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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 11:21:38

So there will be another box set from Megadeth.
I fail to see the point since they´ve already done like 3 of them in the past, and there isn´t really anything new on it.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 12:32:35

I just woke up and I'm tired and I don't want to go through Bruce's and Goat's and everyone else's quotes, so I will say this:

Fuck yeah, Bruce and Goat, fuck you Penis.

and for Kidd, I know it sounds lame, but my personal philosophy that has gotten me through most of everything in my entire life (i will admit right now that nothing in my life was as extreme as what's happened to you) is just "everything will eventually work out." I don't mean that in the sense that "if i sit around, eventually i will get good grades and a girlfriend." i mean that in the sense that (cheese alert) if you keep a positive attitude and try to change things, they will change.

speaking of girlfriend and good grades, i'm starting school soon, and starting wednesday i will be seeing the girl i'm interested in for five days, due to us being at band camp. i'm fucking nervous.

also, i've been in the hell for a year now, but i forgot to mention it. I made a post almost exactly like this one last year, except without the advice and the stuff about Kidd and Goat and Bruce.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 12:44:05

At 8/19/08 12:32 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: speaking of girlfriend and good grades, i'm starting school soon, and starting wednesday i will be seeing the girl i'm interested in for five days, due to us being at band camp. i'm fucking nervous.

Centurion-Ryan cat is envious of your good fortune.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 13:26:50

I "a headbangers journey" that cunt somehow forgot that there was a subgenre of doom metal.

but I must say, the global metal one looks interesting.

oh, and on the subject of doom metal, some others that weren't recommended yet:
warning (I always seem to put these guys in any list somewhat doom related. but they are pretty dawn awesome)
serpentcult (is actually thee plague of gentleman, but with a female singer since the other one's in jail, for good reasons)
anathema (hey, only the first three are metal, but it's genius all over)
Funeral Mourning

alt of davaca

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 13:49:05

At 8/19/08 12:32 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: speaking of girlfriend and good grades, i'm starting school soon, and starting wednesday i will be seeing the girl i'm interested in for five days, due to us being at band camp. i'm fucking nervous.

I've been hanging out with my girlfriend all summer, and school starts tomorrow. I hate it. Getting back to school gets worse every year. I had trouble getting to sleep the past couple of nights because of it. I get alright grades and everything, I just don't like going and junk.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 13:52:27

At 8/19/08 01:49 PM, CapnCrunchDaPimp wrote: I've been hanging out with my girlfriend all summer, and school starts tomorrow. I hate it. Getting back to school gets worse every year. I had trouble getting to sleep the past couple of nights because of it. I get alright grades and everything, I just don't like going and junk.

Unrelated, but nice signature.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 14:29:09

At 8/19/08 11:46 AM, ZeroAsALimit wrote: Burzum appears, doesn't he? IG I can credit you if you want. :)

He doesn't. I'm pretty sure Varg wouldn't want to be in the movie anyways. Sam Dunn would be terrified of him as well. All he focuses on in the movie when it comes to Black Metal are the church burnings and having Alice Cooper make fun of and belittle people that like his music and Black Metal or those who like his music and are in Black Metal bands. That's why I've lost my respect for people like him and Flo. Stupid french fuck. Chastizing the true fans of the band because they're disgusted by your piece of shit new album. The only time that Black, Death, Doom, Power, Thrash or any other genre of Metal should get media attention should be between people like us. You've been seeing it for a while with MTV shitting out all these cookie cutter metal-core bands. We see it in places like this when you see people trying to join with the most ridiculous lists of bands.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother, Kidd. Personal loss often really adds to your depression. Those that were here or around here five years ago would probably remember me going through the same thing and everyone that posted back then helped me through it. So it seems it's our turn now. We're here for you, dude.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 14:59:58

Well I know I'm a bit late on things, but lemme comment.

Kidd, we all care for your well-being so can you stop being a douche and just accept that people do care. Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance that causes some hormones to act strangely (as a pre-med student, I know that), which causes feelings of despair. However, in order to get better, you need to realize how much we, among other people, don't hate you. Just stop ignoring us, alright?

And to Penis: grow up buddy.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 15:44:23

At 8/19/08 12:32 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: speaking of girlfriend and good grades, i'm starting school soon, and starting wednesday i will be seeing the girl i'm interested in for five days, due to us being at band camp. i'm fucking nervous.


