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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"


Listen. I know that this one was the best and everything, but you should still make it live on. I know how you can do that. Ya wanna know how? Make a video game. One with Chainsaws, the ability to be Snowball or the other bunny, and more. That would be great. You could make the game's name Bunnykill Massacre: Do it yourself, or something. Just because this is the last game in the series does not mean it shouldn't live on forever. And a game is the perfect way to make it live on. You should really put some thought into that. That would be great. Also, what happened to the big mech that was at the beginning? Mail me with the answer, please. Thanks for reading my review.

Mottis responds:

Who said this is the last one? O_O I'm already working on Bunnykill 4, however there will most likely be no bunnykill game. Ever. Sorry.

awwww...thats awsome!

that was awsome!too bad smoke died i was starting to like him.anyway plz plz plz plz plz make a game out of this!if u do make it like the madness games on this sight and like the ones on dragon gamez plz plz plz if u do put thos sabers in it

that was awesome!!!

i loved the entire series and i can't wait for Bunnykill 4. that had so much great stuff in it. you should be really proud of making such a great animation.

Good reference to the Star Wars 1 Phantom Menace !

Good reference to the Star Wars 1 Phantom Menace at the end! ^ ^

But the end is sad .... T ^ T

Good animation! ^ ^


it was good and i liked how you had the kill counter at the top