Being unemployed, I do not yet pay tax. I anticipate being whiney about how much I get taxed by "the man" after I get my job.
The man already taxes your freedom.
Being unemployed, I do not yet pay tax. I anticipate being whiney about how much I get taxed by "the man" after I get my job.
The man already taxes your freedom.
At 10/29/08 09:00 PM, sirtom93 wrote: The man already taxes your freedom.
I would sig that if I were not so into this "____ Is (wrong) Metal" thing I've got going.
I've seen a lot of graffiti saying "If voting would change things, they'd make it illegal". I am not sure if that's from a book, but it is definetly sang in Open Your Eyes by The Lords Of The New Church.
At 10/29/08 09:02 PM, StationToStation wrote:At 10/29/08 09:00 PM, sirtom93 wrote: The man already taxes your freedom.I would sig that if I were not so into this "____ Is (wrong) Metal" thing I've got going.
You can always have it below that :3
At 10/29/08 09:07 PM, sirtom93 wrote: You can always have it below that :3
Yes, methinks I will.
At 10/29/08 09:07 PM, StationToStation wrote:At 10/29/08 09:07 PM, sirtom93 wrote: You can always have it below that :3Yes, methinks I will.
I love you.
At 10/29/08 05:26 PM, AniMetal wrote:At 10/29/08 04:15 PM, Nev wrote: Are you sure you're not just bitter that no one came to see your bands :P.I think T-shirts of a band or festival or whatever is great, cause it shows your a fan.
That's what I think... nothing to do with being a poser there.
Wearing the all black with the metal wristband or whatever is posing.
well, I don't think so... posing really is just trying to be hardcore and pretending your favorite music is way heavier than anybody else's music and that they suck cause they don't know shit about good music and stuff...
Also in my opinion anyone who says slipknot is metal and that they like slipknot AND that they are a "Metal fan" then I believe he/she is a poser.
lol, but Slipknot fans in general are just really knowned for being posers.
Some of you guys may know that their fans call themselves "Slipknot's Maggots"
If you live near a place where their are a lot of metal concerts not seeing concerts is pretty poor, but if you can't afford it and/or don't live near a concert hall it is acceptable in my opinion.
You can't really be the judge of that...
Some people just don't like to go to shows, even if they really like the music.
Also I can't wait to see Symphony X this november and In Flames this december, i'm so excited.
I've already seen Symphony X live, they just really fucking kick ass.
I'm going to see In Flames me two, they will be playing with ATR, Gojira and 36 CrazyFists on November 6th in Montreal.
lol, but Slipknot fans in general are just really knowned for being posers.
Some of you guys may know that their fans call themselves "Slipknot's Maggots"
Some of Slipknots songs are quite good. You people just don't like large commercialized music. Although I prefer Mushroomhead.
I support the tiny metal scene here, I go to every local gig that has good bands playing that I can, though there hasn't been any for a long time, sadly
Id like to join.
Good song
Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns
saw them live on oct 6th with ensiferum, belphegor, and the absence. AWESOME concert.
At 10/29/08 10:28 PM, JesusWasHere wrote: Id like to join.
Post ten Metal bands you like.
At 10/29/08 09:39 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Some of Slipknots songs are quite good. You people just don't like large commercialized music.
It's not that they are mainstream that I don't like them. It's the music itself.
I especially can't stand the vocals or horrible percussion.
A few of us here like Metallica and Iron Maiden and they are probably the most mainstream Metal acts there is.
So not liking commercialised music isn't our problem.
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
At 10/30/08 05:24 AM, Aci6 wrote:At 10/29/08 11:36 PM, Oppugnant wrote: I especially can't stand the vocals or horrible percussion.No different to other heavy metal, if anything the voice is a lot clearer and not trying to sound like a demon or whatever.
It's a lot different. They're whole playing style isn't even Metal.
And having a clearer voice doesn't make it any better. MCR have pretty clear vocals and they're terrible.
A few of us here like Metallica and Iron Maiden and they are probably the most mainstream Metal acts there is.Why would that be a problem?
So not liking commercialised music isn't our problem.
sirtom93 said it was not me. I was stating that it wasn't.
This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.
At 10/29/08 05:32 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: metal venue,
You see, if there was a metal venue at all, id be there every single fucking night.
