I'm Gonna Go out on a limb here and assume its the gas mask.
I'm Gonna Go out on a limb here and assume its the gas mask.
Well Here's A "Rough as Fuck" sketch of mine. And J-qb still trying to work on my folds. I'm still having a lot of trouble and think I'm completely missing the main focus of how to do it cause everytime I do it it turns out bad, but I am working on it.
In an unrelated post here's what boredom and a green felt tip pen do.
Well I started on my piece for the video game trailer art collab, its From Resistance 2 my favorite game of the modern generation.
I am a FAB
At 1/24/10 05:47 PM, windowskiller wrote: That's looking amazing!!!
Thanks! Gonna finish the bullseye first, then finish Hale, which will definitely test my abilities. Here's a slight update, I'm done for the day.
Well I got Home A little earlier than I thought I would So I had enough time to finish the Bullseye if you're a fan of the series like me you'd notice that the details are off, but hey its my drawing and I'll do as I damn well please. As for the skull face thats not gonna stay like that, i just drew the eye circles to mark it and got carried away.
I Can't sleep, It's almost 1 am and I've got school tomorrow, when I can't sleep I draw.
This last piece looks pretty good, and your Game Art Collab piece is coming along great.
Thanks johnny, I like the latest post but it is a lot sketchy. And this collab piece is really pushing me, on the legs now but can't post a wip update cause I'm at school
As far as drawing folds is concerned, I'd suggest getting a sheet and draping it over a chair in various positions to draw for practice, it's a good way to get a feel for how cloth folds and moves. Just keep in mind that cloth tends to wrinkle most around areas where the object it's covering is bent (elbows, knees, underarms, etc) and less on straight areas (upper and lower arms, chest, etc).
This is a pretty good tutorial: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2062815/How-to -Draw-Folds-and-Clothing
I like your stuff, your last piece in particular is looking really good. :]
THanks for the tutorial, didn't read it yet, busy studying for finals but i looked over it.
Here's progress:
Well I started the second character for my Submission to the Game trailer Collab, its Capelli From Resistance 2 he will be standing side by side with Hale and the other 2 members of Echo squad.
On top of that, finals are this week which means I have a lot of spare time to doodle so here's one I'm quite proud of Yohan Von Sausagepants (yes Yohan's misspelled)
Well I've made progress, on Capelli, finished outlining Hale's Bullseye, and probably gonna start Warner and/or Hawthorn tonight or tomorrow.
Holy Shit its been a while, been busy stirring up Trouble in the Writing Forum, christ I hope that's over with, anyway for a while I just had completely lost all creativity and played Uncharted 2 for a while, but now that I got Platinum on that Mofo I'm back for better or worse. I figured I'd draw something for Valentines Day: Not Finished sadly.
Finished the Resistance 2 alternate cover for the Game Trailer Collab, Cracks in the screen will probably be cleaned up but this is what I got:
Well looks like I got Unscouted for that fanart cover oh well.
You probably weren't unscouted for that cover, but I'm surprised you're still making the art for that collab. Windowskiller is an asshole, and a lazy bastard, which is why a lot of us decided against continuing with the collab.
Well it was deleted from the Portal and immediately after I was unscouted so I can only assume. And I continued with it mainly for motivation to complete it which I probably won't. And plus I'm getting support from the Resistance community over at myresistance.net so may as well enter it eh?
Added detail to the HVAP Wraith, if you notice the design of this on is way off from the ingame on but frankly I couldn't find very good references.
At 2/18/10 07:49 PM, JackDGreatest wrote: Just realized that Iforgot the Picture:
Its coming along amazingly. Can't wait to see the finished product.
I am a FAB
Well Fuck Me with a steel spoon, Faces of Human Peoples like most of us Is something I have struggled with forever and it sure as fuck shows with this mostly finished Capelli doesn't it.
At 2/25/10 02:45 AM, JackDGreatest wrote: Well Fuck Me with a steel spoon, Faces of Human Peoples like most of us Is something I have struggled with forever and it sure as fuck shows with this mostly finished Capelli doesn't it.
Upon rereading it I realize that I made implications that most of us struggle with faces, I meant that as in most of Us as in most of us who have human facess. not most of us struggling with drawing faces.
And Here's my continuation of the set for my own merits, this is my favorite pose of about any drawing I've ever done hopefully I don't fuck it up
Just finished The Pencil of The Three Robots that make up The HotShots.
This is the Leader Outlaw He's the marksman of the bunch.
This is Old School, He is a common character of mine and has a backstory and everything, but here he's been put into a robot's body resembling his armor.
Anyway he's the quick one who's the elite-type packing lots of fire-power admittedly these drawings legs have pissed me off a little
At 3/7/10 01:32 AM, JackDGreatest wrote: This is Old School, He is a common character of mine and has a backstory and everything, but here he's been put into a robot's body resembling his armor.
Anyway he's the quick one who's the elite-type packing lots of fire-power admittedly these drawings legs have pissed me off a little