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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 09:50:31






Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 11:03:57

At 10/28/08 01:21 PM, Nev wrote: The most obscure band at Huddersfield HMV is probably Candlemass. It's crap, a very small Metal section made up mainly of core and emo/punk stuff.

Ugh, that's what the Birkenhead HMV is like. It's becoming smaller and smaller and there's more emo and core crap filling the Metal section. Good thing there's two Liverpool HMV stores, which one of them opened two months ago. It's not bad, but not fantastic. What is a fantastic HMV store is the one in Oxford Circus. I look forward to going to London again next month for several reasons, including seeing my sister and going to Oxford Street HMV. :D

Blackpool's is bigger and better, but in terms of less known stuff its pretty poor.

I've never been to Blackpool's HMV store. Infact, I haven't visited Blackpool in 7 years now. o__O However, just before when I was in the car, my parents were talking about going there again and showing the place to my sister's boyfriend.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 11:08:28

"American drone metal band Sunn O))) is named after the SUNN brand, and uses the same logo." The amps/pedals/other shit are no longer for sale. At least that solves that one.

Anyway, I know it's not really metal but I am /r/ing a link to this song, can't find it anywhere. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=r275aPnt5s 8&feature=dir

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 11:58:13

At 10/29/08 07:45 AM, Nev wrote:
At 10/28/08 10:43 PM, mrdurgan wrote: huddersfield ya say? if you want a good record shop there go to the byram arcade, theres a fucking excellent one up on the top floor, cant remember its name.
Never knew such a store existed. I might go have a looky later today.
How the hell do you know about it anyway?

So I checked it out (and got a cold in the process... not that its far from uni/my flat or anything, but its cold and I was out longer with little clothing.... BUT ANYWAY, yeah I went and I was tempted to buy so much. Had to limit myself to 3 albums, would of got more but the two Dream Theater ones were quite pricey.
This is what I gotz:
Dream Theater - Live at Budokan (only need Score now to finish my collection)
Dream Theater - Ed Directo, Madrid, Feburary 11, 2004 (bootleg from the Six Degrees tour, my second DT bootleg :))
Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part II.

I would of got Hypocrisy's 'Virus' but its Chrismas time soon and my mum likes Helloween, so its kind of a present for her too :).

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 13:41:48

At 10/29/08 11:58 AM, Nev wrote:
So I checked it out (and got a cold in the process... not that its far from uni/my flat or anything, but its cold and I was out longer with little clothing.... BUT ANYWAY, yeah I went and I was tempted to buy so much. Had to limit myself to 3 albums, would of got more but the two Dream Theater ones were quite pricey.
This is what I gotz:

i told you it was good =) yeah im originally from near huddersfield, moved to scotland when i was 14 n now studying in glasgow. so there ya go.


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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 14:12:19

At 10/29/08 05:53 AM, SimpleWolf wrote: Hmmm. I have not heard of any of those bands at all. I'm out of the loop man.

Nah, it's not that. They're all just pretty unheard of bands.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 15:34:03

At 10/28/08 06:47 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 10/28/08 03:37 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: If you're not going out to shows, you're a poser, bottom line.
Why would you think that? I listen to whatever music I enjoy. I still have not been able to see any bands I like live, but I still like them. I'm not posing.

I've played a crapload of shows, been on bills for some AMAZING BANDS..... in empty venues. Why? Because everybody wants to claim to be all hardcore over the internet, but when it's time to put their money where their mouth is, they'd rather just buy and album than spend their TIME going to a REAL SHOW.

I'm really passionate about this; the vast majority of mosh-pit injuries are caused by people who DON'T normally mosh, who don't even go to shows, and then think they can just run in the pit punching people in the face and shit, or just hardcore-"dancing" (I can't even TYPE that without quotes).

Metal's not just a music style, it's a culture, a culture than teaches happiness through strength, invulnerability through numbness, and bravery through just not giving a fuck.

You're just not getting the whole metal experience if you're not meeting the people and getting involved in the culture of it, and more importantly, supporting bands with your door fees, even if it IS just shitty local bands.


