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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"

F******** KickA**

That was the best freaking Bunnykill I've seen so far its about time you get out with it I have been checking weekly since Bunny kill Vol. 1


that was cool but it could of been better though

Pretty good

Sludge was not whom i expected him 2 be and the story could have been a little more creative but other than that no complaints here! Sweet, sweet, bunnykill action.


everything else but the alien was cool(yes i read the begging when it said threat to earth everything besides that is ok but i love it with the katanas not the lightsabers anyway gj man make more!

Mottis responds:


Aliens? There was no aliens in the movie O_o

Fuck. Yes.

I have been anticipating this for months on end, and now it's finally out it leaves no dissapointment. The inclusion of robotic enemies that were ACTUALLY DIFFICULT TO DEFEAT was genius, as was the gigantic mutant android.