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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

F'Ing Brilliant!

That was I think, the best animated killing movie I have ever seen!
I loved it! The killing was thought out superbly and the ending was sad but at least snowball won and it was over.

Great movie Vote 5!

AWESOME bunnykill rules

I've been waiting for the next ep of the series and it has come finally but well done.Hope to see more of ur work.


This was absolutely fantastic. The visuals, the sound, the story, everything. You have some amazing talent, and this is by far the best installment of Bunnykill. There was not a boring minute in the entire movie, and there is nothing at all that needs improvement. You should be super-proud of what you have achieved. 10/10.

Outstanding, Jaw-Dropping, A MUST Watch

Normally, I write long reviews for all the flashes that I review in, but it is late where I am right now so I'll just give this a quicky. Wow, is the single word that describes this flash you have just made. Your works before were just as amazing, but this one was brilliant and (this is daring what I am about to say) this flash is *better* than the madness series. I know it is extremely similar, and that some people might argue that madness is better, but if you look into full detail of both flashes, I believe that your flash (action oriented) is better then the madness flashes, but enough said about that. I really hope you continute the Bunnykill series. You have the talent and skill, so please, make more!!!

10/10 5/5 MUST WATCH!


i thought u never return :D but this is so dmn nice episode.
i like the layout and everything, gj