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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-04 23:33:57

At 10/4/07 11:27 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: alt?

Wait, no he's got 4k+ posts.


sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-04 23:35:16

At 10/4/07 11:27 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 10/4/07 11:04 PM, CHRlST wrote: blah blah blah

that was what i was about to say...maybe he just wants to piss us off...and if he really means it then i'll loose all my hope on mankind...

Music Is Like An Apple...Nobody Likes The Core

[Metal Hell]

My Last.fm

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-04 23:37:19

At 10/4/07 10:57 PM, Bonemill wrote: We dont hate them because they are nu-metal we hate them because they suck.

God dammit, Bonemill. Your pictures have been win as shit recently.


BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-04 23:41:56

At 10/4/07 11:04 PM, CHRlST wrote:
At 10/4/07 10:56 PM, D3NTATUS wrote:
At 10/4/07 10:33 PM, CHRlST wrote:
Hahaha, yes I expected everyone to flame me but as such I can expect from a bunch of nerdy kids who know nothing of metal except what wikipedia tells them and act as if they are geniuses! The fact is..whether you children like it or not..Slipknot be metal, and their be nothing you can do about it hahaha!

like what was said earlier our information on metal when we need it comes from metal-archives, and you have never said why Slipknot is metal besides the stuff you said that can apply to practically any kind of music

Also, when you have to revert to using outdated unfunny pics then you have truly shown that this club is full of 11 year olds who think that they'll be cool because they pretend to like bands that talk about raping corpses and satan.

those pictures are more effective than words, and by the way, I'm 17

Did you just put your balls on my sandwich?

Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 00:55:08

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 01:14:06

At 10/4/07 09:20 PM, Blackdoom13 wrote:
At 10/4/07 09:02 PM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote: www.myspace.com/officialvisigoth
Please stop spamming the Hell.
If you want to try getting you name out try putting the link in your sig.

I apologize I am just glad that I finally was able to get something up on my band page. We have been trying really hard to get something up and now we have something and I just want people's opinion.

The last time was purely because it was relevant.

And Now the Darkness Eternal Returns to Breathe the Air of the Living.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 01:26:14

At 10/5/07 01:14 AM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote: I apologize I am just glad that I finally was able to get something up on my band page. We have been trying really hard to get something up and now we have something and I just want people's opinion.

No worries :)
I'd send you a request but my page is all down.

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 01:55:35

At 10/5/07 01:26 AM, Blackdoom13 wrote:
At 10/5/07 01:14 AM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote: I apologize I am just glad that I finally was able to get something up on my band page. We have been trying really hard to get something up and now we have something and I just want people's opinion.
No worries :)
I'd send you a request but my page is all down.

Cool dude thanks for the support. Oh and please excuse another post related to my band. lol.

"Hypocrisy's End" Rehearsal Demo version is up on NG. There is no Mic feedback in this(thank god).

Check it out:

Hypocrisy's End

And Now the Darkness Eternal Returns to Breathe the Air of the Living.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 03:55:32

At 10/5/07 12:55 AM, PenisClown wrote: Holy shit balls.

Yay, Greece! :)

Guys, it's fun to read how you all contradict each other in your reasons why Slipknot is metal/not metal/gay/etc. Metal is neither defined by fanbase nor by looks or popularity.

Slipknot is not metal due to their music being mainly hardcore influenced (downtuned single-note chugging on the lowest guitar string is typical for hardcore and has never been a metal characteristic before the arrival of Groove Metal in the 90s, which was created by adding OUTSIDE influences).

Their clean singing is in no way metal. The hooklines, the certain usage of melody is highly reminiscent of pop music. (Don't be offended again CHRIST, I'm purely objective) Clean heavy metal vocals do have an entirely different approach. No matter whether the band plays oldschool heavy metal, doom metal or power metal. All styles are related to each other. Rapping is an outside influence and therefore not exactly "metal" if you see what I mean. If there was a band playing music similar to Cannibal Corpse with a rapper on vocals, it would still be metal, albeit an outside influence would have found its way in. But a band like Slipknot, with no musical foundation in heavy metal, but plenty of it in hardcore, is not metal. I'll make a list for you:

Slipknot influence analysis:

Guitars - single note hardcore chugging + typical modern rock riffs = not metal
Vocals - melodic singing with poppish structure + hardcore screaming/yelling = not metal
Bass - it's easy to hear that it's ranging from typical rock to funk bass lines. = not metal
Drums - 80 bpm rock beats, repetition, rare cymbals + doublebass = rock/hardcore/metal
Turntables - Best case - funk inspired, worst case - scratching without purpose = not metal
Trash cans - no further comments needed = not metal, barely music at all

So, what do we have here?

