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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 14:27:17

At 8/14/08 10:30 PM, Magisterial wrote: What are your reasons for being depressed Kidd? You live in an isolated town which you derive little enjoyment in, I understand that much. Also you're possessed by some dead spirit which causes you to have black outs and repressed memories, and that chick wouldn't even look at you or something because of the spirit hanging around you. Is that still happening? Also, your dreams of being a musician are hard to achieve because of your town. But that new band sounds good. Aren't you nearly old enough to move though?. What else is up man?

My town isn't really a factor of me being so down, at least it didn't get me here, but it definitely helps keep me here.

The Ghost shit is still happening, I wake up with nosebleeds every morning now ( I consider it related), although you did dramatize it a LITTLE, I don't consider myself possessed, just followed around and harassed, I guess, there are 8 of them, according to the chick, but I try not to think about it.

My dreams of being a musician, are not only impossible because of my location, but also because I suck at it, Not even you guys like ANY of my stuff!

The New band IS good, at least I think so, I'll just settle for what I can get, like I always do, at least they are good at their instruments, but the rhythm guitarist has a crappy vision of what the band should be like.

I AM moving, but just for school, but I can move whenever I want, I just can't fucking afford it.

Basically nothing else up, Work is done, School doesn't start 'till sept.11 and I'm just sitting around, Getting drunk all the time with my friends, Making some new songs, I just made one that I think is my best ever so far, but NG is being retarded and won't let me upload.

I'm really just depressed because of, you know, The Futility, loneliness, blah blah blah I don't care, It's not going to be fixed, I'm just going to try and get over it.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 19:41:39

So I tried to get an Opeth album today but i couldn't afford it.

Also bump.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 21:03:36

Wow. At first I kind of cared about kiddi. But now I just don't give a fuck.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 21:20:56

At 8/18/08 09:03 PM, Magisterial wrote: Wow. At first I kind of cared about kiddi. But now I just don't give a fuck.

I honastly don't give two shits about you. Your a waste of space and a failed abortion. Kidds like a brother to me in this hell.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 21:21:25

At 8/18/08 09:03 PM, Magisterial wrote: Wow. At first I kind of cared about kiddi. But now I just don't give a fuck.

wow man that was a pretty dick thing to say

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 21:40:43

He's moving, he's got time off school, he's getting drunk, he has as band, and he's complaining that he's lonely and his life is futile. I fucking hate whingers.


Grow up Kidd, it's not that fucking bad.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 21:46:29

At 8/18/08 05:06 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote: Acceleration - Age Of Silence

That's a good album. Lars Nedland is awesome.

Arcturus - Sideshow Symphony

I think all of their other full lengths are better. Get Aspera Hiems Symfonia, la Masquerade Infernale, and the Sham Mirrors.

I never really looked into avant-garde before, never knew what i was missing out on :/

I'd recommend Solefald, Fleurety, Virus, and Ved Buens Ende, just to name a few.

At 8/18/08 05:18 AM, Magisterial wrote: I ain't into avant-garde. I prefer my music to be a bit more musical.

I don't care if you can't appreciate it, but it is musical.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 21:59:16

At 8/18/08 09:40 PM, Magisterial wrote: He's moving, he's got time off school, he's getting drunk, he has as band, and he's complaining that he's lonely and his life is futile. I fucking hate whingers.


Grow up Kidd, it's not that fucking bad.

fuck you dude, depression is caused by more than just the world around the depressed. there are inward problems. why do you think that rich, spoiled people still end up being depressed?

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 23:37:38

What bands would you guys consider good doom metal? I tried to get into candlemass but couldn't.

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-18 23:40:17

At 8/18/08 11:37 PM, Anti-pie wrote: What bands would you guys consider good doom metal? I tried to get into candlemass but couldn't.

Electric Wizard
Mael Mordha
Reverend Bizarre
Acid Bath

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 00:14:47

At 8/18/08 11:40 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 8/18/08 11:37 PM, Anti-pie wrote: What bands would you guys consider good doom metal? I tried to get into candlemass but couldn't.
Electric Wizard
Mael Mordha
Reverend Bizarre
Acid Bath

Looks like I got some shit to look up.

We're meat and that's it. So lets fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Minecraft: JuJitsuLipShitz

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 00:16:10

At 8/19/08 12:14 AM, Anti-pie wrote: Looks like I got some shit to look up.

Damn straight. I forgot some, actually:

High on Fire

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 02:34:48

Despite my personal tastes, I have to believe that Doom is the most important and often times the most dark and evil genre of metal. Yet one of the least appreciated. I'd trade every butt-fuck bedroom Black metal band in the world that insist on fucking up the genre I love for the sake of being "kvlt" or being a rebelious jackass teen for good occult, stoner or traditional Doom. It may not be my personal favorite but I'll take Cirith Ungol over any of those wannabe poser Black Metal bands.

