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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"

Triple G.

I like the concept, but the par is wicked difficult to meet. On the rare occasion I got par or under, it seemed like an accomplishment. Maybe you should make it so and add medals. The physics stayed rather consistent throughout the game.

All in all, I like it. It's an interesting twist on an old classic. I'm giving an 8 though, because of the difficulty and the pointlessness to it all. This isn't the kind of game where I appreciate a randomness to it, this isn't the sort of thing that should "just exist". Give gamers a reason to play this.

Hard to decide...

It feels repetitive, yet I like the idea. I don't know. P.S.: I didn't finish the game, so it might not be repetitive for all I know.

not bad

not bad.... but..... it was getting boring so I stopped on hole nine

Worth a shot.

It was O.k., I guess. Interesting use of gravity.

Nice game oO

I dont know what is your problem guys...but i like the game :D yes the thing with no complete mute is not that good.. but the game play is nice at all :D