Guess what band I'm talking about and you get a cookie.
the turntables make me say linkin park, but the baseball bat gives off a slipknot vibe, so i say
linkin park?
also, i sixth the idea
Im a Ghost in the Crowd, a Beacon in the Field

Guess what band I'm talking about and you get a cookie.
the turntables make me say linkin park, but the baseball bat gives off a slipknot vibe, so i say
linkin park?
also, i sixth the idea
Im a Ghost in the Crowd, a Beacon in the Field
At 7/22/08 12:34 PM, Gabriel234 wrote:At 7/22/08 10:26 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:1-BehemothAt 7/22/08 10:11 AM, Gabriel234 wrote: I'm in!List 10 bands, the horsemen will judge you, yadda, yadda, yadda.
I love metal music!
You know, I get a bit tired of having to say this every time (and I'm sure the rest of you do as well) and then the guy just posts 10 hardcore bands. We reject him. Repeat forever.
2-Rata blanca (this is latin american)
3-Eliminator (Amateur Band, u can see a song of him in SCGMD3)
4-Cannibal Corpse
6-Ozzy Osbourne
7-Dimmu Borgir
8-Black Label Society
9-Horcas (Latin American)
10-Aerosmith (Rock, Punk, Metal)
I'm in?
1-Behemoth-----Epic win
2-Rata blanca (this is latin american)------ ?????
3-Eliminator (Amateur Band, u can see a song of him in SCGMD3) idk
4-Cannibal Corpse-lol win
5-Korn-errr fail
6-Ozzy Osbourne-respect your fore fathers.
7-Dimmu Borgir-epic win my first favorite
8-Black Label Society-idk
9-Horcas (Latin American)-idk
10-Aerosmith (Rock, Punk, Metal)-not metal
I'm in?
you have few excellent bands most I don't know about. (the latin ones)
List some other metal bands you like and im sure you'll get in. :)
Here u go:
Dimmu Borgir
Led Zeppelin
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Van Halen
Cannibal Corpse
Judas Priest
Ozzy Osbourne
I hate u but i will give u respect.
My sig sucks
At 7/22/08 12:43 PM, Westwastingtime wrote: so i say linkin park?
Oh, I'm sorry, the correct answer was 'Slipknot'.
You don't get a cookie, but you get a chocolate digestive for effort.
At 7/22/08 12:56 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:At 7/22/08 12:43 PM, Westwastingtime wrote: so i say linkin park?Oh, I'm sorry, the correct answer was 'Slipknot'.
You don't get a cookie, but you get a chocolate digestive for effort.
damn, well i guess i was close
Im a Ghost in the Crowd, a Beacon in the Field
Everyone, if you like melodic metal and trance, you need to get into Silent Descent. I mean right now, right fucking now. They're a band I know that I think will get very big. And the Duplicity album will end up worth A LOT of money in the far future. Not to forget to mention it's a very good album. But seriously guys, you need to get into this band before they go live on the big stage, just to say you knew 'em before they were famous.
If it's not your cup of tea/doesn't float your boat, that's ok, you can say you knew they were shit before they made it big in the future, lol.
Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body - Shalashaska-1, 2008
Feel free to MSN me:
Beware the NGSkeletonGimp! M:tG Klub.
At 7/22/08 07:40 AM, Oppugnant wrote: A friend just linked me to this band: Separatist.
They are fucking amazing drums sound like Machine-guns.
Check 'em out guys, especially you, Kidd.
At 7/22/08 05:47 AM, TECh2o wrote:At 7/22/08 05:38 AM, SpeedMetalSandwich wrote:Fourthededed, thirded, and seconded. :D
I third this, and second the comic comment. I also hate to much quoted text.
*replies to both posts without actually typing anything relevant at all*
At 7/22/08 01:59 PM, Shalashaska-1 wrote:
i just checked them out, those guys are sick, everything about them i just amazing
Im a Ghost in the Crowd, a Beacon in the Field
First of all, Kidd's comic whatsit made me laugh.
