At 1/20/08 12:01 PM, Goatchrist wrote:
Well, that SERIOUSLY sucks cock. I hope your brother is doing fine down there though. You do sound like a definitive case for House M.D, though ;)
Such a good show, lol. Hugh pulls off such a good American accent without making it sound corney, unlike me.... I had an American girlfriend who pulled off an acceptable English cockney accent like I've got, though. And my younger bro should hopefully be OK, he's been well trained for about a year, because he went for a Loooooonnnggggg course of training at the Army Foundation College for a year rather than basic 12 weeks for adults, all this before another 12 week course at the Infantry school.
Hey, that's awesome. I've haven't been here long enough to find many people with an interest in metal, but I'll keep looking. Until then, I'll focus on my own shit.
My advice, search around the town centres, just wait around, eventually the metal heads come out to play with the easy to spot clothing. Then, you can find out when metal nights are played at local bars/clubs/illegal basement raves {my personal favourite}. Still, good to hear that the founder of metal hell is making music and not just talking about it. It's refreshing being part of a club where many of its members make metal, and not just brag about listening to it and owning {insert random rare album here}, thus making them more kvlt when they can't sing/play the shit.