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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

The best.

Wow this really impressed me. Bunny kill has always been one of my favorite series. I hope you continue this.


BEST VIDEO IVE SEEN ON HERE SO FAR. the adding of Bunnys + Starwars + bad ass shit. just makes this hole video come together its just the coolest thing I've seen all day. im happy i clicked on it GREAT JOB!!! *HIGH 5*

Good job

Very nice .... great movie ... I <3 killbunny series
bye bye Buddy , great job


oh my f****** god this is so amazing whats happening in bunny kill 4; like aliens or somein wanna know private message me, this has way evoled from number 1. LOVE IT!
hope to see more gore violence and random people dieing in gears

Mottis responds:

Actually, it's no secret. Bunnykill 4 will be a Ninja\Samurai themed Bunnykill, with a new story and characters. It will have a lot of inside jokes about ninja tv shows, anime and some video games. (Like Naruto and Ninja Gaiden)

Four words This Series Kicks ASS!

Even though it was rather sad that Smoke dies everything else was craptacular! Also, you should totally make a flash game out've this! FUCKIN AWESOME!111!1! >_<