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Reviews for "magic world and the gods"

Sorry, but it needs cleaning up

I'm sure that with practice, you'll be able to beautifully animate this. As it is, the graphics and topic are simply not developed enough to warrant passage through the portal.

Also, I miss Tsubasa Chronicle too. It's a shame about season 3 being postponed/cancelled. But I don't miss it so bad that I'll let this get through out of generosity. (For those wondering what the hell I'm talking about, look it up and compare the character models to the ones in this movie).

Not bad but needs more work

The shading was okay, but could have used a little more details in the characters and body proportions accuracy. Your loading bar goes past the bar at the beginning. The voice...sorry I hated it. Too computerized go to the voice acting club forum if you need voice actors (they do this for free) Intro...a bit too long than the episode. Well, at best a 6 since you drew so much.

Oh also, you should make the hair flow so it doesn't look so stale and static.

Good luck, otherwise this story is interesting.

Pretty Good

Only thing is make the intro shorter it was longer than the actual movie and there were some typing errors lol, other then that it was really good i liked it alot

Dont resubmit stuff

I remember watching this a few months ago. dont get me wrong the animation is very well done but when you resubmit stuff its annoying. first time 4/5 resubmitted 0/5


Well, some parts had good art, but mostly it wasn't good. You used two diff styles. When they were animated, it was crappy. When they were still, you did more detailed artwork. I would have looked past that if it were a regular episode and the story was good, but all it was was 5 min. of random fights with annoying j-pop in the background. I closed it before it finished because i waited too long and nothing happened.

If this is supposed to be a series, then next time use storyline, and if that was just the theme song i was sitting through before i closed it, sorry, but you shouldn't make the song so long if you want folks to watch the episode.

If not, nevermind.

Anyway, it was alright, nothing special. 6/10