Pop culture.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 16:02:16

At 8/19/08 03:44 PM, AllMightyBruce wrote: DOES SHE PLAY THE FLUTE? HAW HAW HAW. >=(

French horn, piano and trumpet, actually.

Pop culture.

I saw that movie with a bunch of band friends. we spent the whole time making fun of how absurd it was.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 16:15:18

So, I got back from Bloodstock yesterday. And it was a great festival I thought.
Enjoyed all of it. Though, I missed Týr by about half an hour :(. Bit of a disappointment. But thats what you get for going down the day the music starts. And I've heard they're crap live anyhow. Some fellows were doing corpse paint for £1.50 and I wan'id it but I couldn't find them again :(. That would've made me happy seeing as Demon Burger were on that night :(.
Might as well give a little review of the bands I saw :).
Thought these were alright. Not fond of Thrash as you may know, but I enjoyed them live. Wouldn't listen to them though.
Sound was poor for these. Far too quiet and I didn't enjoy the show as much as I'd have liked to because of that. They were also insanely gay on stage. I've never seen such a camp band, but it was all good :). But on reflection I like it more than I did at the time. It's revitalised by interest in them :).
Obviously I'm going to bum these and it was good. Better than at Defenders of the Faith. The set list could of been better though.
I had a brilliant position too :).

I did like these. Never heard them before but it was decent in that Folk way.
The violinist was darn sexy too. They get points for sexy violinists :)... I should state it was a girl :P.
Liked :). Wasn't as epic as the albums but there is only so much you can do with one keyboard.
Wasn't disappointed though as I feared I might be :).
Was very bored during their set.
Iced Earth
Never liked this band at all. But their set definately converted me. I thought they were brilliant. One of the highlights of the weekend. And the riff to The Coming Curse is one of the best I've heard in ages.
Dimmu Borgir
Again, bored. I could of dereived some pleasure from the show if I had some corpse paint on. But I didn't. And even if I did it'd still have been Dimmu Borgir and thus they would have still been crap.

Liked their show. Was pretty amusing and the music is catchy. Another of my favourites :).
Mob Rules
Crap name for a Power Metal band and they were listenable, but nothing interesting or new. Uninspired and generic. Was mainly waiting for my friend to rejoin me so we could go into the crowd and see...
Another highlight :). Had nice hopes after some of the comments someone in here left last week about their live show. So I was looking forward to it. And their set consisted mainly of the songs I knew. Which is always handy :). Was a cool crowd for them as well. Lots of space to headbang :D.
The bands I was interested in had all been and gone so I wasn't arsed at this point. And I dislike Thrash so I wasn't arsed in this band especially. Though to throw a more optimistic spin on things I did enjoy the riff during one song where the lyrics are 'We don't care what you say, fuck you!'. Yeah...
I spent about 95% of their show with my eyeline at the new singers crotch. Not sure why, but thats where I was ;). It was enjoyable in the cheesey Nightwish way and Wishmaster has funny alternative lyrics :). But at the end of the day, it's still Nightwish.

Did you all miss me? :)

At 8/14/08 06:34 AM, Goatchrist wrote: Don't cry ;) just listen to the following bands - I'm pretty sure you will like some of this because it's not your typical BM:

I've noted them down and shall listened when I've got me some high speed internetz :).

At 8/14/08 07:34 AM, Goatchrist wrote: I just gave him a basic overview. The next wave of bands will come after he's addicted to the sound :P

It's lovely that you have faith in me ;).
Now make me a Horseman =P.

At 8/17/08 07:43 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: while i understand where you guys are coming from, saying that people who play GH should play a real guitar is like telling people who play call of duty to go join the army and actually fight.

Not really.
I imagine the experience of killing people and being shot at is a bit different to playing Call of Duty.
But Guitar Hero is pretty much exactly the same as playing real guitar, minus the advance technique stuff.
And after watching people play GH at Bloodstock I think it seems harder than actually learning guitar.
Some of the stuff looked really, really hard to do.

At 8/18/08 05:06 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: Acceleration - Age Of Silence
Arcturus - Sideshow Symphony

I never really looked into avant-garde before, never knew what i was missing out on :/

Acceleration is brilliant :D.
Get The Sham Mirrors by Arcturus :).