On that note, fuck false Black Metal. Fuck false metal. Fuck the idiots that walk down the road and ask us if we listen to the shitty bands that they hear on MTV or from their scene friends working at Starbucks. Fuck the people that think we're all uneducated apes when the vast majority of us could embarrass them in a theological debate or in a discussion about musical theory when all they do is try and pass off Panic at the Disco and Amy Winehouse as benig groundbreaking or original as far as music goes. Fuck stabbing each other in the back. Fuck kicking each other when we're down. Metal isn't just music. We're not just metal heads. We're brothers and we're friends. At the risk of sounding like that tight assed pseudo anthropological cock suck Sam Dunn (for those of you who don't know, watch Metal: A Headbanger's Journey. Yet despite how hardcore he claims to be, nobody from the metal communities of the city he was born in and nobody from the city he lives in now has ever met him or seen him at a show. Not to mention it's clear that he knows nothing about what he's talking about.) This is a lifestyle of which the majority of people that aren't a part of it will never understand. Metal is no fad. Metal wont die. But it will dilute faster than you could ever imagine if we keep doing shit like this. You don't insult your friends when they're down. You don't pick apart their psyche. This bickering is bullshit. We've put up with it for way too fucking long.

Despite the fact that I never seem to take this place seriously and always seem to be joking around here, this shouldn't be a place where we ridicule friends that come to us for advice or solace. If Kidd is feeling down and depressed, let him vent and try to help him with his problems. I'd expect this from any of you. I'm not directing this at any one of you in general. Although the timing of me saying this may seem that way, we're all guilty of this in one way or another. It needs to stop.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 02:47:15

At 8/18/08 02:27 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote:
At 8/14/08 10:30 PM, Magisterial wrote:
The Ghost shit is still happening, I wake up with nosebleeds every morning now ( I consider it related), although you did dramatize it a LITTLE, I don't consider myself possessed, just followed around and harassed, I guess, there are 8 of them, according to the chick, but I try not to think about it.

What do these ghosts do?

My dreams of being a musician, are not only impossible because of my location, but also because I suck at it, Not even you guys like ANY of my stuff!

I've liked everything I've heard from you

At 8/19/08 02:34 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote:
This is a lifestyle of which the majority of people that aren't a part of it will never understand. Metal is no fad. Metal wont die. But it will dilute faster than you could ever imagine if we keep doing shit like this. You don't insult your friends when they're down. You don't pick apart their psyche. This bickering is bullshit. We've put up with it for way too fucking long.


I might have to kick the lead guitarist out of my band, he has a real bad habit of not showing up if the drummer isn't there (drummer works two jobs so he gets really worn out) and I could use him to help with songwriting, and he always bitches at me about it like its my fault not everyone is there.

Did you just put your balls on my sandwich?

Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 03:02:48

At 8/19/08 02:34 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: It needs to stop.

Thats one of the longest and most serious posts i have ever seen from you in here, and best of all, none of it was bullshit.

Shall look up the other Arcturus albums soonish.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 03:08:48

At 8/18/08 11:37 PM, Anti-pie wrote: What bands would you guys consider good doom metal?

Couldn't get into Candlemass? I'd say give them a few listens every now and again to be sure. I too hated the sound when I first heard them but now I love them.

Black Sabbath
Daylight Dies
Forgotten Tomb
My Dying Bride
Novembers Doom
Paradise Lost
Swallow the Sun
Type O Negative


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 04:28:23

At 8/19/08 03:08 AM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote:
At 8/18/08 11:37 PM, Anti-pie wrote: What bands would you guys consider good doom metal?
Couldn't get into Candlemass? I'd say give them a few listens every now and again to be sure. I too hated the sound when I first heard them but now I love them.
Forgotten Tomb

I love these guys


Shape of Despair
Virgin Black
Place of Skulls

This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 07:24:32

At 8/18/08 09:40 PM, Magisterial wrote: He's moving, he's got time off school, he's getting drunk, he has as band, and he's complaining that he's lonely and his life is futile. I fucking hate whingers.


Grow up Kidd, it's not that fucking bad.

I seem to have forgotten to mention the fact that my brother died.
Fuck you ponos, I'm not talking to you again.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 08:10:25

Sam Dunn is a fucking idiot.
He said in his documentary that Dio, Accept, and Manowar are power metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 08:13:12

At 8/19/08 08:10 AM, DeIirium wrote: Manowar are power metal.

Aren't they?

Oh yeah, and Kidd:
What the fuck? When did that happen?