BTW, I love how every one went "ZOMFG I'M NOT A POSER!!!" I think I just busted some mother fuckers out. The internet is where posers BREED, man don't kid yourself. If you're underage, it's not your fault, but if you're underage, you ALSO don't understand what it's like to sleep on a concrete floor of your jam space in a storage facility, and you probably don't have the real devotion to be a real metal head, and not just a casual fan.

Like this "arguing about genres" crap. Seriously. That's some bitch shit. Like, fullblown "I CAN'T PLAY AN INSTRUMENT SO I'M A GENRE NAZI" nonsense. Hell, that's one of the reasons I stopped posting here; because when you're composing a song, if you only have elements of a single style, you're displaying limited musical range and showing a blatant lack of education on the subject of music, not "being loyal to the genre"

People who write good material know this, and know that originality is more important than anything else. Those who are posing ass bitches... disagree. And I've been on the local Memphis scene enough to know the difference.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 15:44:35

Regardless of what you say FUNbrs, by not going to shows and still listening to music it's not like your trying to prove something. You may just like the music and want to listen to it without paying to go and see shows.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 15:47:23

At 10/29/08 03:34 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: If you're underage, it's not your fault, but if you're underage, you ALSO don't understand what it's like to sleep on a concrete floor of your jam space in a storage facility, and you probably don't have the real devotion to be a real metal head, and not just a casual fan.

What the shit are you smoking?

I'm 13, yeah. How in the hell does that make me 'lack devotion'? Whatever the fuck that means?

I have to argue and fight tooth and nail just to be able to listen to Metal without some fuckwit going "OMG TEH DEVUL'S MUSIKKKKKKKKKK". I think that shows some kind of devotion, no?

What does devotion even mean in a musical context anyway? It's not like you need to walk across a bed of hot coals to be considered a metalhead.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 15:59:16

I'm 13, yeah. How in the hell does that make me 'lack devotion'? Whatever the fuck that means?

I have to argue and fight tooth and nail just to be able to listen to Metal without some fuckwit going "OMG TEH DEVUL'S MUSIKKKKKKKKKK". I think that shows some kind of devotion, no?

What does devotion even mean in a musical context anyway? It's not like you need to walk across a bed of hot coals to be considered a metalhead.

I totaly agree with you, music shouldn't be about proving your self to others - it's your own choice how or what you listen to and anyone who says "your a poser if you don't go to shows" is a bigger poser than those who don't go to shows.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 16:15:57

At 10/29/08 03:34 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: I've played a crapload of shows, been on bills for some AMAZING BANDS..... in empty venues. Why? Because everybody wants to claim to be all hardcore over the internet, but when it's time to put their money where their mouth is, they'd rather just buy and album than spend their TIME going to a REAL SHOW.

It's music, not pantomime. You don't have to see music live in order to enjoy it.
And yes there is a culture of Metal, of course. But follow the culture and enjoying the music aren't the same. I love Metal, I think its grand. But I'm not going to wear fucking awful denim waistcoats covered in patches and all that crap. That to me is posing... showing off that you like Metal bands.

Are you sure you're not just bitter that no one came to see your bands :P.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 17:26:08

At 10/29/08 04:15 PM, Nev wrote: Are you sure you're not just bitter that no one came to see your bands :P.

I think T-shirts of a band or festival or whatever is great, cause it shows your a fan.

Wearing the all black with the metal wristband or whatever is posing.

Also in my opinion anyone who says slipknot is metal and that they like slipknot AND that they are a "Metal fan" then I believe he/she is a poser.

If you live near a place where their are a lot of metal concerts not seeing concerts is pretty poor, but if you can't afford it and/or don't live near a concert hall it is acceptable in my opinion.

Also I can't wait to see Symphony X this november and In Flames this december, i'm so excited.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 17:27:50

At 10/29/08 05:26 PM, AniMetal wrote: In Flames this december, i'm so excited.

Tell them that a weird Irish guy says their new shit sucks.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 17:32:43

At 10/29/08 03:44 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Regardless of what you say FUNbrs, by not going to shows and still listening to music it's not like your trying to prove something. You may just like the music and want to listen to it without paying to go and see shows.

