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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"

Great game!

This game was a challenge, but i finally finished it gaining a score of:
If you are planing on making a second, i'd like to see more actions besides using rockets to propel the gold ball. It would make the game much more fun :)

Good action, and great play!

Only got a 9 due to difficulty of game


Fun but HARD

Good, but it gets tiresome after a while.

I absolutely thought the exact opposite of what I'm saying now when I FIRST played this game. I loved the game, and walked away with about 2 million points. But now, that pizzazz that I had is totally gone. The game is a little vexatious after a while, and the songs are better not listening to than playing the actual game. No offense to actual golfers, but this game just isn't the right twist on golf in a supreme new way.

Cool creation...

I do not like golf at all, but this game's really good!