Slipknot is a hardcore band. I've always seen the band like this and in my humble opinion, the use of the term "nu-metal" is absolutely unnecessary for the most part, due to it's core being nothing more than modern hardcore. Slipknot is mainly hardcore mixed with modern rock. The rather new term "Aggro-rock" would definitely fit. The only thing that is even remotely metal AT TIMES is the drumming due its rather complex nature for a hardcore band.

Alright now? I've tried my best to explain.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 04:22:45

At 10/5/07 03:55 AM, Goatchrist wrote: Guys, it's fun to read how you all contradict each other in your reasons why Slipknot is metal/not metal/gay/etc. Metal is neither defined by fanbase nor by looks or popularity.

Slipknot is not metal due to their music being mainly hardcore...

Very well said.

And agreed.

And Now the Darkness Eternal Returns to Breathe the Air of the Living.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 05:33:09

While Goatchrist's analysis of Slapnuts was indeed fascinating, I must extrapolate it for bands other than SN:


It's not just heavy. Iron Maiden aren't heavy, yet they're textbook metal.

It's not just fast. Doom metal ftw.

It's not just angry. Most power, prog, folk, and shred bands aren't angry at all.

It's not just cheesy 80's rock with guitar solos. Case in point: Poison. They're not metal at all.


Metal has no catch all definition. Even if one were to pick out all the stylistic elements of metal and decided to make a band based off of those elements, it still wouldn't necessarily be metal. Why? Metal is not defined by stylistic elements. It is defined by thematic elements. It is defined by classical complexity that goes beyond aesthetic means, by a general darkness/dramatica that isn't just a gimmick. Real metal does not whine or complain; real metal says that if life gives you lemons, you make fucking lemonade, you pour a shot of your hard liquor of choice, you chug it, and you shred on your guitar afterwards until you blow out your amp. Real metal has a spirit that cannot be quelled. Real metal is the fist in the air in the face of adversity. However, this undying spirit cannot be confused with optimism or wishful thinking; most metalheads acknowledge that shit sucks. Rather, the "feeling" one should get from metal is that although shit sucks, you'll live. And you'll raise the horns while you do it.

Goatchrist pointed out the inconsistencies in people's rebuttal of Slapnuts, and that is evident in the stylistic inconsistency of metal. Any stylistic analysis of metal will yield inconsistency because metal is not defined by style, it is defined by themes. It is what makes Iron Maiden metal and Antic Cafe NOT metal. Of course, an band equally faggy as Antic Cafe, say, Fairyland (which has the ex-guitarist of Heavenly), is metal. Why? unlike the aforementioned j-rock band, they aren't pointless happiness. There is happiness, there is cheesy happiness, but it is real. And henceforth this is what I am coming to: Metal has several defining stylistic charactaristics that cannot be ignored and must factor into the decision of whether or not a band is metal, but at the heart, metal is REAL. It is true, it is just. Metal is REAL.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 07:04:46

At 10/4/07 10:51 PM, CHRlST wrote: Well..bands change over time, Immortal started out as the typical 6+ minute songs with high shriekesh vocals and depressing theme, and now their stuff is more like death metal and the vocals are grindy and shit. Also can be said for Carcass, they started out "goregrind" and later albums went to melodic death metal...so really just because a band changes their sound doesn't mean they're "selling out", but I know that a lot of people think that way.

there is a difference between changing a sound and selling out, as examples of selling out we have Metallica and In Flames, now what Metallica did was change from a successful style of music to something just to appeal to a wider fan base (i.e. St Anger) there was no reason for the change just a grub at money. In the case of In Flames they started off with a change of style if you follow their releases from Lunar strain though to Colony there is a very nice change of style but then they shat on that style and made stuff from Reroute to remain onwards, this music contains the very low level prerequisites for metal and hardcore (thus achieving metalcore) their sound became generic and uninteresting which is lapped up by the mallcore kids who enjoy listening to what evers hot, and call bands like Machine Head "underground". Now, just to clarify, I have all the In Flames albums, i started at Jester Race and worked froward and then picked up Lunar Strain recently, i was a mallcore kid i owned St Anger i thought slipknot and korn were actually metal and heavy but the more music i listen to now the more i see how wrong i was.

Minion of the Metal Hell

Last.fm/Steam ID

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Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 07:31:02

At 10/4/07 11:37 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote:
At 10/4/07 10:57 PM, Bonemill wrote: We dont hate them because they are nu-metal we hate them because they suck.
God dammit, Bonemill. Your pictures have been win as shit recently.

Its because im made purely of win and epicness :)

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 08:43:06

At 10/5/07 07:31 AM, Bonemill wrote:
At 10/4/07 11:37 PM, TakeNoPrisoners wrote:
At 10/4/07 10:57 PM, Bonemill wrote: We dont hate them because they are nu-metal we hate them because they suck.
God dammit, Bonemill. Your pictures have been win as shit recently.
Its because im made purely of win and epicness :)

Not as much as Me, I just "bought" the Ultimate Beatles Discography!
All the Albums, All the Re masters, All the Live, All the Demos, Even Some "First takes" and shit, Messing around in the Studio.

