At 8/14/08 10:30 PM, Magisterial wrote: What are your reasons for being depressed Kidd? You live in an isolated town which you derive little enjoyment in, I understand that much. Also you're possessed by some dead spirit which causes you to have black outs and repressed memories, and that chick wouldn't even look at you or something because of the spirit hanging around you. Is that still happening? Also, your dreams of being a musician are hard to achieve because of your town. But that new band sounds good. Aren't you nearly old enough to move though?. What else is up man?
My town isn't really a factor of me being so down, at least it didn't get me here, but it definitely helps keep me here.
The Ghost shit is still happening, I wake up with nosebleeds every morning now ( I consider it related), although you did dramatize it a LITTLE, I don't consider myself possessed, just followed around and harassed, I guess, there are 8 of them, according to the chick, but I try not to think about it.
My dreams of being a musician, are not only impossible because of my location, but also because I suck at it, Not even you guys like ANY of my stuff!
The New band IS good, at least I think so, I'll just settle for what I can get, like I always do, at least they are good at their instruments, but the rhythm guitarist has a crappy vision of what the band should be like.
I AM moving, but just for school, but I can move whenever I want, I just can't fucking afford it.
Basically nothing else up, Work is done, School doesn't start 'till sept.11 and I'm just sitting around, Getting drunk all the time with my friends, Making some new songs, I just made one that I think is my best ever so far, but NG is being retarded and won't let me upload.
I'm really just depressed because of, you know, The Futility, loneliness, blah blah blah I don't care, It's not going to be fixed, I'm just going to try and get over it.