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 08:15:42

While I mostly agree with what AllMightyBruce is saying (and I AM surprised that he wrote something so meaningful) I think both of you, Kidd and Ponos, act in such an immature and simply unbelievably stupid way that I feel like slapping both of you in the face.

Ponos, being a fucktard doesn't get your "underground credibility" any higher, nor aren't you the one to judge the state of depression a person is in - a person you don't even know personally. If Kidd feels horrible, then, as a member of the hell, at least try to lift some weight OFF his shoulders instead of putting him down even more. Acting like an asshole is not "cool" - not in the slightest.

Kidd, while I am sorry that you are feeling bad because of various reasons, you just take it too far. I took the time to read your news, I took the time to read your responses to various people and it's always the same: "nobody cares about me; people hate me; they don't accept me;" etc. - even though it's obvious that people DO care. Still, you keep whining about how everyone hates the fuck out of you and crying about the tiniest things "Oh, they didn't like my music - they must hate me" and similar bullshittery.

Since I moved, I'm living in a tiny cellar, I have been searching for a fucking job for ages but it's so hard to get one around here, I have barely any money left in my pocket and must calculate every fucking cent I spend. I don't get any unemployment compensation because I spent my time going to school instead of working long enough yet. Do you see me complaining about it? Do you see me crying about how much life sucks? No, because I keep trying to change the shitty direction my life is taking and I'm still sure that I will eventually find a job, maybe in two months, maybe tomorrow, I don't know - but at least I don't let myself slip into a state of total neglect.

THERE ARE people who'd miss you if you weren't alive anymore and GODDAMMIT - you know that perfectly well. So instead of pushing it further, why can't you just accept the fact that there is something to life that you will eventually find that makes it worthy of living?

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 08:22:08

At 8/19/08 02:34 AM, AllMightyBruce wrote: If Kidd is feeling down and depressed, let him vent and try to help him with his problems. I'd expect this from any of you.

We were all helping Kidd out when he had problems a few months ago, but now problems have been occurring again. :( I understand how bad he must be feeling right now, especially what happened to his brother. I'm not happy at what Ponos has been saying here recently.

At 8/19/08 08:10 AM, DeIirium wrote: Sam Dunn is a fucking idiot.
He said in his documentary that Dio, Accept, and Manowar are power metal.

Am I the only one who didn't watch Metal: A Headbanger's Journey? Just hearing stuff like that makes me glad I never watched the documentary.

At 8/19/08 08:15 AM, Goatchrist wrote: stuff about jobs

Yes, getting a job can be a bugger. I've applied to many places over the last month and only recently I've been able to get an interview for one place, which I'll be attending in 2 hours time. There are other two places which I feel I have a good chance at getting the job, but I'll wait and see what happens.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 08:40:14

At 8/19/08 08:15 AM, Goatchrist wrote: Ponos: Shut up
Kidd: Quit your whining.


I remember that such long, elaborate, refuting posts were often made at my expense in the old days.

Good times.

I never watched Metal: A Headbanger's Journey either.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 08:47:43

At 8/19/08 08:13 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 8/19/08 08:10 AM, DeIirium wrote: Manowar are power metal.
Aren't they?

No. Their lyrics and some of their epic songs make them sound like Power metal, but compare them with something like Helloween or Blind Guardian and it´s completely different. They´re more like Iron Maiden or something like that.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 09:33:59

At 8/19/08 08:40 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
I never watched Metal: A Headbanger's Journey either.

Perhaps the sequel then?

This signature makes use of various clichés and/or 'emotional' lyrics/quotes, hopefully it makes me appear deep.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 10:06:26

At 8/19/08 08:10 AM, DeIirium wrote: He said in his documentary that Dio are power metal.
Dio are power metal.

Oh my.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 10:18:42

At 8/19/08 08:13 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 8/19/08 08:10 AM, DeIirium wrote: Manowar are power metal.
Aren't they?

Oh yeah, and Kidd:
What the fuck? When did that happen?

a day before I came home from Norway, He was drunk driving in the Mountain road and Decided to try and reach the max speed on his audi, and missed a turn or something, and fell down the cliffs, That's what my mom said
atleast, but I don't want to think about it, he was only 24.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 10:38:46

At 8/19/08 10:31 AM, ZeroAsALimit wrote:
At 8/19/08 10:06 AM, IrishGun wrote:
At 8/19/08 08:10 AM, DeIirium wrote: He said in his documentary that Dio are power metal.
Dio are power metal.
Oh my.

Yay for me.

I guess.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 10:47:53

Metal:A headbangers journey is available on youtube. The other parts are there as well.

Response to Metal Hell 2008-08-19 10:48:53

At 8/19/08 10:43 AM, ZeroAsALimit wrote: I was going to attribute it to you, then I remembered that I'm not a dick. :D

You are unless you do. :D

Nah, fuck attention.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

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