Second, I checked out that band and I'll tell you what I think of them when I pick my ears up off the floor.
Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body - Shalashaska-1, 2008
Feel free to MSN me:
Beware the NGSkeletonGimp! M:tG Klub.
At 7/22/08 12:56 PM, Gabriel234 wrote: Here u go:
Dimmu Borgir
Led Zeppelin
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Van Halen
Cannibal Corpse
Judas Priest
Ozzy Osbourne
I hate u but i will give u respect.
I love you too now make me a sandwhich.
Dimmu Borgir-pass
Led Zeppelin-fail
Iron Maiden-pass
Black Sabbath-pass
Van Halen-pass
Cannibal Corpse-pass
Judas Priest-pass
Ozzy Osbourne-pass
One more hun and maybe just maybe one of the mighty (except Sense because he's a total pussy fart.) horsemen will let you in.
you have my vote.
Here I am, bored with everything.
At 7/22/08 10:26 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: List 10 bands
Suppose I wished to do this. As a general guideline, how many CDs of a band should I have before I may list them? Like, I love both of my Aborym records, but 2 ain't much, but they don't have too many. Not that I'll be joining soon, I need more money for more CDs before I can make a list of arktists weho I have supported and not just liked. Sadly, this involves getting a job.
At 7/22/08 05:53 PM, StationToStation wrote:At 7/22/08 10:26 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: List 10 bandsSuppose I wished to do this. As a general guideline, how many CDs of a band should I have before I may list them? Like, I love both of my Aborym records, but 2 ain't much, but they don't have too many. Not that I'll be joining soon, I need more money for more CDs before I can make a list of arktists weho I have supported and not just liked. Sadly, this involves getting a job.
Aborym only has four albums as far as I know, that means you have half, which I consider a fan. You can list any bands that you have at least one CD of, not just one song that you heard in Guitar Hero.
Here I am, bored with everything.
Well guys, Kaltenbach was fucking awesome.
Got to know a lot of people, Rotting Christ was excellent, so were Grave, Marduk, Negura Bunget, Fleshless, Desaster and even the local Austrian bands.
The only bands that sucked hard were some faggy Pagan/Folk metal bands and Satyricon. Haha, hell, Satyr even cut his hair to an Elvis-look nowadays.
Anyway, it was amazing and I nearly lost my head due to all the headbanging.
Some of the fans were total ownage as well:
At 7/22/08 06:17 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Some of the fans were total ownage as well:
Is either of them you?
At 7/22/08 06:38 PM, Nev wrote: Is either of them you?
No, those were our tent neighbors :)
We also met two Australian guys, both are members of Cemetary Urn, a Death Metal band from Melbourne (I think) and they are going to tour Europe with Angel Corpse next year or something (I was quite drunk at that time, so I'm not quite sure if that's exactly it, but it was something along these lines) as well as a cool Brazillian underground metalhead, etc. People came from everywhere around the world to enjoy beer and metal - loved it; and as I said - Rotting Christ owned:
At 7/22/08 06:45 PM, Goatchrist wrote: No, those were our tent neighbors :)
Aww :(.
People came from everywhere around the world to enjoy beer and metal - loved it;
I've never heard of it before... is it a poor man's Wacken :P?
At 7/22/08 06:49 PM, Nev wrote: I've never heard of it before... is it a poor man's Wacken :P?
I'd rather say it's the good man's Wacken ;) the line-up was a fair bit better :D
At 7/22/08 06:53 PM, Goatchrist wrote:At 7/22/08 06:49 PM, Nev wrote: I've never heard of it before... is it a poor man's Wacken :P?I'd rather say it's the good man's Wacken ;) the line-up was a fair bit better :D
I'm a poor man though... so is it a poor man's Wacken ;)?
At 7/22/08 05:41 PM, Idiosyncratic wrote: New guy is in. Though Van Halen isn't metal.
So I'm in?
