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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

awwww...thats awsome!

that was awsome!too bad smoke died i was starting to like him.anyway plz plz plz plz plz make a game out of this!if u do make it like the madness games on this sight and like the ones on dragon gamez plz plz plz if u do put thos sabers in it


Keep the badass work going man

I sooo love this series.

One of the coolest series of animation on the web. I just wish there was more.


The end after the credits...

never fail to amaze

i like that you incorporated some humor in this one, like when the guys asleep, and everybody else gets killed and when he wakes up, he just kills himself, ha ha, but i'm sad over the end...
in short it made me laugh, and made me cry... so i'm begging for more