There's plenty of room in this world for broke people who can't afford to go to shows! I'm all for casual fans of music and all that jazz, but those people belong in a separate category than "metal heads".
I love that one kid "I'm 13! It's not my fault I can't go to shows!"

I believe I said "if you're underage, it's not your fault"
But I don't if you've looked around, but it's fucking MURDER keeping a metal venue alive these days because people won't come to shows. No venues, no shows, no bands, no music.

Mainly it's record companies making the money off of albums you buy, even if you DO take the trouble to go to a store and actually buy the albums as opposed to just dowloading them. You go to a show, you buy an album DIRECTLY from the the band, putting the money in their pocket they need to buy new strings, gas, a hotel room, etc.

By the same token, each one of those patches on those denim jackets represents hard earned money the person wearing it layed down to PROVE he supported the music. No, btw, it DOESN'T count if buy your patches from some gay shit like Hot Topic, I'm talking about going to a merch booth run by some guitar player, and having a conversation with the actual musician while you make a purchase.

These guys aren't joking about that "baloney on hand" shit; they need people to come to shows, because shows put raw meat on the table, not album sales. In memphis, it's so bad right now the first three bands are normally playing for free just so the out of town guys can have gas money to get home. That's when they can even get a venue! Right now there IS no local metal venue since they shut down the Rally Point, just indie shit.

The whole reason EMO even exists because EMO kids go to shows, and they have their daddy's money to lay down on coverfees. If metal kids did that, EMO would DIE. I'm on the scene, and I see this shit first hand. That's why I care enough to even say something about it.

Every great band started out as a shitty little local band, unless the guys in it were all connected to some corporate bullshit before they started. If people don't come out to those local shows, that music never gets a chance to exist.

This is so freakishly important guys, seriously. Record companies take almost ALL the cost of album sales. I know guys from bands like Evil Army that play LA and NY and STILL live in shit, and make all their real money selling dope. The only real way to make money doing recordings is to get on a movie soundtrack! It's gotten that bad!

I can't make you dudes do anything, but don't think I'm being an elitist prick when I say shit like this. I say because going to shows is the lifeblood of what metal is, and without it, metal dies.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 17:36:42

At 10/29/08 05:26 PM, AniMetal wrote: shirts of a band or festival or whatever is great, cause it shows your a fan.

I don't mind buying a tshirt from a gig I've been to. I just think the patches on vests/bags looks awful.

Wearing the all black with the metal wristband or whatever is posing.

I think Bodom fans are notorious for this, they're always covered in C.B.H.C. or whatever that slogan of theres is, theres a 'Hate Crew' in there for sure.

Also in my opinion anyone who says slipknot is metal and that they like slipknot AND that they are a "Metal fan" then I believe he/she is a poser.

They're just ill informed.

If you live near a place where their are a lot of metal concerts not seeing concerts is pretty poor, but if you can't afford it and/or don't live near a concert hall it is acceptable in my opinion.

Some people don't like live music. Others prefer it to listening at home. It's preference really. If you like Metal but don't like live music, then you'd be a poseur if you did what Funk is saying you should be doing to be a true Metalhead. You wouldn't be being yourself.

Also I can't wait to see Symphony X this november and In Flames this december, i'm so excited.

Are you seeing Gojira too then? Or is this a different In Flames tour?

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 17:40:10

At 10/29/08 05:32 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: I can't make you dudes do anything, but don't think I'm being an elitist prick when I say shit like this. I say because going to shows is the lifeblood of what metal is, and without it, metal dies.

All the reasons you listed is exactly why I try to go to as many concerts of bands I like as possible.

At 10/29/08 05:36 PM, Nev wrote: Are you seeing Gojira too then? Or is this a different In Flames tour?

Yup, along with All that remains and some other band.

At 10/29/08 05:27 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Tell them that a weird Irish guy says their new shit sucks.

Their newest album isn't their best album, but still their best album in a long time.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 17:42:31

At 10/29/08 05:40 PM, AniMetal wrote: Yup, along with All that remains and some other band.

I hate you too then :(.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 18:58:04

Funk is right you know.
I've just recently started taking part in the scene, You see these guys, Like Severed Crotch, all fucking Virtuosos on their instruments, Perfect live, And all really nice and awesome guys, They write amazing songs but they've never had a record deal, they're one of the best bands in Iceland, if not just the plain best.