You go to a show, you buy an album DIRECTLY from the the band, putting the money in their pocket they need to buy new strings, gas, a hotel room, etc.
Did this when i went to 'The Black Crusade'. And Foo Fighters, but they're not metal.
having a conversation with the actual musician while you make a purchase.
Also done this at the only local metal shop (out in the city). We're cool now.
Every great band started out as a shitty little local band
Still looking for the Myspace of the dudes that used to go to my school that are a pretty good/up and coming Death Metal band.
I say because going to shows is the lifeblood of what metal is, and without it, metal dies.
Going to shows and listening to the music > staying at home. At home if you go fucking psycho and start headbanging, you look like a fucking idiot. With fellow fans/metal heads, its a lot better. Me and a few friends are trying to bring the metal to our shitty little suburb, we're on our way to forming a band, we go to whatever shows we have time/money for (we're both broke as balls, but now we're out of school it means we can look for jobs and more time for shows), but its really hard to do it when the majority of motherfuckers around here are all dance/rnb ignorant fucks.
I just get a bit defensive when people start using the word 'poser' and metal in a discussion/conversation because as i see it, poser = emo which is a bunch of little faggots following shitty bands and are only in it for 'the scene'. I know 100% im no poser.
I started listening to metal because of the music, and the talent the musicians put into their music. Back in the day i couldn't catch shows because i was young and un-educated. About 3 years ago me and my friends listened to a local metal radio station religiously, 11pm every night, sitting up at our radios, until 2am when it finished, listening to new local stuff, and big record company stuff. Sadly one of the guys that used to run the show went and fucked it all for them...which sucked. I supported what little bit of metal these guys were trying to introduce, i purchased stickers/badges/a dvd, and me and my friends went out on missions, slapping the stickers up all over the city, it was good fun, we went into that metal shop i was talking about before, talked to the dude, informed him of 'Asylum Radio', he told us he would wear one of my badges for us, and from then we've been pretty cool.
I know of guys from my school who tried starting a band, but they broke up about 3 months into it, they didn't have the time or effort to put into it i guess, which sucked.
At 10/29/08 06:58 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: Money and nothing else.
Unfortunately, what makes the world go round.
Shows are fun, You're supporting the scene, You might even get drunk and party!
Precisely, but as for the drunk bit thats gotta wait until next year for me. Nothing stopping me from getting drunk before though. Now all i need is a show...
Find out if your town has a metal scene, even If It's just your friend's little Band, and Support it.
Me and my mates back every band that our friends are starting up as best as possible, but they all fade out :(
I don't know, It just saddens me to see that the local scenes everywhere are being ignored.
It saddens me that it doesn't exist here.
At 10/29/08 07:37 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote: More like, If you have the choice, the funds, and still don't, then It's really lame.
Especially if you like the band that's playing.
A-fucking-greed. Things should change for me though, next year ill hopefully have an income. To which i can spend on gigs/my own funds to attempt starting a band good and proper.
</end my story/discussion/response>
||Metal Hell||C&C Regular||My TF2 (created in Garrys Mod) Series: Trouble in the Intel Room - Featuring FPS scenes! *le gasp!* - This weeks sig by: ParadoxVoid
At 10/30/08 08:17 AM, ZeroAsALimit wrote: Do you want total war?
That wasn't exactly spectacular.
Not really, but I still like it. Just finding a Metal cover of a song that I like is fun for me and I am rather into war, so I can't help but love the song - even if Scouting For Girls cover it.
That wasn't exactly spectacular.
Even more reason to like it :3
At 10/29/08 07:05 PM, Nev wrote: No. You're not a poseur just because you don't go and see live bands. That is bollocks.
About this whole argument, I could care less whether I'm a "poseur" or not. I'll enjoy the music and will attend any concerts I can go to. It's simple as that.
At 10/29/08 07:41 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: Tell me, with a straight face, that any of this shit is worth seeing.
lol at "Spitknot". It would have been much funnier if they replaced the p with a h. XD
At 10/29/08 09:39 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Some of Slipknots songs are quite good. You people just don't like large commercialized music.
That's an unfair assumption. I myself just plain hate their music.
At 10/30/08 05:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: No different to other heavy metal
Slipknot isn't even metal.
At 10/30/08 05:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: No different to other heavy metalSlipknot isn't even metal.
