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Reviews for "omg, noob and wtf"

Okay, I guess

That was an alright flash movie. It wasn't terribly funny but it wasn't terribly bad either.

I hope to see more animations like this

Do more of these! Although you used tweens too much sometimes, the animation was mostly good. This flash was cute, unique, and funny, the qualities that I look for. I really like how this flash also kind of made fun of itself. It made me smile. Make more!
I hope this gets a good score. Then you will not kill yourself.

Funny but short

This was an intresting piece of flash i enjoyed it it was short and funny good humor :) much ti my liking.


dude, nice flash. it made me laugh, which is not hard to do, but it's still is an accomplishment.

the graphics were not so well done, but that only tributes to the style of the flash itself.

as to your part about makeing a flash cartoon... your right!
i have in fact tried to make a flash, and almost succeded in doing so, except my partner ditched out on me and took the files with him. still not sure if he ever tried to finish it, but i have yet to see it. again your right, the voice acting is the hardest part we had to deal with. in response to your flash...YES!! i do know what its like to put in that much work, and it is hella hard.

anyways... nice flash, overall i liked it, but as a critique i have to tell you whats wrong and right in the project. again work on graphics, and keep the humor coming.

PS: WIHH stands for "What In Holy Hell" use it.


Nice try, graphics were kinda so-so, voice acting was...swiss xD
but I liked your style. I´d like to see more if that in the future.