I know this is totally off topic, And The Beatles are not metal at all, But They made good music, And I love it.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 10:39:30

At 10/5/07 07:04 AM, Charon wrote: now what Metallica did was change from a successful style of music to something just to appeal to a wider fan base (i.e. St Anger) there was no reason for the change just a grub at money.

After watching the documentary it is obvious that they just got old and forgot how to play thrash.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 11:13:04

At 10/5/07 10:39 AM, Xx-FIEND-xX wrote:
At 10/5/07 07:04 AM, Charon wrote: now what Metallica did was change from a successful style of music to something just to appeal to a wider fan base (i.e. St Anger) there was no reason for the change just a grub at money.

i blame Lars, kicking out Dave and Cliff Burton dying

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 11:18:28

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 11:19:26

At 10/4/07 10:07 PM, CHRlST wrote: Also, metal is fucking metal...and if you don't believe that then you are a fucking poser end of story.

No sir, YOU are the poser for liking Shitknot.

At 10/4/07 10:45 PM, Blackdoom13 wrote: GTFO


It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 11:36:12

At 10/5/07 11:13 AM, Crowler wrote:
i blame Lars, kicking out Dave and Cliff Burton dying

But if Dave was never kicked out, he wouldn't have made an even more awesome band to boot.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 11:38:45

Hey, I would like to join and share my love of metal.

My favorite bands are Finntroll, Children of Bodom, and Saliva (although the last isn't really too metal-ish)

Favorite Songs
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Fiskarens Fiende
Du Hast

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 11:47:21

At 10/5/07 11:36 AM, ShitOnAStick wrote:
At 10/5/07 11:13 AM, Crowler wrote:
i blame Lars, kicking out Dave and Cliff Burton dying

But Lars is awsome. He even did St. Anger with regular drums so our ears wouldn't bleed. :)

But if Dave was never kicked out, he wouldn't have made an even more awesome band to boot.

Megadeth are not awsomer. I'm giving Metallica's new album a chance.

Don't throw bottles at me!

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 11:53:41

At 10/5/07 11:38 AM, kdfsjljklgjfg wrote: Hey, I would like to join and share my love of metal.

Finntroll is the only real thing you got going for you, but you also gotta list 10 more bands, and then a horseman will evaluate you.

RoseSOAS: you should know i dont think this far ahead

Me made simple: well you already thought as far as holding a chicken while in your underwear

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 12:28:05

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 12:50:04

At 10/4/07 02:42 PM, Call-Of-TheWild wrote: What genres do you think would be interesting to mix in with Metal, and what kind of Metal?

Black metal and emo. XP

At 10/4/07 02:49 PM, HeavyMetalHarry wrote: Can i join?

I asked pages back.

Your sig should say "BOAT/RUDDER/STRANGE/MOUNTAIN/" :D

At 10/4/07 09:02 PM, CHRlST wrote: Lol..please tell me how Slipknot are not metal..

Is it me or were you being really sarcastic?

At 10/4/07 10:01 PM, Lost-Thought wrote: I know, it better not be like this for a whole month

It shouldn't be with Helloween coming soon.

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 13:02:00

At 10/5/07 12:50 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 10/4/07 09:02 PM, CHRlST wrote: Lol..please tell me how Slipknot are not metal..
Is it me or were you being really sarcastic?

I REALLY hope he is.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 13:29:03

At 10/5/07 12:50 PM, Bahamut wrote: It shouldn't be with Helloween coming soon.

*should. Bah.

At 10/5/07 01:02 PM, IrishGun wrote: I REALLY hope he is.

I've seen him a few times here before and I think he was joking.

lol at the fight

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 13:46:03

At 10/5/07 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote:
lol at the fight

A lulz generator, no?

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 14:12:22

At 10/5/07 01:46 PM, IrishGun wrote:
At 10/5/07 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote:
lol at the fight
A lulz generator, no?

I agree with Ryan.

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 14:13:56

At 10/5/07 02:12 PM, Kiddmeizter wrote:
At 10/5/07 01:46 PM, IrishGun wrote:
At 10/5/07 01:29 PM, Bahamut wrote:
lol at the fight
A lulz generator, no?
I agree with Ryan.

Goat, please tell this retard to stop.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

Backloggd account | Letterboxd account

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2007-10-05 14:27:00

At 10/5/07 11:18 AM, Dark-Phire wrote: Can you just stop hating and shut the fuck up?

What the fuck is he saying?
This kid needs to get beat the fuck up, look at his youtube profile and the comments ppl leave him 'n shit.