2 more bands? Humble pie (pretty old) and Alice Cooper
Which Horsemen r u talkin' about?
I didn't knew dat horses can use a computer LOL.
He talk horses' shit?
Which horsemen?
My sig sucks
At 7/22/08 07:41 PM, Gabriel234 wrote: Which Horsemen r u talkin' about?
They're essentially moderators of this place. Given the title of Horsemen as a nod to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
GoatChrist, Idiosyncratic, SenseOffender and batman are the Horsemen of this club.
Idio let you in.
I didn't knew dat horses can use a computer LOL.
They can't. But no one said horses.
At 7/22/08 07:53 PM, Nev wrote: GoatChrist, Idiosyncratic, SenseOffender and batman are the Horsemen of this club.
Given the recent controversy, will Batman keep his status?
At 7/22/08 08:01 PM, StationToStation wrote: Given the recent controversy, will Batman keep his status?
What recent controversy?
At 7/22/08 08:01 PM, StationToStation wrote:At 7/22/08 07:53 PM, Nev wrote: GoatChrist, Idiosyncratic, SenseOffender and batman are the Horsemen of this club.Given the recent controversy, will Batman keep his status?
What controversy?
Here I am, bored with everything.
I'm so very disappointed at that punchline.
I was hoping for some juicy child-grooming gossip or something :(.
Here I am, bored with everything.
Hello, people. I've been having fun the last couple days. kinda busy. I'm sorry I haven't posted.
At 7/18/08 06:12 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote:At 7/18/08 05:42 PM, InsanelyFrozenMetal wrote:And the bassist was also in a progressive Black Metal band called Arcturus.
You mean ICS Vortex? I think Hellhammer is far more worth mentioning.
At 7/18/08 11:41 PM, PenisClown wrote: Oh and guess who might be going to see Bill Bailey?
awesome. Bill Bailey is a funny guy.
At 7/19/08 01:45 AM, Oppugnant wrote: Can anyone recommend any bands similar to Mirrorthrone or Diabolical Masquerade?
I wish. I have all albums by both.
At 7/21/08 05:27 AM, Oppugnant wrote: And I'm really liking them. Kinda Avant-Garde So Sensey you will love them if you don't already know them.
I've seen them discussed many times and I may have checked them out once. I'm listening to them right now. I'm not hearing anything similar to Mirrorthrone or to Diabolical Masquerade, but I like it so far. Thanks for the recommendation.
At 7/21/08 10:52 AM, Nev wrote:
At 7/22/08 06:17 PM, Goatchrist wrote: Got to know a lot of people, Rotting Christ was excellent, so were Grave, Marduk, Negura Bunget, Fleshless, Desaster and even the local Austrian bands.
I sure do love me some Negura Bunget.
At 7/22/08 07:53 PM, Nev wrote: GoatChrist, Idiosyncratic, SenseOffender and batman are the Horsemen of this club.
Actually, it's me, Bill, Idio, and Imperium. Since that makes 4, I guess Goatchrist shouldn't be called a horseman. just the leader.
At 7/21/08 10:52 AM, Nev wrote: And neither of the "chicks" were attractive. Whoop-de-doo they were in a Metal band... who cares?
I was gonna say that there is no such thing as a good looking girl in Metal but I came across the lass from Unexpect.
Yeah, Leïlindel is a pretty woman.
I think Mikannibal from Sigh is quite a good looking girl from the pictures I've seen (though none of them are very big pics). And she's good on that saxophone. Also, I like her hat.
I'd like to join.
Arch Enemy
Iron Maiden
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
Bolt Thrower
Dream Theater
I'll leave the horsemen to decide.
At 7/23/08 02:03 AM, lnstinct wrote: Opeth
Arch Enemy
Iron Maiden
Dream Theater
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
Bolt Thrower
I've never even heard of those bands actually.
In the case that those last three bands aren't actually metal you should prepare a few more band names, but if they are metal then all you need to do is sit back and wait for approval.