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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

Violent and funny!

There were parts where I laughed my ass off, and there where parts when I was like "WOW...KICK-ASS". Overall, I agree with your "better late then never" thing. Truely amazing flash.


Great movie, I really enjoyed it! I sure hope to see this in a flash based game, that would be totally awesome! This movie is simply flawless, I'll give it an all around 10! =D

I missed bunny kill

i do have a question tho in the first bunny kill did snowball and smoke fight each other?

Mottis responds:

Yeah they did.

Even though the characters are same in each Bunnykill, the story, theme and the characters roles are different in each one.

Thuis has got to be the best flash movie ever.

Best movie ever, there was nothing wrong with it atall, perfect.


Wow this is really good. I've played the Bunnykill games, but wow you should really make this into a game.

Mottis responds:

You've played the "Bunnykill games?" O_o
There are no Bunnykill games as far as I know.