At 8/18/08 07:52 AM, Magisterial wrote: After listening to a bit of Arcturus, I found it a bit jarring and not really melodic, out there, and artistic I guess, but not very appealing.

I found The Sham Mirrors to be incredibly melodic.
One of the catchiest albums I've ever heard.

At 8/18/08 09:46 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I'd recommend Solefald, Fleurety, Virus, and Ved Buens Ende, just to name a few.

I'd add Kayo Dot and Fantomas to that list :).

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 16:31:30

At 8/19/08 04:15 PM, Nev wrote: I found The Sham Mirrors to be incredibly melodic.
One of the catchiest albums I've ever heard.

Agreed. The little "OOOOOOOH-OOOOOOOOh-oooooooooh" thing in Kinetic gets stuck in my head all the time. And Star Crossed has a fantastic piano part.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 17:16:02

At 8/19/08 04:56 PM, Rokuro wrote: You saw helloween. Don't be so ungrateful.

I'm not being ungrateful, all I'm saying is was poorly mixed by the sound guy. He/they cocked up a lot at getting the mix right.
Helloween themselves were grand :).

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 19:41:30

We have Meshuggah comming out here in either october or november. ive already ordered my ticket.. i dont know about you guys but i dont mind obZen; thier new album. Mayhem still havent said anything about wether or not they are appearing anymore.. and or if Atilla will be touring with them.. not also to mention who will be taking over Necrobutcher..

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 20:01:12

Well, Kidd I don't know what to tell you. I'm not very good at consoling people. But I hope things get better for you.

Anyway, I just got both full lengths by Transcending Bizarre.

At 8/18/08 11:40 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: Electric Wizard
Mael Mordha
Reverend Bizarre
High on Fire

fuck yes

At 8/19/08 03:08 AM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote: Black Sabbath


At 8/19/08 04:28 AM, Oppugnant wrote: Place of Skulls

I think Saint Vitus and Spirit Caravan are better choices.


fucking yes

to add to this:

Saint Vitus
Spirit Caravan
Orange Goblin
Umbra Nihil

Okay, I'm gonna stop myself now.

At 8/19/08 04:15 PM, Nev wrote: Get The Sham Mirrors by Arcturus :).

and La Masquerade Infernale and Aspera Hiems Symfonia. >:( They're all great.

I found The Sham Mirrors to be incredibly melodic.
One of the catchiest albums I've ever heard.

yes, definitely. I get a couple of their songs stuck in my head now and then.

At 8/18/08 09:46 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I'd recommend Solefald, Fleurety, Virus, and Ved Buens Ende, just to name a few.
I'd add Kayo Dot and Fantomas to that list :).

I like Kayo Dot, but I think Maudlin of the Well is better. And I'm not sure, but I think I prefer Mr. Bungle over Fantomas.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 20:13:37

At 8/19/08 08:01 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I like Kayo Dot, but I think Maudlin of the Well is better. And I'm not sure, but I think I prefer Mr. Bungle over Fantomas.

Maudlin of the Well are on my 'To Get' list since I found out they're a better era of Kayo Dot.
But as I've only heard Kayo Dot, I can't personally recommend :P.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 21:01:32

At 8/18/08 09:40 PM, Magisterial wrote: He's moving, he's got time off school, he's getting drunk, he has as band, and he's complaining that he's lonely and his life is futile. I fucking hate whingers.

I say we boot this ass hat out of hell! I don't like dicks who make fun of those with emotional problems for I used to be one.

All in favor of booting this asshole say aye!

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 21:07:40

At 8/19/08 09:01 PM, smeagol1 wrote: I say we boot this ass hat out of hell!

No, but it was a messed up thing for him to say.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 21:17:18

At 8/19/08 09:01 PM, smeagol1 wrote: I say we boot this ass hat out of hell! I don't like dicks who make fun of those with emotional problems for I used to be one.

Wait, someone with an emotional problem or someone who makes fun of them? I'm assuming the former.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 21:39:25

Got around to getting Meshuggah's new album. Fun stuff. I'm enjoying it.

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 21:47:27

i dont want to join...just wanna say to piss others off tho./..