The Metal scene consists of Good musicians, With Original Visions, trying to get by on their uncle's loaned 8 track tape recorder.

Since I got here I've tried my best to support the local scene, It's really annoying how talented, good people are being screwed over and prevented from their dreams because of fucking money.

Money and nothing else.

of course, there are dedicated people, that take part in the scene and go to the shows, I mean why not, Shows are fun, You're supporting the scene, You might even get drunk and party!

Find out if your town has a metal scene, even If It's just your friend's little Band, and Support it.

They might get big.
I don't know, It just saddens me to see that the local scenes everywhere are being ignored.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 18:59:37

I always buy the album from a store anyway. I have seen bands live but in my opinion studio music always sounds better and sometimes the acoustics are bad live.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:05:30

At 10/29/08 06:58 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Funk is right you know.

No. You're not a poseur just because you don't go and see live bands. That is bollocks.
Yes, we should support Metal bands and help the scene thrive if one exists where you are. But that doesn't mean you're not a fan just because you don't go down to a local pub and buy a bands CD.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:37:41

At 10/29/08 07:05 PM, Nev wrote:
At 10/29/08 06:58 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Funk is right you know.
No. You're not a poseur just because you don't go and see live bands.

Yeah that is true, Poser is really harsh.
More like, If you have the choice, the funds, and still don't, then It's really lame.
Especially if you like the band that's playing.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:41:34

At 10/29/08 07:37 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Especially if you like the band that's playing.

Do me a favour.

Tell me, with a straight face, that any of this shit is worth seeing.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:46:52

At 10/29/08 07:41 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 10/29/08 07:37 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Especially if you like the band that's playing.
Do me a favour.

Tell me, with a straight face, that any of this shit is worth seeing.

I would go and see Lamb Of God. Although ticket master doesn't really do small gigs, when I saw berzerker we got tickets on door.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:49:01

FunkBrs? boot? yes yes? :) Make ryan happy.

no smeagol he hates you because your a heathen! GOllum Gollum!

Metal Hell

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:50:47

At 10/29/08 07:49 PM, smeagol1 wrote: FunkBrs? boot? yes yes? :) Make ryan happy.

no smeagol he hates you because your a heathen! GOllum Gollum!

I find those pictures of cats funny.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:51:18

At 10/29/08 07:46 PM, sirtom93 wrote: I would go and see Lamb Of God.

Actually, I might consider...


Motherfucker of a Goddamn bitchwhore.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 19:53:09

At 10/29/08 07:51 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 10/29/08 07:46 PM, sirtom93 wrote: I would go and see Lamb Of God.
Actually, I might consider...
Motherfucker of a Goddamn bitchwhore.

That kind of sucks. I would imagine Berzerker would also have been 18, not really sure how I got in - I was like 13.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 20:00:10

Not supporting the scene doesn't make you a poser. If anything, it makes you cheap and, well...unsupportive. Maybe "poser" was the wrong word to use?

I fucking love metal, but have not yet been able to see any of the bands I like live. The fact remains that I love metal to death. I would like to go to shows, but I have not managed to do so. I will put effort into that in the future. But even those who don't wish to see their favorite bands live aren't posers because of that, because if they truly love the music, they're not posing.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 20:02:14

At 10/29/08 07:37 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: More like, If you have the choice, the funds, and still don't, then It's really lame.
Especially if you like the band that's playing.

Now that makes more sense.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-10-29 20:57:51

At 10/29/08 05:32 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: But I don't if you've looked around, but it's fucking MURDER keeping a metal venue alive these days because people won't come to shows. No venues, no shows, no bands, no music.

This makes sense, when I went to see Mayhem, the venue was so small that you couldn't mosh. You'd be lucky to get to the bar or the toilets. They should play arenas. I don't care if the record companies can't afford it, I would GLADLY pay more tax to fund he arts.

Being unemployed, I do not yet pay tax. I anticipate being whiney about how much I get taxed by "the man" after I get my job.

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Elders are slaughtered

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