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Reviews for "omg, noob and wtf"

This was funny

I liked it

Your sarcasm is painfully understandable

sadly. Too bad I can't give this such a good rating as I would for someone who sees things right and says the truth (well, sarcastically). So yeah, keep it up, you should be making good stuff. At least your sarcasm is good.. use that more. And don't 'hurt' by lame reviews by 12 year olds.. feel bad for them instead. Cause they'll keep posting lame reviews like that for like 20 more years until they start some sort of life :p


This is a very good made/drawn animation. It seemed like you took your time to drawn out each guy, lipsynch, and voice act. But I think you could of drawn the weapons a tad bit better but it was good.

Graphics 5/10 - You drew everyone pretty well, and it seems that you took a great deal of time to drawn everything and lipsynch untop of that.

Style 3/10 - This was more or less random, rather than what i thought it was going to be. A explaination on the words Wtf, noob, and omg. But the main message (what thought this vid was trying to get across) is to not blam vids. But like i said this is random vid with alot going on.

Sound 1/10 - There wasn't much sound to this, cept for the wind effect to signify utter silence but i guess its hard to have sound with your narration via your voice.

Violence 3/10 - Not too much violence to this Cept for blowing up Bob.

Interactivity 0/10 - Nothing to interact (cept the Play button o.o) with cause its a vid.

Humor 8/10 - This is the part that (what i think) that this vid is all about and it is its humor. This was, in fact, very funny and it kept me intertained while watching it.

So overall Ill give you a 7 and a NG vote of 3, wasnt the greatest but it was pretty good to entertain anyone who might watch it. You did a good job and ....dont hang yourself >.>. Make more Vids cause i think you have major potential to create better vids. Keep up the good work.




better luck next time it was a good attempt