Surprisingly not bad
When I saw the stick figure, my cursor instinctively went to the zero rating, but I luckily did not click it, waited, and realized that this is a very funny flash. Good job, keep up the work and smooth out the animation a bit.
Surprisingly not bad
When I saw the stick figure, my cursor instinctively went to the zero rating, but I luckily did not click it, waited, and realized that this is a very funny flash. Good job, keep up the work and smooth out the animation a bit.
Your sarcasm is painfully understandable
sadly. Too bad I can't give this such a good rating as I would for someone who sees things right and says the truth (well, sarcastically). So yeah, keep it up, you should be making good stuff. At least your sarcasm is good.. use that more. And don't 'hurt' by lame reviews by 12 year olds.. feel bad for them instead. Cause they'll keep posting lame reviews like that for like 20 more years until they start some sort of life :p
Funny. Well animated.
Funny but short
This was an intresting piece of flash i enjoyed it it was short and funny good humor :) much ti my liking.
Okay, I guess
That was an alright flash movie. It wasn't terribly funny but it wasn't terribly bad either.