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Reviews for "magic world and the gods"

Nice And Crap

good music (i like Japanese)... poor graphic and design... overal good shit... but i like it!
0gólnie takie sobie, ale jak ktoś lubi takie klimaty (np. JA) to może obejrzeć... z góry przepraszam za mój angielski (i polski :P)...

Dont resubmit stuff

I remember watching this a few months ago. dont get me wrong the animation is very well done but when you resubmit stuff its annoying. first time 4/5 resubmitted 0/5

Sorry, but it needs cleaning up

I'm sure that with practice, you'll be able to beautifully animate this. As it is, the graphics and topic are simply not developed enough to warrant passage through the portal.

Also, I miss Tsubasa Chronicle too. It's a shame about season 3 being postponed/cancelled. But I don't miss it so bad that I'll let this get through out of generosity. (For those wondering what the hell I'm talking about, look it up and compare the character models to the ones in this movie).

3rd time...

This is the 3rd time I've seen this exact same thing in the portal.

You need to work on your animation as it's mostly just still pictures tweened around.

I don't enjoy this now or the other times it's been in the portal.


You are the nexus of shitty people who keep perpetuating the SAME CLICHE BULLSHIT into this generic piece of crap movies. I hate this and I hate you as a person. Please die... NOW! YOU ARE A PLAGUE!