I would personally say slipknot is metal.
At 10/30/08 12:17 PM, sirtom93 wrote:I would personally say slipknot is metal.At 10/30/08 05:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: No different to other heavy metalSlipknot isn't even metal.
Well you'd personally be wrong.
At 10/30/08 12:18 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:At 10/30/08 12:17 PM, sirtom93 wrote:Well you'd personally be wrong.I would personally say slipknot is metal.At 10/30/08 05:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: No different to other heavy metalSlipknot isn't even metal.
Theres no way you can prove Slipknot to not be metal, by loads of things they are considered metal. So care to explain your reasoning?
At 10/30/08 12:20 PM, sirtom93 wrote:At 10/30/08 12:18 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:Theres no way you can prove Slipknot to not be metal, by loads of things they are considered metal. So care to explain your reasoning?At 10/30/08 12:17 PM, sirtom93 wrote:Well you'd personally be wrong.I would personally say slipknot is metal.At 10/30/08 05:24 AM, Aci6 wrote: No different to other heavy metalSlipknot isn't even metal.
They're heavy enough, sure.
And at times, fast enough.
But the one thing that unites all (except Sludge and Drone, maybe) Metal is its complexity.
Slipknot is about as complex as Scouting For Girls.
You know, except the drumming.
I'm glad I brought up the poser issue, and that IS the right word for it: POSER.
Don't like it? Don't be one! Go to a show! Learn an instrument! Hell, buy a fucking case of beer and show up to band practice!
it's not THAT hard to start a small metal scene in your community. Rob started a venue in his GARAGE, a venue that got NATIONAL booking, with BYOB booze, the whole nine. If you let the bands crash on your floor (and you'd be SURPRISED how talented of a band who will) and come up with a tank of gas or two's worth of cash, you get to HEAR the real metal stories, hell, you may get a chance to LIVE some.
I don't know if you guys have checked, but I'm a BAD ASS drummer, and I've a got a bassist who wants to get the fuck out of Memphis and go somewhere with a better scene. Of course we're all broke; we're MUSICIANS, but if you're SERIOUS about being in a band, have a place to crash, know where a NGer can pick up a quick job, or just want a couple of super talented guys to show up to your house to party, hit me up. I live in Memphis, so that's pretty centralized to the US. I can go to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, any part of the south or east coast, really, and we can work out some details.
And by details I mean a place for me to jam and crash with Steve. If shit works out sweet, I'll bring out my live production rig and we can get SERIOUS.
On the other side, if you're a talented motherfucker and are willing to relocate, HOLLER. You don't have to move here; just pop in for a weekend, jam out, record some demo tracks, get drunk, go home, think about it, and make a decision later.
I've got a regular 40 job with benefits, so I'm not going to uproot for some bullshit, but I'd LOVE to weekend warrior some shit together and go out of town, or have someone come through and jam. Fresh blood is ALWAYS good.
We don't have to just PASSIVELY be fans! This is a community, a culture, a way of life, and it'll blow your mind when you line all of that up and just rock the fuck out for a while. You don't just have to do it with me, either, you can do the same in your neighborhood, your town, your city, and it'll be the best fucking time you ever had.
This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.
Hate is the first step to all solutions.
You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.
At 10/30/08 12:20 PM, sirtom93 wrote: by loads of things they are considered metal.
"loads of things" tend to mistake genres, one of those being metal. If you look in the "metal" section of the FYE in Middletown, NY, you'll find Slipknot, Linkin Park, Korn, and plenty of other things that don't belong.
So care to explain your reasoning?
Oh god, we've been over this a million times. I'm tired of it. I believe There was an argument over Slipknot here before and Goatchrist took the time to explain how they're not metal.. I don't care to look for it. It was quite a while ago. If you're interested, you can look for yourself.
I'll tell you this, though, they have hardcore and rap influences and even use turntables. come on, man.
Not even the Metal Archives accept them, and they've accepted some questionable stuff.
Not even the Metal Archives accept them, and they've accepted some questionable stuff.
I found them on MA. This album/demo is quite metal though - "Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat" - check it.
I would say Slipknot are as metal as Grindcore are metal, and we often discuss grindcore acts here.
At 10/30/08 12:36 PM, sirtom93 wrote:Not even the Metal Archives accept them, and they've accepted some questionable stuff.I found them on MA.