Avenged Sevenfold is metal, idc what you say.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 21:52:55

At 8/19/08 09:47 PM, LiL-ReEpEr-SnIpEr wrote: i dont want to join...just wanna say to piss others off tho./..

Avenged Sevenfold is metal, idc what you say.

I had sex with your girlfriend. Go away.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 22:00:11

At 8/19/08 09:52 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 8/19/08 09:47 PM, LiL-ReEpEr-SnIpEr wrote: i dont want to join...just wanna say to piss others off tho./..

Avenged Sevenfold is metal, idc what you say.
I had sex with your girlfriend. Go away.

You ate my paintings!?

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 22:14:12



who the fuck are they?

Here I am, bored with everything.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 22:19:38

At 8/19/08 10:14 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote:

who the fuck are they?

my best friends. we film movies together. I haven't been in any movies that have been uploaded recently, but soon that will change.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 23:41:51

At 8/19/08 07:24 AM, Kiddmeizter wrote: I seem to have forgotten to mention the fact that my brother died.

Shit that sucks. Sorry about that man.

At 8/19/08 08:15 AM, Goatchrist wrote: Ponos, being a fucktard doesn't get your "underground credibility" any higher, nor aren't you the one to judge the state of depression a person is in - a person you don't even know personally. If Kidd feels horrible, then, as a member of the hell, at least try to lift some weight OFF his shoulders instead of putting him down even more. Acting like an asshole is not "cool" - not in the slightest.

Oh don't be so fucking childish. Why the fuck would I ever care about "underground credibility"? And if Kidd is bothered even in the slightest about what some dickhead on the other side of the country says to him, then he is even more childish. Fuck, if I was Kidd what I said WOULD of lifted some weight off my shoulders, sure it wasn't the nicest thing to say, but it's not like I told him to fuck off and die, I gave him some tough love and told him it wasn't so bad and he should grow up. But that doesn't even fucking matter in the slightest anymore, I wasn't aware that his brother died, and anyone in that situation would feel horrible and depressed, and it would most likely make everything else seem worse. So i'm sorry Kidd, I understand.

Kidd, while I am sorry that you are feeling bad because of various reasons, you just take it too far. I took the time to read your news, I took the time to read your responses to various people and it's always the same: "nobody cares about me; people hate me; they don't accept me;" etc. - even though it's obvious that people DO care. Still, you keep whining about how everyone hates the fuck out of you and crying about the tiniest things "Oh, they didn't like my music - they must hate me" and similar bullshittery.

I agree.

At 8/19/08 12:32 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: fuck you Penis.

Little children, please.

At 8/19/08 02:59 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: And to Penis: grow up buddy.

Ok :'(

At 8/19/08 09:01 PM, smeagol1 wrote: All in favor of booting this asshole say aye!

If anyone should leave it's you arse part. You're an imature internet poser with a sad, sad life. Go and die.

At 8/19/08 09:47 PM, LiL-ReEpEr-SnIpEr wrote: Avenged Sevenfold is metal, idc what you say.

Well you're wrong. Just because they're loud and fast doesn't mean they're metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 23:53:57

At 8/19/08 11:41 PM, Magisterial wrote: Little children, please.

you're one to talk, Irish and Ryan act more mature than you have been acting recently. Not to mention that you're the third youngest regular of the hell, if my memory serves me correctly.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-20 00:44:21

At 8/19/08 11:53 PM, D3NTATUS wrote: you're one to talk, Irish and Ryan act more mature than you have been acting recently. Not to mention that you're the third youngest regular of the hell, if my memory serves me correctly.

Hmm. I guess I shouldn't have said that. Snappy comebacks like that is basically why we're here in the first place, so disregard my above post because I suck cocks. I don't want to turn this into a hissyfit all over again.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-20 01:47:03

At 8/19/08 04:15 PM, Nev wrote: Kataklysm
Another highlight :). Had nice hopes after some of the comments someone in here left last week about their live show. So I was looking forward to it. And their set consisted mainly of the songs I knew. Which is always handy :). Was a cool crowd for them as well. Lots of space to headbang :D.

Kataklysm is insane live, I saw them a month ago, they were by far the best band at the show I went to.

Did you just put your balls on my sandwich?

Metal Hell

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