects, but the metaphors, oh god, the metaphors. Just listen and enjoy. Release the KrakenThis song is just so cool. It's the perfect "jamming song". You can take the melody and go all over the place and turn this three minute song into a twelve minute stoner jam, with great results. Trust me, I know from experience, that and the lyrics are badass.Binge and PurgeI know this is out of order, because it was released on the same album as A Shogun Named Marcus, but this song deserves a mention, because it's Clutch at their darkest, and I mean it. It's powerful, it's mosh-inducing. It's amazing, plus, it's about loony cults. Always fun. Drink to the DeadIt's a great drinking song, and it's extremely catchy. It's a sombre song, without being slow or melancholic. This song is meant more to uplift you and to start drinking and get over your problems. I can't help but to sing along and bob left and right to the tune. I absolutely love this song.The Mob Goes WildFuck this song is amazing. Listen and enjoy my friends. It was the first Clutch song I really loved and will continue to just be awesome. Not only that, but when this shit goes on live, holy fuck does everyone go crazy. It's an experience, trust me.The RegulatorRevel in it's awesome-ness. Just listen no need to read.Bearning BeardThis is my anthem, folks. Just listen and try to get a mental picture. These lyrics are my favorite Clutch lines by far. Nothing they have done up to that point nor will they do after would top this. Electric WorryNow, THIS IS THE BLUES. Dear god, just listen. Power PlayerAnother lyrical gem. It's a great defiant song that screams awesome. I know I've been writing significantly less for each song, but I don't have that much time. Either way, enjoy.Fuck you motherfuckers and listen to the amazing band that is and only will be Clutch.
Here I am, bored with everything.
Sorry for the wall of text, guys. The BBS screwed up my post.
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 1/2/09 08:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why are you calling us asshats? Is it just because of the 4 new pages since your last post here? I didn't complain about the amount of new pages here the last time I came back from London.
Was recovering from the large amounts of smirnoff i had, i was calling everybody an asshat and it flowed onto here, and then onto Team Fortress 2, etc.
Take no offense guys.
Also Idio, that massive wall has made me want to check out Clutch. Will do so soon.
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
At 1/2/09 08:46 PM, smeagol1 wrote: And fuck you too if you don't like what the fuck ima saying! :)
it's not that i don't care about what you're saying. though you do realize that metal isn't very accessible, right? hence why they don't have black metal on there. they don't care about the interests of a minority (metalheads like us), they care about the overall accessibility of their game. welcome to capitalism, but yeah.
no i was just telling you to calm down. your grammar is borderline on a good day, but when you get pissy we've got all sorts of grammatical abortions:
"nouthing but good metal! I been playing"
"World tour for the some All I see is 30 SECONDS TO MARS!!!!"
out of my tiwan skull"
"Only to see wimpy deer emo songs"
"I really would would"
"there studio"
"wroung" (again?)
"fucking black metal section character."
and my personal favorite:
"They would they me We don't find your music appropiete for children."
At 1/2/09 09:28 PM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote:
Also Idio, that massive wall has made me want to check out Clutch. Will do so soon.
And if you don't, I'll personally see to it that your genitals will be forcibly removed from your groin with a tennis racket.
Again, sorry for the wall of text. It makes me seem like I'm speaking really quickly and everything I'm saying is all squished together.
Here I am, bored with everything.
If anybody ever says Fallout boy is metal to my face, i'm going to beat them to death.
No mercy.
Fallout Boy is being called metal, now? Since when?
Also, Guitar Hero has had some metal. There's Megadeth, Metallica, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, and I think there's a Dream Theater song on one of the new games.
At 1/2/09 03:41 PM, JesusWasHere wrote: Win
At 1/2/09 11:09 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I think there's a Dream Theater song on one of the new games.
Yeah, World Tour has Pull Me Under.
At 1/2/09 07:29 PM, JesusWasHere wrote: If i a metal band actually would let them use one of their songs id be disappointed dude
Its guitar hero, if you enjoy metal LEARN REAL METAL RIFFS ON A REAL GUITAR
im quite happy they dont
you really got to tell me why it's so much of a fucking insult to metal...
why is it that some people just do not see the difference between a simulator and the real thing...
why is it that some fucking random dude told me that Dance Dance Revolution was stupid, and that I should do real dancing...
there's no fucking way you can compare both of these two things...
ddr =/= not dancing
guitar hero =/= playing music
am I telling you to stop playing Call Of Duty and go kill people for real instead?
that's just random...
guitar hero is just a game... relax...
I know a lot of musicians who happen to like playing both guitar hero and real music... what's the big deal?
I like real dancing... and I like DDR...
both are ok.
and one metal band already did let guitar hero use one of their songs, and that band is named Lamb Of God. Maybe you know them :P
At 1/2/09 08:50 AM, Bahamut wrote: Why are you calling us asshats? Is it just because of the 4 new pages since your last post here? I didn't complain about the amount of new pages here the last time I came back from London.
I'm 100% certain that he meant it with affection.
Guys insult each other to show their love. Its the way cocks react to other cocks.
At 1/2/09 07:21 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Only to see wimpy deer emo songs let alone MICHAL FUCKING JACKSON!
Michael Jackson owns.
At 1/3/09 01:43 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: am I telling you to stop playing Call Of Duty and go kill people for real instead?
that's just random...
guitar hero is just a game... relax...
The difference here is that Call of Duty involves shooting people, something not everyone can do. And it involves pressing buttons and moving a stick.
Guitar Hero's price and design offer no reason to get that instead of learning the real thing - though for fun party time, I'll let it off.
Its a simulation of something you could actually do in a very similar price range.
Most people can't afford fancy supercars, so they play Gran Turismo. You can't enjoy the benefits of killing people and not suffer the consequence of death/arrest yourself.
You can learn a guitar though.
Thats my thoughts on the game. It just seems pointless. And from what I've seen playing guitar looks easier. If you can that fast bit in One on Guitar Hero on expert then fuck you, you're a fool, because its so much easier on a real guitar.
and one metal band already did let guitar hero use one of their songs, and that band is named Lamb Of God. Maybe you know them :P
Yeah and they suck :P.
Pull Me Under and One are both good songs, and they're on there.
Im jumping on the bandwagon a few pages back
3 Inches of Blood
Amon Amarth
Arch Enemy
At The Gates
Black Label Society
Black Sabbath
Bolt Thrower
Burn The Priest
Cannibal Corpse
Children of Bodom
Diamond Head
Dream Theater
High on Fire
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Lamb of God
Napalm Death
Ozzy Osbourne
Scar Symmetry
Shores of Sheol
Strapping Young Lad
Yngwie Malmsteen
Not Metal:
Guns and Roses
Jimi Hendrix
Led Zeppelin
Zakk Wylde's Book of Shadows album
this is whats in my music library that I listen to