You lie.
This album/demo is quite metal though - "Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat" - check it.
This I agree with.
Too bad their guitarist left and took most of the talent with him.
At 10/30/08 01:00 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:At 10/30/08 12:36 PM, sirtom93 wrote:You lie.Not even the Metal Archives accept them, and they've accepted some questionable stuff.I found them on MA.
I searched for slipknot on MA and up they came...
At 10/30/08 12:24 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: I'm glad I brought up the poser issue, and that IS the right word for it: POSER.
Don't like it? Don't be one!
Go to a show!
Actually, Turisas is playing at the Chance in December, and Rotting Christ in January, and Exodus in April. I don't know if I'll have a driver's license in time for any of those, but if not, I'll try and convince a friend to take me, though I don't think anybody I know likes any of those bands. Actually, I don't listen to Rotting Christ. I guess I'll check them out. I do like me some hellenic black metal, which I hear is what they're supposed to be.
Again, you can enjoy the music without going to a show and still not be a poser because you're not posing if you truly enjoy the music.
Learn an instrument! Hell, buy a fucking case of beer and show up to band practice!
I have been considering learning drums and perhaps another instrument. And one of my friends said he might get me a drum set for my birthday (which isn't until the end of Summer)
But you can enjoy the music without learning an instrument and still not be a poser because you're not posing if you truly enjoy the music.
At 10/30/08 12:36 PM, sirtom93 wrote: I found them on MA.
They're not on MA.
Though there is a band from Connecticut with the same name, which is indeed on the archives.
This album/demo is quite metal though - "Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat" - check it.
Their first demo? I've heard from people here that it can be considered metal (I don't know, though, I haven't heard it), but that's just their first demo from like 13 years ago, before they went with the sound by which everybody knows them.
Though there is a band from Connecticut with the same name, which is indeed on the archives.
Oh, how misleading..
At 10/29/08 09:39 PM, sirtom93 wrote:Some of Slipknots songs are quite good. You people just don't like large commercialized music. Although I prefer Mushroomhead.
lol, but Slipknot fans in general are just really knowned for being posers.
Some of you guys may know that their fans call themselves "Slipknot's Maggots"
In fact, I do have all the Slipknot albums at home... so I wouldn't say that.
They really aren't metal and really not my favorite band. But I do like a few songs indeed.
I was actually talking about the fans... Slipknot really has the worst fans... because they all think it's the best band in the world... and they really think that they listen to the best of the underground metal scene. Most of them at least.
At 10/29/08 11:36 PM, Oppugnant wrote:At 10/29/08 09:39 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Some of Slipknots songs are quite good. You people just don't like large commercialized music.It's not that they are mainstream that I don't like them. It's the music itself.
I especially can't stand the vocals or horrible percussion.
really? You do think that the drummer sucks that much?
remember he did play with Metallica once when Lars was sick :P
A few of us here like Metallica and Iron Maiden and they are probably the most mainstream Metal acts there is.
So not liking commercialised music isn't our problem.
Not really, Pop and mainstream isn't quite the same thing...
Popular means that they have a big fan base and that they are knowned by a lot of people.
Mainstream is "following the main stream". Mainstream bands just don't have an unique or original sound, they really just do stuff that as been done before.
In this way, you can be Mainstream and not popular
and you can be popular but not mainstream.
Hope I made my point clear, I really don't get to discuss music a lot in english (I speak french)
At 10/30/08 12:29 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:At 10/30/08 12:20 PM, sirtom93 wrote:
Oh god, we've been over this a million times. I'm tired of it. I believe There was an argument over Slipknot here before and Goatchrist took the time to explain how they're not metal.. I don't care to look for it. It was quite a while ago. If you're interested, you can look for yourself.
here it is
Slipknot influence analysis:
Guitars - single note hardcore chugging + typical modern rock riffs = not metal
Vocals - melodic singing with poppish structure + hardcore screaming/yelling = not metal
Bass - it's easy to hear that it's ranging from typical rock to funk bass lines. = not metal
Drums - 80 bpm rock beats, repetition, rare cymbals + doublebass = rock/hardcore/metal
Turntables - Best case - funk inspired, worst case - scratching without purpose = not metal
Trash cans - no further comments needed = not metal, barely music at all
not all of it, but this should be good