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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"

Cool physics

At the start I couldn't understand why my ball isn't flying right, but then I got the point, and it's nice. Great physics, nice aspect, though the drum'n'bass music are kind of out of place. The further you go the better it gerts, new obstacles, planets, bombs. It's really nice, basicly a golf game with space physics. The effort put in this game was worthy,

Let Me Help, I Got Over 30m Points.

The Trick Is To Let Gravity Work.
The Gravity Will Launch It Into The Black Hole On The Other Side Of The Planet.
Also Let The Ball Bounce.
I Got 6m Points Due To Bounce.


Excellent piece of work you've got here! Very fun.

Nicely Done...

This is a very well composed flash game. The only couple of issues I had with it, were that; 1.) The domain to the online scoreboard isn't valid anymore, and 2.) That some of the holes that should have been the hardest, I got hole-in-ones, and some of the holes the should have been the easiest took me the longest to figure out. Other than that, great game. I would put it in the top fifty on NG for sure.


This game was good, little bit hard, but good.

P.S. first rewiev